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A bit confused about Chiyomilk's program


I thought I understood chiyomilk's program, but I'm not too sure anymore.

What I was planning to do is take PM 500mg twice a day along with PM cream during the follicular phase (first day of my cycle until my ovulation- roughly day 14)

Then during my luteal phase, Greenbush breast enhancement pills and serum, pig placenta 2 tablets twice a day

Msm, hydralauric acid, collagen every day.

Now I've been reading that some women take pig placenta everyday while also on PM. I thought pig placenta is a grandular therapy like bovine ivory and hence cannot be taken with PM. Please clarify all these conflicting information.

Also, if I'm cycling between PM and the Greenbush system, do I need to have a cleanse and how often?

I've been on PM since April and just added the Greenbush and pig placenta this month.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Chiyomilk took pig placenta the entire cycle so yes, she took her pig placenta while taking her PM. And, actually, there is no rule stating that you cannot take BO and PM at the same time. Some people on this forum are, actually. You just have to really know what you're doing if you're gong to be messing with this strong phyto-estrogen and strong glandular therapy. You cannot just pop-'em both with no rhyme or reason. Also, since BO helps your ovaries to produce all the hormones, why would there be a need to take PM with it? Unless you are convinced that you are very deficient in estrogen... or, if you want to do a Chiyomilk program and want to substitute BO for the pig placenta, take smaller doses of the BO with your PM.

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