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Question about gingko biloba!!


Hey guys I've been doing some research and I realised how important blood circulation is for NBE. I read how good cayenne is but It is said to increase metabolism which can result in weight loss so I decided to go with GB. but I.couldn't find any thread which mentions the dosage for it.. I don't want to overdose. so before I purchase the herb I wanted to know how much concentration of it is necessary to get the desired effect! I really need help! :/

I've used GB in the past. I took the dose that was prescribed on the supplements bottle..For me that was to high, I felt a bit explosive and jittery and I only took one out off the 3 pills after that and that felt good. It gave me some kind off energy.
So I would just purchase it and see what the bottle prescribes and tune it according your own feelings..
Deff dont overdose it...Since its known for its increasing blood circulation in especially the erogenic parts off our body.
I became immediatly pregnant from itBlush

Thank you so much for your reply Hannah14! I'm going to get 60mg capsules righht away and add it to my program!

Looks like its an anti estrogen, might ask lotus to look into this one.
Its something id look into as well, as cayenne is out for me too. But yes I imagine as Hannah said start low and find a suitable level for you.

Thank you ellacraig! Smile

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