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[archive] Breast Enlargement Hypnosis


Breast Enlargement Hypnosis
May 23 2007 at 9:37 PM
Sandy  (Login sandy111)


Hi girls,there is a post about free MP3 hyponisis trial..If u didn't see it.I think i will give it a try..I just asked for further information and then will let them send me one..Just to highlight the issue if anyone is interested.Hope this thing work..I will do a search about it before experimentingSmile

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(Login ccuplady) Re: Hypnosis May 31 2007, 3:01 AM 

Hey, I just got the innertalk subliminal cd. Already liking it!!!

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(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Hypnosis May 31 2007, 7:11 PM 

Hi.Is this also breast enlargement hypnosis? I never got a reply from those who posted on the main page.hmm.weird..from where did u get urs?

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(Login ccuplady) Re: Hypnosis June 1 2007, 8:07 PM 

Yes, the cd ($35 shipped) is for breast enlargement. The way they make the cd - male, female voices forwards and backwards - talking to right and left brain with directions vs suggestions is VERY cool. And, hypnosis is the only thing PROVEN to work. However, I'm not so sure about clinical trials with subliminal messaging. All I know is that I can listen to the innertalk cd for an hour a day (as they suggest) with NO problem because you can play it while doing other things (ex - I'm listening to it right now). Not so with hypnosis. Hypnosis requires you to be involved and set aside long periods of time where you can be in a very relaxed state w/o falling asleep. I just don't have that kind of time except at night - and I'm so tired then (I have two kids under 3) that I fall asleep if I listen to any hypnosis stuff.

The innertalk is awesome. I really love the music and waves that play and I can still do dishes, send emails, do laundry, etc... -- all of those things that I need to do while the kids nap. Plus, it is having some kind of effect - even if small. I don't see any growth or feel any tingles or anything like that yet. However, dh and I were fooling around the other night and for the first time in my ENTIRE LIFE - three days after starting the innertalk cd, I actually ENJOYED having my breasts touched during foreplay. WOW - that was unexpected and cool. So, even if nothing else happens, that's worth my money. LOL!

Good luck choosing!


(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER waww June 1 2007, 10:33 PM 

Congratulations..I know what u mean about touching the breast area..I was also never comfortable when my BF tries to do anything there..They are just to small and nothing can be done..So nice to hear that the CD had such a good effect on u..It seems to be relaxing too.Good luck with thatSmile
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