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High dose PM for females


I know the guys take very high doses of PM, but what about the girls? I remember reading through a post that someone took 1500mg a day and grew a cup size in a very short period of time, but ended up having a period that lasted 16 days or something of that nature. I'm thinking about maybe trying for a week of this high dosage because I've been doing NBE since January and still haven't reached one cup size increase. I'm also on BC so shouldn't that alone force my period to come on time? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Don't. Unless your E is really retardedly low Don't.

There was a thread here about a Portuguese forum where girls were doing grams pm per day the results were fast and very big growth maybe you should look for it I can't remember reading that they had bad side effects but you would really want to check through properly.
I only took 500mg not cycleing on progesterone birth control and my results were good

I guess it will still be different effects for different people... I took 1400mg of PM a day for about two months without cycling a few months ago bcoz i didnt about cycling it. Now I have prolonged cycle that I m trying to normalize and I just got some swelling but no real growth.

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