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Liver Cleanse


Hello all,

I have been gleaning information from Wahaika since I joined. I feel like I am taking advantage of his expertise and willing to help, so I am starting a new thread for others to respond.

Wahaika advised me to do a liver cleanse. Does anyone know what exactly this entails? Any advice would be helpful. I feel like I have been at some such plan for NBE for years, and perhaps I am just not doing it correctly, as I have seen n oreal results, although I did read that in the best of conditions seeing results can take years.

Has anyone seen results after having done a liver cleanse when they didn't before? I'd definitely like to do one, but don't know how.

Thank you!!!

Hi there! There have been many from Eve's forum that did liver cleanse and had beneficial results. You can buy a detoxing tea or suuplement at your local healthfood stores. There are herbs that do liver cleanse as well, I will find those for you. Just give me a few. Some used a very simple method,as their funds were limited,or they just didn't see a need in paying high prices,not saying they are all expensive. You can drink water with lemon or lemon juice in it. Also,that is why a lot of people take vit c. It does help absorb the herbs better,but it also excretes the herbs out of your system faster. HTH and I will look up those herbs that do a liver cleanse. Best wishes...

Ok I have found a few good ones already. I do remember people taking these on the forum,just couldn't remember what they were right off the top of my head.

DANDELION ROOT~~~~ Increases bile flow from the liver. It can be used in capsule,tincture,or a tea form.

GREEN TEA~~~~ Protects and cleanses the liver from toxin damage,as well as with tumors of the liver. (Hence Vit C too,as it is high antioxidant)

MILK THISTLE~~~~ Strengthens liver cells & stimulates bile production.

TURMERIC ROOT~~~~ Helps with inflammation of the liver. It acts as an anti- inflammatory herb that elevates enzymes that help detoxify and cleanse liver toxin.

BeachBumByTheSea just recommended the turmeric for me,as I have been diagnosed with (AS). It is a chronic arthritis of the spine,as well as an auto immune disorder combined,so I get inflammed and my body of course tries to attack it,but because of the auto immune,it also attacks my health cells too,so I am glad she recommended this to me.

Hope this helped. Search the old breast nexus site as well.

This is all so helpful. Thank you! That was the first post I have ever posted on a forum, so thank you for the positive and helpful repsonse!

Wahaika said NBE can take years. While I can understand that and respect his knowledge beyond compare, that seems a little discouraging. Have you ever known of anyone or have you your self experienced growth more quickly?

Thanks so much again!

(09-11-2011, 05:16)jlw22 Wrote:  This is all so helpful. Thank you! That was the first post I have ever posted on a forum, so thank you for the positive and helpful repsonse!

Wahaika said NBE can take years. While I can understand that and respect his knowledge beyond compare, that seems a little discouraging. Have you ever known of anyone or have you your self experienced growth more quickly?

Thanks so much again!

Glad it helped you!!! It can take years for some. Yes,I personally did experience growth atleast a cup in 6 mos. There are fast responders and also, that is what this whole forum is for-----others sharing their trial and error and knowledge to make it easier for others cause we all WANT THEM NOW RIGHT NOW!!!!

Also,please keep in mind that positive attitude goes a long long way. I am already responding some just within a week of restarting my program after a year and a half,give or take. While I am excited,I am not surprised and I know what to expect. It is always so exciting watching the new NBE'ers become Godsmacked.LOL

Go to the bottom of any page in this forum and you will see some underlined links. Click on old breast nexus site. Once there look to your right and you will see a link that says personal picture pages. Click on that,then go down a few and you will see mine. Judge for yourself.

Welcome to your boobie journey and just be a little patient. It won't happen overnight but it will happen. Happy growing!!

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