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tibetan princess's program

Just an update, I have been taking wild oregano for fungus and I sware its not good! It brought on a period an deflated my breasts a whole cup! I will be taking Vitex, to bring back my LH levels to normal. This has never happened with herbals I have taken for cleansing. Its changed my cycle date! I used to be on the 18th of every month and now its the 8th of every month. Not happy about that! 

I also have noticed no libido! It totally crashed and my temps were lower.

BUt maybe the date change is not such a bad thing? I tend to fly  mid month cause the deals are good! I guess ladies if you want to bring on your cycle, take wild oregano P73, it will cut your cycle short and bring on the menses!

(03-09-2017, 16:17)TibetanPrincess Wrote:

Just an update, I have been taking wild oregano for fungus and I sware its not good! It brought on a period an deflated my breasts a whole cup! I will be taking Vitex, to bring back my LH levels to normal. This has never happened with herbals I have taken for cleansing. Its changed my cycle date! I used to be on the 18th of every month and now its the 8th of every month. Not happy about that! 

I also have noticed no libido! It totally crashed and my temps were lower.

BUt maybe the date change is not such a bad thing? I tend to fly  mid month cause the deals are good! I guess ladies if you want to bring on your cycle, take wild oregano P73, it will cut your cycle short and bring on the menses!

      • Sarah on May 6, 2017 at 7:58 pm
        The author is right about turmeric. If I have turmeric once or twice a month, my period is late. If I have it 3 or 4 times, my period doesn’t even come that month. My mom and aunt is the same too! So I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

    • shaa on May 13, 2017 at 5:06 pm. To SarahNot true. If your period is late, that means your body have more progesterone (than before). 
    1. Sindi on May 16, 2014 at 4:17 pm
      I’m a master herbalist and have been in the HRT business for 17 years, I formulated and manufacture HRT creams and own a diagnostic laboratory where we test hormones in saliva. I am an expert in HRT and herbs and can tell you that what this web site is saying is completely correct!
      I’ve been researching the effects of the many chemical compounds in herbs for a long time, and educating women about food and drinks that will block hormone receptors. In the scientific community these chemicals are called ‘hormone disruptors’.
      This is the only web site I have ever seen that is aware of this too, and is alerting women.
      David Zava’s list is very small though. I have a much larger list.

    2. Turmeric does not tell the body to produce progesterone (I‘m referring to Catie’s post). Just because someone is told that an herb is doing something, doesn’t mean that it’s true. I have over 30 herb books and they do not all agree about what each herb does. The only way to really know what a substance does is to read the scientific studies that have been done on it.
      Progesterone stops too much estrogen from getting into the cells the last 2 weeks of the cycle, so when it’s not there, too much estrogen enters the cells and the woman bleeds heavily. This is a condition known as ‘estrogen dominance’ and is caused by the lack of ovulation. The effect that Turmeric has on the menstrual cycle is to fit into ‘estrogen’ receptors and block the body’s own estrogen from getting into the cells. It does not cause the body to make progesterone, but it creates the same end result as progesterone, herbalist who don’t understand what’s going on ‘think’ that it’s causing the body to make more P.

      I am in total agreement with SINDI. I have experience this so much with PM and even turmeric.
      I feel like there is so much confusion on how phyto progestins/estrogens work and take up receptors. this explains why PM made me sick to my stomach often, its caused me estrogen dominance every time and no real results. I know now I am very sensitive to phyto estrogens and I feel like wild oregano blocked allowed E to flood my body and thats what brought on my menses early.

      On a side note, did a little 3 week high raw cleanse as I noticed the kidneys were acting up. I am currently taking Kidney glandular and at my 7 week. I just noticed now, I can drink a whole can of juice that has sugar with out running to the bathroom to pee constantly. I think Ill be able to keep my weight once Ive rebuilt them. I think it will be 6-9 month mark.
      I noticed my urine is more brighter golden yellow. I had no idea this is so important. this tells us we are filtering, from what Ive researched.

Currently I am taking:

-Pao D arco tea           drinking daily (fungus)
-Kidney glandular         Restore function/ clear skin and hopefully gain a little weight.
***forgot to mention*** 1/4 tspn Maca off n on
Alfalfa 2-4gms daily

will add:

-10 drops vitex in the am upon wakeup.
 -900mg vitex w/ 10 drops vitex night before bed.
3 to 6 months to see how it will hopefully balance out my LH. My fullness should restore with in 2 months along with my libido and temps. I noticed my libido is up a bit.

When acne clears on the back, I will add whey protein with omega for Addison's. I have melasma.

Hope everyone's doing well rigging their bodies!

(03-09-2017, 20:54)TibetanPrincess Wrote:  Currently I am taking:

-Pao D arco tea           drinking daily (fungus)
-Kidney glandular         Restore function/ clear skin and hopefully gain a little weight.

will add:

-10 drops vitex in the am upon wakeup.
 -900mg vitex w/ 10 drops vitex night before bed.
3 to 6 months to see how it will hopefully balance out my LH. My fullness should restore with in 2 months along with my libido and temps. I noticed my libido is up a bit.

When acne clears on the back, I will add whey protein with omega for Addison's. I have melasma.

Hope everyone's doing well rigging their bodies!

I can't catch you online. Rushing off to work but want to reply . Will do in a few hours! Got Q's for ya. And yeh oregano strong stuff. Short course shouldn't do too much harm but long course can wipe your Microbiome out. They are finally cautioning that now . Shame cause it's great at killing the bad stuff. Ps I'm becoming to believe mold exposure is behind my issues!

Hi! The information below is a compiled cheat from my very own personally devised protocol for natural breast enhancement. I grew from an A cup to DD in a year and a half. I started my breast growth journey practically at 31!
It should be reassuring to know it’s never too late to start! It’s simply what worked for me. You can read my testimony on my blog: 
While I cannot promise this method will work for you, this is not to say this won’t. Bovine Ovarian supplements have been reported to have a 90% success rate, so  being that this was the only thing that had worked for me, I believe it’s true! But no matter what, at the very least, you can treat this as an opportunity to research what has worked for someone else ( as well as for many)  to help you devise a personalized/tailored protocol that will work for you.
All the links herein are resources that I have used and just so you know, I am not making a single penny from them, besides the sale of my breast tonic on my blog site. It’s entirely your choice as to whether or not you choose to go with these resources.
So before we start, it is advised to seek physician advice before attempting any form of Natural Breast Enhancement. Breast cancer can feed off of virtually any hormone type substance including the simplest of things we used daily, such as hair care products, birth control, food ingredients etc. And Bovine Ovarian supplements are no different. They are rich in the perfect substances that will nourish your hormone-making glands.
Have you had your recent hormone panel done to know what hormones are currently dominant? 
This is where I started. I did not wish to guess, doing "the needle in the haystack approach". Been there, done that! Failed!
Yes, this is what I suggest you to do.  Please test all female hormones: prolactin, estrogens 1,2,3,  progesterone, testosterone- DHT.
Here are some options for blood labs/saliva I have personally used: (Check for Canada) 
All you need is saliva panel or blood panel not both.
If you find on your labs you are testosterone- dominant ( by your doctor or the reference ranges listed on your labs): 
For anti androgens (testosterone, DHT), you can start with saw palmetto or white peony root  (check about 1500mg daily (split up dose into two, am/pm).
You can also try pygeum bark. I have used all of these with success. Find your magic dose. Mine was 500mg of each together and then I adjusted down or up , depending on how I felt each cycle to come.
When taking anti-androgens, start with that for the first cycle or two, then introduce double strength breast tonic (BO).
You will NEED a breast pump at some point (typically introduced at month/cycle 2 if prolactin is in range or below):
I suggest not pumping till you know where your prolactin levels lie along with your other hormones ( really important.) Depending on your test results, You may need some topical progesterone or additional  herbs  along with BO, but we always start with BO for a couple cycles first, then evaluate and add other herbs if necessary. If your prolactin is slightly high, introduce pumping later, around 3-4 month. Hand massage is fine, starting in your first cycle. When massaging and pumping, use an oil such as flaxseed, coconut, avocado, seabuckthorne, or plain vitamin E oil. 
Pump at least 30 minutes 2x daily am/pm or an hour upon wakeup or at night before bed.  You can use the breast pump as instructed. As for myself, I used their largest dome to start (recommended for those at size 34 band +). Also, I only pumped using one dome at a time, I’d do 15 minutes pumped (about 8 pumps for me) and held on each breast, then release (there is a green or pink interlock at the end of each dome to hold or release air) and massage for 5 minutes after on that breast and moved the dome to the other and did the same thing, repeatedly for an hour. Please do not over pump, doing so will cause broken blood vessels and they can really stop your growth and ruin your breast veins and tissues. That is often a purple swollen breast. Don’t pump till purple, just gently bring the pressure up with each pump.
There’s a  little silicone ring these domes come with. You have to put them on each dome. The problem is, they often come off and using the domes without them, are rather painful. I went to the 99cent only store and bought black silicone adhesive. I glued the ring onto the dome and set it aside for a day. It worked out perfectly for sealing the breast tissue in without bubbles escaping and dome falling out.
For your first go at it, follow the contour of the dome and bend over and place the whole of your breast in that dome pressed snugly against your chest wall. Once it’s on, hook up your tube n hand pump to the dome and pump  1, 2,3 and so on. Then release the little toggle as needed. Once you are comfortable with the pressure, hold that pressure for as long as you feel comfortable, play with it.
Estrogen dominant on labs:
I used progesterone bio identical from my MD/ND off /on. When I couldn’t  afford it, I went with either of these(which also worked quite well): Kokoro
Creme/47394432?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=153&adid=22222222228035870916&w mlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=76432745434&wl4=pla-
177513340834&wl5=9031417&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=108360730&wl11=online&w l12=47394432&wl13=&veh=sem
That means, start BO with progesterone (use as directed on label). The key is to start both in the same monthly cycle. I used  progesterone cream 5 days sooner in my cycle  than advised on label for the first 2 months. By the 3rd, it did nothing for me. So I just used as directed each cycle
from then on. And some of those days when I was supposed to use it, I’d skip. So use progesterone only when you feel you need it during each monthly cycle. Remember, rotate in different areas. You can shut off your breast receptor sites if used topically around your breast area. If receptors in your breasts become overloaded with progesterone hormone, they will become desensitized. It can take many monthly cycles before it’s chelated out. Not to mention it feeds cancerous cells should any lie dormant.
If your labs denote progesterone dominant(rare): 
Research estrogenic herbs before deciding on one as there are many. I was low on all hormones. Unfortunately, just herbals alone did nothing in my past NBE attempts.  So my estrogenic herb I chose to help along with BO,  were saw palmetto and wild yam. Those really helped balance my estrogen without bringing over. I used saw palmetto all cycle long  with BO since it kept androgens under control. Anytime one attempts to bring up estrogen, your risking bringing up androgens(testosterone). So choose an anti-androgen herb that converts DHT into estrogen ( such as the herbs mentioned herein).
Wild yam came in later around 5 month. Though wild yam has more of an adaptogenic effect, it definitely helped keep estrogen and progesterone in balance as I grew with BO. I used that maybe last half of my cycle( 2 weeks before menses consistently- all month, I got dry eyes!). Pueraria Mirifica was too strong, threw my cycle off even at 10 days usage. Topical pueraria Mirifica cream however, maybe okay, but once you So there are very strong phyto estrogens and very weak ones. Or you can purchase mine which I have used:
Protein  intake should  be an extra 30-40gms on top of your normal caloric intake. They say 80gms extra, but I found that for me, that was too much. Besides, you can always up your protein over the weeks of observing how its working for you.
3 divided doses is best per day whether it’s pill form or tincture form (my method). Whey is the best source for protein. I have ordered Premiere brand whey drinks that are 30gms in each. I did that daily ( 15gm in am\ 15gms pm).
You can find that at Costco online( not sure if it is available in Canada).
You Theory  brand collagen type 1-2-3. I took up to 6gms daily of it. This supplement helps build your tissues while taking the Breast tonic. 
Omega 3:  2-3 gms per day. 
Multi B vitamin is also recommended.
When it's time for breast pumping:
Pumping every other day is recommended. At least 30 min to boost circulation. The nutrients will go to the breasts much easier. 51dodg0PbnL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_SL500_SR100%2C100_&refRID=1PT3YR75GJNRX2ZHZ14F#i mmersive-view_1454375263675
When starting your Breast tonic, Start your tonic on the first day of your cycle ( period starts) if you can. Same with BO pills. Remember to start low,  especially if you are under 100lbs and always take it first thing upon waking (with your protein  before breakfast). 
Try starting with 15 drops 3x a day for the first month. Then up it to 20-25 drops x 3 daily. See how you feel over the next month. Adjust based on your evaluation. I doubt you would need any more than 60 drops a day at your weight, but that's the thing, you need to make that call for yourself or seek the advice of your physician. If you are taking BO pills, take as instructed on the bottle.
Things you may feel:
*Your  "wetness" during follicular (days 1-12of your menstrual cycle) is more wet.
* Your  pheromones odor down there may change to more strong ( its annoying, but its a good thing that lets you know its working) and its not permanent, its only while taking it. 
*Aching in the breasts here and there, stings, pricks or needling sensations, shooting pangs may happen.
* twinges or aching in the ovaries
* Darkening of the areolas
* late or mid-cycle bleeding, which should balance out sometime within 3 months.
If you have to lower your dose some days, that's fine. It’s okay to skip when you feel the aches and twinges in the ovaries are a bit too much. That means you can back down on your dose for as long as you need to. But feeling a bit here and there is fine throughout your cycle, though it should not be overbearing, or burning. Stop and see your physician if you are in pain or feel burning. 
The first 3-4 months is when you should see some accrued growth, seeable. But just remember, its slow and gradual overtime with a few growth spurts in between (if you're one of  the lucky ones). That's pretty much it, you just want to make sure you give BO a real dedicated  chance for at least 6 months before deciding it doesn't work for you. If you are starting with little to no breast tissue, it could take even longer. I hear its 6-9 months. If you have developed breasts, you should see growth /changes 2-3 months. Remember, it takes roughly 7 years to go from bites to fully developed breasts. So patience, consistency, and believing is key!
Welcome to the alternative methods of achieving a more beautiful bustline! 
a.k.a. FertilityQueen

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