I agree with Aqua! actually I am a bit confused at some of the things you're saying in your thread! Seriously, your body is gorgeous, I love love love your midsection, is that all from corset training?
You're actually one of the more curvier women on this site-- Don't stress your body so much! you shouldn't compare to other women, we are all on our own journey.
"A flower doesn't think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms"
There is no way you could ever look like a man because a man cannot achieve those curves because their body cannot do that. Also both Valeria and Denise have had serious surgeries to look like that.. Denise may be big breasted but I am more than sure the breast she has now are fake..
those look more natural than the photos on google and this was a long time ago.
also this is a competitor of hers and her breast are enhanced
god I wish I had that size lol I actually like her boobs, but yeah I'm side tracking-- my point is, you have a very feminine and beautiful figure! A very heavy hourglass figure
I love it! I am corset training as well
Have you ever tried noogleberry? You have breast to work with already and I think you're a good candidate for it.