under the tongue?
yes it's possible ..pm is taking this way often (using spray and liquid form)
when it goes through the liver it sometimes loses it's effectiveness so I know why you'd want to try this .....the membrane is thinnest under the tongue and will be absorbed into the bloodstream....pm sprays, pc are used on the veins, wrists etc too for absorption
creams you use on your body often get absorbed through the bloodstream too but they still recommend using on breast area
with bo you'd have to get the particles small enough to be absorbed =/
an oil ? carrier oil used for skin you'd need one you can take orally
if you manged to make a cream that absorbs into the skin you might get it to work.......but in answer to your question yea it's possible (I couldn't imagine why it wouldn't be if pm is possible ) but I'm unsure how to do this
hey why not try taking black pepper and ginger I heard it increases nutrient absorption 40 percent
well thats what I read someway
if you have so black pepper use 10mg (tiny tiny ) swallow raw with water or on (not too hot food) sorry only think I could think of
if you want to use pm too (Ainterol do sprays) =D p.s I'd tell you to ask a doctor but those sort of questions look like you want drug advise xD
<3 ^_^