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Thinking of doing Natural Family Planning...


So I've been doing quite a bit of research on this subject and I plan to order this book:
And a good basal thermometer. The reason for this, is well, I've been off of hormonal BC for about 3-4 months now. My work schedule has been so hectic that my time off is spent on normal chores and errands, to where I haven't had time to go to the doctor. I know that sounds horrible lol. But not only that, the doctor I last went to for my woman stuff, my insurance assigned to me as I was new to my area and didn't know who to go see. Well... she was completely horrid! Number one, her facility was the worse I had ever seen and I grew up in poverty and in a "ghetto". Then she had NO knowledge of BC methods, whatsoever, and even talked down to me for wanting a prescription for the Nuva Ring that I normally used. Saying "it should be the man's place to use birth control", wtf, that's none of your business lady! Oops, sorry didn't mean for this to turn into a rant lol, moving along...

So I wanted to change my doctor, and I did so online with my insurance company, and they told me it would take 2-3 weeks for it to take effect, grr, but whatever. So I waited, at this point I had used my last Nuva Ring. Went to schedule an appointment with my new doctor and she was not my primary! The site had glitched and my last one was still set as my primary, grrr! So then life got busy and I wasn't able to take care of changing it again (holiday season and I work in sales, so you could imagine). So finally I got some free time in Janurary to call my insurance directly this time to change it again. They said it would take 2-4 weeks for it to take effect. Again it has gotten busy, this is my first day off in two weeks (got to love income tax season, good for sales, not so much for time off lol). So of course I've been busy.

But I was thinking about it. It's now been about 4 months since I was last using the Nuva Ring. Or any hormonal BC. I have noticed some changes in myself that I really like! Number one, my hair is not falling out near as much (I have been taking hair vitamins but I've been taking those for over a year now). Number two, my sex drive has been increasing. I use to only get in the mood maybe once a month, the rest of the time I had to get help from lots of foreplay or supplements. Number three, I have lost weight! I was 145 back in November, I'm now 136. Number four, I am no longer an emotional wreck, yay! Before I would cry and breakdown through stress, pressure, and people being just straight up mean jerks. Now, I MIGHT shed one or two tears then I let it roll off my back and get back to me. My bosses are starting to respect me more for it also.

Now the downside to not being on BC. Worried about getting pregnant is of course number one. DH and I have been using condoms and the withdrawal method. But in the back of my mind I've still been worried about getting pregnant. Right now is not the best time for us, with him going to school and me being the main income. Number two would be, my cycles have been weird and not regular. Last month I was late by one week. This month, it's been 5 weeks, still no period, I'm not pregnant cause I took a test.

So evaluating my Pros and Cons, lets have a looksee:

1. Hair not falling out as much
2. Increased sex drive
3. Lost weight
4. No longer an emotional wreck
5. More respect at work
(forgot these earlier)
6. Happier hubby and life all around
7. Clearer skin
8. Stronger nails

1. Pregnancy worries
2. Irregular cycles

So I think the pros outweigh the cons and I'm hoping my cycle will eventually get use to no hormones and even out. I hope once I get the book it will help me more. I'm also considering getting a Lady Comp and FemCaps just the price on the Lady Comp is pretty steep. The femcap would be used on the week that pregnancy could happen.

I'd love to here from any ladies practicing NFP and their thoughts on all this. I hear once mastered, NFP is better at preventing pregnancy than hormonal methods. So please any ladies practicing NFP and have been for a significant period of time, I'd love to hear your experiences and thoughts on what I plan to try!

Something that might be worth looking into is the female deer exercise. I know a lot of people on here do the chi rotations, but that is only half an the exercise which is actually designed to stop menses and thus prevent pregnancy. It can take up to a year to fully stop the flow, but it's definitely one of the best family planning methods :-)

Hi Anastasia! I just stopped taking bc about two months ago because of really similar side affects and me and my hubby REALLY dont want any more kids right now so I started doing BBT charting. It's even more precise when you watch for other signs such as mucus and cervix position opening etc. Its only my first month doing it but its super easy! I also use it for nbe and cycle pm with it but so far I really like it. Basically as long as you wait 2 to 3 days after ovulation to have unprotected sex you wont get pregnant. There is also a safe window right after the period but it might take to long to explain. Dont want to take up this thread. There is alot of info out there if you google it tho. Smile

I'm practicing NFP for more than two years now. For me it works great. (Wich means i'm not pregnant ;-) )
In addition to your pros i have those:

- you'll know when your period will come
- you can find out if you have any hormonal problems

I started with it because of the sideeffects of hormonal birth control. After stopping the pill, my cycles were very irregular. (6-12 weeks) This does not effect the safety if you practice the method correctly. About 1,5 years later my cycle is quite regular now.

I think you only need a few things to practice NFP: some time to learn the method, patience with your body and a non-hormonal birth-control-method for the fertile time.

The book in your link seems to be good as far as i remember it from a german online-community.


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