Increasing blood flow with heat = BE?
January 13 2007 at 11:21 PM Lillea (Login Lillea)
Hi everyone,
I found this link
I don't agree with the author's concerns about the negative effects of increasing estrogen, etc. for the breasts, but I think it's interesting that heat alone helped with BE.
And this concept is supported by information I got from the book The Science of Sex by Dr. Kevin Pezzi.
The book has information I have never seen or read elsewhere. The author is aware of that. He's frustrated by how his colleagues don't seem to understand much about sexuality, etc. He's not right about everything, but he still blows me away with his personal research, medical knowledge and observations.
On page 24, he explains that if you apply heat to your breasts after a large meal, you can increase your chances of having fats deposit there (increased blood flow and increased enzyme activity), and how applying cold to your breasts during excercise means that fat won't be burned from them as easily. He mentions this as a way to increase breast size along with upping estrogen in your body and reducing DHT (he notes green tea and evening primrose oil will reduce DHT). He also notes that there is a bra that can help regulate heat for you. I'll have to write to him to ask about it. He's very good about responding to my questions. He also seems to think that Brava is good, but I don't agree from what I know so far.
If anyone gets the book and wants to write to him about what board members have discovered about BE, that would be great. I don't have the energy or full knowledge to do that right now. I'm just impressed by how much information he's collected and by how creative he is. The website might seem too promotional in tone, but truly, this book is quite something.
What I'm wondering about is if there is really something to this heat thing. When people apply heat after their massage for BE, that seems to really help.
Any thoughts?
(Login mountainkat)
January 14 2007, 2:08 AM
That is very interesting! I will check out the website, but just from the info on your post and am also pretty impressed. What a good theory that is about applying heat to the breast after a large meal will increase fat deposits there. I will have to try that. I have to say that I know a lot of women have been talking about applying heat to their breasts on here, but I never really saw the point in it. I know it helps circulation, but I don't think anyone has talked about doing it after a large meal. Also about exercising, I don't know who could actually keep their breasts cold during excercising or who would want to do that, but thats also a good thought. Maybe because the heat increases circulation to that area and the cold decreases circulation, so when you are exercising, you burn fat from areas where the blood is flowing more and since the breasts are not being circulated the calories cannot burn from there? Hmmm...I don't know. But thanks for the info!
(Login Lillea)
Re: Increasing blood flow with heat = BE?
January 14 2007, 2:45 AM
Hi Katrina,
I'm glad that you find this interesting! You're right about his theory of why fats will deposit or not when the area is heated as opposed to chilled. The trick would be timing and how to do this more effectively. I wonder if a person could attach thin gel packs to their body (or put them into a bra) - the kind of gel packs that can either be used with heat (soaked in hot water or microwaved) or chilled in the fridge or freezer. I wrote to him today to ask him more about this, so I'll see what he says. He has created some interesting medical devices and invites people to hire him to create things, so I'm wondering if he might be able to make something. His credentials are very good and based on what I've read so far, I have no doubt that he's onto something with this.
It seems that successful BE programs include applying heat after massage. Massage without heat also creates heat. Too much heat will deactivate enzymes, but low heat with an electric blanket should be fine from what I understand.
I wish I could copy parts of the book here, but copywrite laws forbid that.

He does invite questions on his site and offers free information. He has several websites for his various projects.
(Login Lillea)
Re: Increasing blood flow with heat = BE?
January 14 2007, 2:09 PM
I heard back from him and found out that he's planning to create a 'high tech' bra, but right now he has other things to make. I asked him about timing for heat application (how long after a big meal) so I'll post what he says when he replies.
I highly recommend his book again! I'm hoping that someone will be able to help him to understand about herbal BE in the near future. He updates his book frequently.
(Login Alcest)
Re: Increasing blood flow with heat = BE?
January 14 2007, 2:47 PM
I need to use my heat pad more, it's just so annoying! And I can only do it if I'm home alone, or lock myself in a room. And then it's hard to move around and do anything because you have to hold it there. I've actually tried to strap it under my shirts before and then go about daily things but um.. well it doesn't work too well and it's also rather depressing because it gives me an enormous chest that I'm like "ooh..." and then I take it out and I think "oh."
(Login boobies06)
Re: Increasing blood flow with heat = BE?
January 14 2007, 2:51 PM
Would I be able to find that book in Barnes and Noble or can it just be ordered from his site? I've been planning a shopping trip to buy books that might help with boobie knowledge.
michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
Hi Lillea!
January 14 2007, 11:25 PM
Thanks for posting this, that's very interesting! And you have a great idea about the heat/cold packs thing...hopefully he will come up with something also, probably won't be near as cheap as those heat/cold packs though I'm sure.

And I'm a cheapo when it comes to improvising cheaper ways of doing things after reading your email, my husband had to go to walgreens anyhow and get a few things and I had him pick up one of those small heat/cold packs, was only $8 and it does fit into my sports bra...a little bulky but hey I can still do these around the house and all, not like sitting still with a heating pad. Also, I do only use it on my smaller side, but the pack is long enough to provide heat to both boobs. The directions for pack says to use it no longer than 30min every 2hours so I'll try that and will keep everyone smaller breast has been aching a lot today by the way since using the extra heat on it.
Breast blessings everyone and maybe we should try heating those babies up a little more!
(Login Lillea)
Re: Increasing blood flow with heat = BE?
January 14 2007, 11:54 PM
Hi everyone!
Great about the gel pack experiment!
The book is an Ebook, so all you need to do is download it to your computer. That's how he can update it frequently (if you buy the book, you get free updates). One of his other books - Fascinating Health Secrets - is in hard copy only. I plan to order it.
His section on breasts isn't as comprehensive as I'd like, but overall he really seems to be onto something and he has lots of information that is quite amazing. He speaks strongly against using phytoestrogens to increase estrogen in the body, but I don't know if any of his concerns are valid. That's why I hope that people here will read what he has to say and write to him to let him know what they've discovered.
(Login boobies06)
Re: Increasing blood flow with heat = BE?
January 15 2007, 12:22 AM
Why is he against using phytoestrogens? He doesn't believe they will work? Does he think it's unhealthy? Why?
(Login Lillea)
Re: Increasing blood flow with heat = BE?
January 15 2007, 12:31 AM
He believes that by filling estrogen receptors they interfere with the body's natural production of hormones which will cause negative effects over time. He believes in using different methods to increase estrogen. He also doesn't believe that phytoestrogens will increase breast size (the mentions how he looked at ingredients on BE pills and found nothing that would increase breasts). This shows his ignorance about herbs. That's why I think that someone should write to him with good information and reports of success. It's free to write to him, as you can see here:
(Login boobies06)
Re: Increasing blood flow with heat = BE?
January 15 2007, 12:34 AM
Why wouldn't they work for BE? It seems to be a pretty simple concept. . .
(Login em357304)
Re: Increasing blood flow with heat = BE?
January 15 2007, 1:31 AM
I'm going to start going to the gym again this week and I was worried about losing the weight in my boobs...this gives me hope and sounds like a wonderful idea, I'm definatley going to read the book whenever I get a chance...
So I wonder...I have a waterbra and I wonder if you put that in the freezer and wore it under your sports bra, how long it would stay cold...I think I'll have to do some testing...
(Login lassysam)
cool boobs
January 15 2007, 2:17 AM
That frozen bra thing just does not sound appealing to me. lol. I would like to lose some weight also, but I really don't want my boobs any smaller than they already are. Still... buhrrr... I mean it has been getting -19' here, I don't think I could purposely freeze my boobies at the moment.
Do let us know how your experiment goes though.
(Login Lillea)
Re: Increasing blood flow with heat = BE?
January 15 2007, 5:00 AM
Hi Boobies06, it seems that he just hasn't looked into how the herbs might work. I can't fault him for his lack of belief when there are so many scams with BE products. He's a mavric, but he's still an allopathic doctor for the most part. I think that he'll be very open to learning about what BEers are doing if anyone cares to write to him about this. My knowledge level about natural BE isn't strong enough for me to pursue it with him.
Hi Lassysam, I don't like the idea of chilling my boobs at all (I shiver just thinking about it), but if it works, great!
Hi Erica, the waterbra might stay cold for at least 20 minutes, maybe, but it might damage it to stick it into the freezer. Maybe the fridge? I'm not clear about what temperature is ideal. I imagine that he knows.
(no login)
January 17 2007, 3:34 PM
HI everyone,
Does anyone have any idea what temperature the heat should be? What would be the maximum?
Appreciate you help - thanks.
(no login)
January 17 2007, 11:26 PM
The pad I have reaches temperature 82 °C (180 °F) and can be dangerous if left on too long. Previously someone here mentioned something about 115 °F being desirable.