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New on PM, need advise


Hello everybody!

After reading so many successful (and sometimes not) threads about PM, I finally decided to take the plunge and start taking PM. Previously, I did full 20 weeks of brava, and was able to get about 2 inches of growth. Since I started with a AAA cup, this really only means that I finally reached an A cup, and can buy bras in the women's section of the store, not tween section! I am actually quite happy for that Smile. It makes me feel normal, after feeling so selfconscious for so long!

However, my goal is to reach a B cup, and I am hoping PM can help me there. I bought Ainterol pills (500 mg) and cream. I started taking them right after my period until before day 14. I must confess I couldn't wait as it says in the bottle to take one pill for a week and then ramp to two. I started taking two right away, and doing massage with the cream twice a day. Now, since I read in other threads that you should cycle PM, I stopped at day 13 and then started taking FG, but I continued massaging with the cream. So this is what happened: I think I saw increase in fullness while taking the pills. I can not be certain because I was going out to brava at the time and don't know how much was the residual effect of brava. Lots of tingles and pains. No headaches or depressed mood, so I think I can tolerate PM well. So that is the good part. The weird part is that after I stopped the pills, I had a light bleeding for one day and spotting for about a week. Now it has gone away and I am late for my period, and don't feel premenstrual at all. I stopped the cream 2 days ago as well hoping my period would come. Mind you, I am VERY regular usually, 28 days exactly. What is going on?

I want to continue PM, as my boobs seem to "awaken" from it, feeling like they did when I was a teenager. But now I don't know when I should start taking it. Was that bleeding my period? Should I start taking it now or continue to wait? Is it really necessary to cycle it or can you go on on it all month? I am not concerned about fertility, I have as many kids as I can support, but don't want to go on early menopause either. Is it better to use the cream all month, or should I switch to a progesterone cream in the luteal phase? Should I take other supplements while on it, like SP?

So many questions! I am sorry, I am just really, really hoping this will work.

Thank you in advance for you suggestions!

it's normal to get messed up cycle when you first start taking PM. i don't think it's necessary to cycle it if you're not concerned about having a cycle and if you can tolerate PM well. i think it's great news that you got lots of tingles and pains.


Hi Iledaa34!

Nice to find you on this forum too! After being on this site for so long reading every-bodies experiences, it starts to feel like family. It is such a blessing to have the support of so many nice people.

Thank you for the advise, are you taking PM continuously? I am unsure when to re-start, I have no idea where on my cycle I am at this moment. I looked at your pictures you posted some 2 weeks ago, you have grown! Do you think is due to brava or PM?

Happy growing!

i've experimented with PM plenty. what i ended up with now is 20 days of PM, starting on first day of cycle, then 8 days off.

i wouldn't worry too much about wether you should re-start your cycle or wait... either way i find that most people have to experiment for themselves when they first start PM. my first few months were messed up too... with 1 cycle being only 2 weeks long. in the big picture, it didn't do me any harm having a couple of off cycles. i've been keeping a calendar boobie diary of sort... noting down what i took/did that day and weather i had any breast sensations or felt any negative side effects. i found that to be crucial in trying to develop your own program. i also note when i switch brands... i think at one point on my program page, i wrote up a review of all the PM brands that i tried.

when i started NBE, i was doing NG and BO, then NG and herb... made 0 progress in maybe 6 months. i didn't get a growth spurt until i started PM... and even then it was very slight. all the while i was NG even though in the back of my mind, i really didn't think it was doing anything for me. then i seemed to plateued out... until i decided to ditch NG and switch to brava. so while i did grow a little on PM, i'm having much better luck with brava.

good luck with your new PM program! Wink

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