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Paying for breasts


We all have stories about buying things to grow breasts. I bought my second shipment of NBE herbs from I need a 3rd vacuum pump due to breaking a 2nd. I want a neumatic pump too. Personally if cost was no option I would do hrt plus surgery on the top. All in I am at hundreds so far. My Obama care is up to 215 and covers none of it so far. I am getting Kaiser maybe an improvement.

What did you buy was it a value?

(31-12-2015, 07:28)iam72hrstv Wrote:  I need a 3rd vacuum pump due to breaking a 2nd.

I've not seen any of the breast suction hand pumps up close, but most look pretty flimsy to my. My suction system is entirely DIY and I bought a vacuum pump that comes with a brake bleeder kit from Harbor Freight for something like $25. It's made of brass and steel. It's quite durable and I suggest it. The only trick may be in interfacing the hose connections to your cups. It uses 3/8" x 1/4" tubing. I bought my clear tubing at Home Depot.

I just buy Swanson beta-sitosterol for $1.80/month. Binaurals are free and bioidentical. I listed my favorites here.

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