22-02-2016, 01:33
have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 16 2007 at 7:32 PM gingerD (Login gingerD)
Ironed Maidens
Posted on Monday, January 15, 2007. From interviews with women, age fifteen to forty-five, living in Cameroon, conducted in March by a team of researchers led by Dr. Flavien Ndonko. One quarter of Cameroonian girls undergo breast ironing, which typically involves pounding and massaging the breasts with a hot object to make them disappear. Recently a group of women known as the National Network of Aunties Associations has begun campaigning against the practice. Translated from the French by Sabri Ben-Achour. Originally from Harper's Magazine, December 2006.
People often massage a child's breasts when she develops early. They place banana leaves heated in a fire over the breasts almost every evening when the child washes. When they stick the leaves on, the breasts become smaller. It makes the breasts go away. It works so well that the child can go for three or four more years before she grows breasts again. By then, she'll be the appropriate age. Some mothers massage with a grinding stone. They heat it in the fire and massage each night. My mother did this to me, just until my breasts went away.
When a daughter who is younger than thirteen has started to grow breasts, the mother will call her son and he will come and tap his sister's breasts with a spoon, saying, Go back home! Go back! It's not time! Then he'll wait a minute before giving his mom back the spoon. A few years later the girl's breasts will come back normally.
Some women sew the sort of elastic you wear around your waist into the child's clothes. The child wears it, and it presses her breasts flat. They stop growing. She wears the elastic until they go back to their original size. Then she can stop.
It doesn't mean the breasts have some kind of sickness. We only do it because the child needs to grow to full size before she's ready for breasts.
Massaging breasts has only positive results. If it had any negative effects, our parents wouldn't do it. When it's your parents who do something to you, it's only for your good.
When you massage, the cores of the breasts really will disappear. So much so that when you touch them, you don't feel anything.
A little girl, with breasts, with menNo! When a girl is still small, she doesn't have the intelligence or maturity to know how to conduct herself. Men might try to take advantage of her. You must try to stop her breasts from growing so that she can develop some maturity first. Then she'll have the intelligence you need to have with breasts.
You must be vigilant. You have to start massaging as soon they appear. Women with big breasts can't even travel long distances. If they try, they don't get anywhere. They just sweat.
Everyone knows that when you see full-grown women who are really short, it's because their breasts weren't massaged. They were neglected.
My parents told me that they pressed my breasts so I wouldn't be like the Pygmies.
If your daughter's breasts grow early, she will say things you couldn't possibly imagine. She'll talk all kinds of trash that she hears from her friends. She'll become stubborn around the house. Each time you ask her to do something, not only will she not do it but she'll also yell at you. All because she already has breasts.
My breasts began to grow when I was eleven and still in primary school. My mother told me that if she didn't massage them, by the time I was fifteen my breasts would be way too big, and I would begin to do things I shouldn't, like go out and look for men.
Mothers often start massaging their daughters' breasts so that men won't touch them, because when men touch a girl's breasts, they grow even faster.
When the breasts begin to grow, the youngest person in the family bites them. Normally, it's the youngest male. (If there isn't a little boy, it can be a girl.) He comes to bite your breasts with his teeth. He bites this side, that side, biting you in the morning and evening, until they disappear.
(Login faerycat)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 16 2007, 9:21 PM
Ewh! what a freaky read indeedy.
At least I know now why I was rubbed with banana leaves as a kid.........lol.....sadly, am only joking. (I think??)
So.......it's true that if a boy touches your breasts, it makes them grow.
And......massaging makes them go away.
Blimey! lolz
Sounds all hokey hooey to me.
=^_^= x
(Login Moonkissed)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 16 2007, 11:27 PM
I have heard of this practice before, from an article a year ago on CNN. I won't pretend to understand this method of breast ironing. However, I do understand that the main logic behind it is to prevent sexual assaults and early marriages, the latter being that the girls at least have a chance to finish their educations. The root of the problem seems to be the unsafe conditions for girls and women, which force them to take extreme measures to protect themselves in the limited ways they know how. Sad.
Those who cannot remember the past will spend a lot of time looking for their cars in mall parking lots. -- Jay Trachman
(Login sophie9)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 17 2007, 5:44 AM
yeah...it seems very strange to most of us. i didn't really catch the correlation bewteen seeing short, full-grown women and assuming they didn't massage? but maybe that is just because i don't know anything really about this culture. i do understand the desire to protect young girls who aren't ready for sexual relations. i don't know how helpful it is at deterring crime. we have laws in the u.s. that are supposed to protect children, but they don't really work so well either. interesting article ginger. thanks for sharing.
(Login Alcest)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 17 2007, 3:49 PM
There seems to be an elephant in the room but no one's talking about it----- They massage to become smaller, and we massage to become bigger! I know there are ways to massage to become smaller vs larger but the differences are very subtle and it after all still massage.
Does anyone else know more on this?
(Login Buffeee)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 17 2007, 4:04 PM
Interesting indeed. Not the banana leaves and ironing... I've heard of that and it sounds horrible. The massage part, however- maybe this is why some girls who have done tons of massage have eventually cut back because their boobs turned to mush. Could it be a case of too much of a good thing has bad consequences?
I know alcohol has similar effects on me. (heheh)
(Login -Moon-)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 17 2007, 4:15 PM
I think the way this could work is by making the girl hate her breasts. It's also possible that correctly applied pressure hinders growth, while the circular movements we do stimulate it.
But this has got to be one of the most disgusting things I read recently. It's degrading, I mean, tapping a girl with a spoon on her breast and scolding them, bitting them?!! It's primitive and uncivilized.
Oh, and about men touching women's breast making them grow - hahahaha give me a brake!
This message has been edited by -Moon- on Mar 17, 2007 4:19 PM
(Login Lisa121)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 17 2007, 4:46 PM
Different cultures have different practices, and many of them actually are born from valid reasons.
In many African cultures girls are married when their bodies have matured into a more womanly figure and after they have menstruated for the first time. They are then judged to be mature enough to marry and have children, often by much older men that can provide for them and their offspring.
In this case it may very well be that in this particular culture/tribe they try to stall breast growth so the girls don't get married and have children before their bodies are mature enough. If they are menstruating at an early age (and breast development is linked to this) and become pregnant they may very well die because their bodies aren't developed enough to cope with the stress of pregnancy and birth. As breast development is an outward sign of maturity, in this culture they seem to want to stop this before the girl is physically mature enough to be married and have children.
It may sound cruel to us, but is part of their culture and sounds like it is actually there to protect young girls from entering adulthood too soon and be forced into sex when still very young.
I am not condoning what they do, I don't believe that what they are doing to those young girl's breasts can be good for them physically or mentally, it is just that there are practices out there that have been developed to ensure survival and well-being to the individuals within a culture, even if it may not seem like that to us.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 17 2007, 5:08 PM
Just to explain myself, I'm well aware of differences between cultures, but I'm not in favor of the whole 'respect other cultures' just for the sake of political correctness. If their practice isn't agreeable to me, I'll condemn and criticise it. While this practice does semm positively orientaed, it's like correcting a minus with another minus. Changing the tradition that a girl should marry, have sex and children as soon as she develops breasts would seem more effective in solving the problem than supressing their development, wouldn't it?
(Login Corrie73)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 17 2007, 5:34 PM
What a weird and interesting article. I don't think we need to worry, though, that this is evidence that massaging actually decreases breast size. Almost everything said in the article is pretty ridiculous (not to mention cruel)...I mean, do we really believe that having a little kid bite the breasts will keep them from growing??? Seriously! We really don't know if all the measures taken to keep the breasts small work at all...perhaps the binding garments would work at that stage of development, but that's about the only thing that sounds at all valid.
I think that the idea that massage works to promote NBE is about one of the only things that IS generally agreed upon by NBE'rs on this board and elsewhere.
(Login sophie9)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 18 2007, 12:51 AM
moon, i agree with you in terms of massage! i don't think anyone was saying you were not aware of differences between cultures - human beings innately recognize differences between their culture and other cultures. you obviously have a big problem with being "PC", which i understand because i think political correctness can just get ridiculous after a while and has. but i think people tend to respect other cultures because they understand that they do not understand the culture, and thus take the degree of their ignorance into consideration, which i find particularly wise. it has more to do with actual respect - not the fear of appearing to disrespct which leads many people to adopt politically correct attitudes overzealously. Understanding differences between cultures does not constitute actually understanding a culture itself. And if you condemn and critisize a culture because you don't agree with it, that attitude comes soley from your understanding and comfort in your own cultural norms. "Condemn" is a pretty harsh word moon. I seriously hope you overspoke and aren't actually going through life condemning things you don't understand and possibly cannot understand because you don't understand it. That is pretty dangerous and a definate precursor to prejudice. I think you need to consider the things you condemn or critisize a little more closely, because I think there is a big difference between disagreeing or disliking political correctness and some of the things you are saying. Everything in life belongs to the realm of the political. And as far as "correcting a minus with a minus," we all know two negatives equal a positive! We are all free to disagree with and critisize a culture we do not understand or relate to, but I think if we adopt a Socratic viewpoint of "all i know is that i know nothing" we can at least understand a little outside of ourselves and our own beliefs. I don't think there is anything politically correct in that. I think that is just part of being interested in life.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 18 2007, 2:18 AM
''i don't think anyone was saying you were not aware of differences between cultures''
I don't think that either, I was just further extanding my viewpoit.
''you obviously have a big problem with being "PC" ''
No actually I don't, because I refuse to. I don't really give it more attention as the necessary ammount to be against it and not practice it. It may only appear I do so in a very PC environment.
''but i think people tend to respect other cultures because they understand that they do not understand the culture''
I think they do because people have, or are supposed to anyway, some basic respect for everyone. And don't worry, I have it.
''And if you condemn and critisize a culture because you don't agree with it, that attitude comes soley from your understanding and comfort in your own cultural norms.''
I condamn and criticise certain of their practices, not the entire culture. That concept is in my oppinion rather unaplicable even.
And I beg to differ. I don't study culturology or anything, but I never judge things further than I know them. You are basically assuming way too much. Because I didn't judge a culture, but an action, it's clear that I did not judge something that I lack knowledge or understanding of. It's not really about knowledge or understanding here, it's about moral convictions, about considering an action right or wrong. 'Not understanding' and therefore not judging would in this case mean the lack of them.
'' "Condemn" is a pretty harsh word moon.''
Yes I agree, but I tend to not be very concentrated on terms and deffinitions and way of speech, because it proves a useless waste of time in any debate. I think a debate recquires some interpretation and flexibility when it comes to deffinitions, otherwise it results in endless misunderstandings (it would appear exactly the opposite, but to my experience it's really not - with a rigid deffinition one is going to misunderstand everyone who uses a different deffinition and will change the meaning of their words). It's necessary to know however what one is talking about of course. Condemn I mean in the sense that I disagree and attribute negative judgement to. But not also an oppinion that it should be changed.
''I think there is a big difference between disagreeing or disliking political correctness and some of the things you are saying.''
So do I, furthemore, I think this implies something that would be quite wrong. I don't have this oppinion in order to not be politically correct - I am 'politically incorrect' (lol) as a result of my oppinion.
''And as far as "correcting a minus with a minus," we all know two negatives equal a positive!''
In math maybe, but not in philosophy. I refered to a concrete example, one in which it is, in my oppinion, obvious that it's not. Again, deffinition.
''I think if we adopt a Socratic viewpoint of "all i know is that i know nothing" ''
That quote can have so many interpretations that I could say that I agree and disagree with it compleately.
''I think that is just part of being interested in life.''
I have many interests, among them also in the moral aspect of philosophy. I have certain convictions on it and therefore I can't avoid certain judgements. But I know better than too think of them as absolute. This is the field that is the furthest from the absolute, but for me precisely this makes it attractive, and I think that doesn't make truth inaccessible. Unlike the all too popular belief that everything is relative, I think it's rather not. May it be all so normal and accepted in another culture, but some things I will always condemn, like body mutilation. Not precisely this case, I mean those more severe forms, usually performed ritually for religious purposes, for example. There is no benefit in an action like that, or even a rational reason. No matter how different the culture is, I don't think that makes it acceptable. But like I said, I don't think that they 'shouldn't do it'. They can do whatever they want. But I believe in rationality, how am I then supposed to not condamn stuff like that? If I didn't I wouldn't really belive in it.
Anyway, what was I even going to say? Well if you only ment to say I shouldn't judge things I don't know, don't worry, I don't, as I don't believe I did in my previous post either. I think this basically covers the rest. Damn this forum needs a quote opption!
This message has been edited by -Moon- on Mar 18, 2007 2:38 AM
(Login sophie9)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 18 2007, 12:28 PM
well moon, how about we agree to disagree? you said you read my other post, so you know how i feel about debate and argument. i agree with a lot of stuff you say about nbe, and that is what this forum is about anyways. so i extend my hand through the byways of cyberspace and offer you my virtual handshake!
(Login faerycat)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 18 2007, 12:44 PM
I love you moon :-)
(Login -Moon-)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 18 2007, 2:08 PM
I agree Sophie, this is afterall a NBE board. I think a brief exchange of oppinions now and then is still a good sport, but we should be concentrated on growing boobs! (lol, I have enoguh of political discussions on other forums anyway
) *returns cyber handshake*
I love you too Faery!
(Login gingerD)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 19 2007, 1:59 PM
God looks like everyone went slightly mad
I didnt realsie this thread would get so much attention.
I have no real oppinion regading the practice, its just somthing id nerver herd of and thaught worth sharing,
Moon your great-lol
(Login milquish)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 21 2007, 12:39 PM
There is still the itty bitty point mentioned in the article about massaging can cause the boob to grow smaller. Is it true? Do I risk making my boobs smaller rather than bigger *knock on wood*?
(Login Corrie73)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 21 2007, 5:31 PM
I guess you have to decide who you believe more: people who think that having a small child bite boobs will keep them from growing, or all the many women doing NBE who swear by massage as a way to increase breast size.
March 16 2007 at 7:32 PM gingerD (Login gingerD)
Ironed Maidens
Posted on Monday, January 15, 2007. From interviews with women, age fifteen to forty-five, living in Cameroon, conducted in March by a team of researchers led by Dr. Flavien Ndonko. One quarter of Cameroonian girls undergo breast ironing, which typically involves pounding and massaging the breasts with a hot object to make them disappear. Recently a group of women known as the National Network of Aunties Associations has begun campaigning against the practice. Translated from the French by Sabri Ben-Achour. Originally from Harper's Magazine, December 2006.
People often massage a child's breasts when she develops early. They place banana leaves heated in a fire over the breasts almost every evening when the child washes. When they stick the leaves on, the breasts become smaller. It makes the breasts go away. It works so well that the child can go for three or four more years before she grows breasts again. By then, she'll be the appropriate age. Some mothers massage with a grinding stone. They heat it in the fire and massage each night. My mother did this to me, just until my breasts went away.
When a daughter who is younger than thirteen has started to grow breasts, the mother will call her son and he will come and tap his sister's breasts with a spoon, saying, Go back home! Go back! It's not time! Then he'll wait a minute before giving his mom back the spoon. A few years later the girl's breasts will come back normally.
Some women sew the sort of elastic you wear around your waist into the child's clothes. The child wears it, and it presses her breasts flat. They stop growing. She wears the elastic until they go back to their original size. Then she can stop.
It doesn't mean the breasts have some kind of sickness. We only do it because the child needs to grow to full size before she's ready for breasts.
Massaging breasts has only positive results. If it had any negative effects, our parents wouldn't do it. When it's your parents who do something to you, it's only for your good.
When you massage, the cores of the breasts really will disappear. So much so that when you touch them, you don't feel anything.
A little girl, with breasts, with menNo! When a girl is still small, she doesn't have the intelligence or maturity to know how to conduct herself. Men might try to take advantage of her. You must try to stop her breasts from growing so that she can develop some maturity first. Then she'll have the intelligence you need to have with breasts.
You must be vigilant. You have to start massaging as soon they appear. Women with big breasts can't even travel long distances. If they try, they don't get anywhere. They just sweat.
Everyone knows that when you see full-grown women who are really short, it's because their breasts weren't massaged. They were neglected.
My parents told me that they pressed my breasts so I wouldn't be like the Pygmies.
If your daughter's breasts grow early, she will say things you couldn't possibly imagine. She'll talk all kinds of trash that she hears from her friends. She'll become stubborn around the house. Each time you ask her to do something, not only will she not do it but she'll also yell at you. All because she already has breasts.
My breasts began to grow when I was eleven and still in primary school. My mother told me that if she didn't massage them, by the time I was fifteen my breasts would be way too big, and I would begin to do things I shouldn't, like go out and look for men.
Mothers often start massaging their daughters' breasts so that men won't touch them, because when men touch a girl's breasts, they grow even faster.
When the breasts begin to grow, the youngest person in the family bites them. Normally, it's the youngest male. (If there isn't a little boy, it can be a girl.) He comes to bite your breasts with his teeth. He bites this side, that side, biting you in the morning and evening, until they disappear.
(Login faerycat)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 16 2007, 9:21 PM
Ewh! what a freaky read indeedy.
At least I know now why I was rubbed with banana leaves as a kid.........lol.....sadly, am only joking. (I think??)
So.......it's true that if a boy touches your breasts, it makes them grow.
And......massaging makes them go away.
Blimey! lolz
Sounds all hokey hooey to me.
=^_^= x
(Login Moonkissed)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 16 2007, 11:27 PM
I have heard of this practice before, from an article a year ago on CNN. I won't pretend to understand this method of breast ironing. However, I do understand that the main logic behind it is to prevent sexual assaults and early marriages, the latter being that the girls at least have a chance to finish their educations. The root of the problem seems to be the unsafe conditions for girls and women, which force them to take extreme measures to protect themselves in the limited ways they know how. Sad.

Those who cannot remember the past will spend a lot of time looking for their cars in mall parking lots. -- Jay Trachman
(Login sophie9)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 17 2007, 5:44 AM
yeah...it seems very strange to most of us. i didn't really catch the correlation bewteen seeing short, full-grown women and assuming they didn't massage? but maybe that is just because i don't know anything really about this culture. i do understand the desire to protect young girls who aren't ready for sexual relations. i don't know how helpful it is at deterring crime. we have laws in the u.s. that are supposed to protect children, but they don't really work so well either. interesting article ginger. thanks for sharing.
(Login Alcest)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 17 2007, 3:49 PM
There seems to be an elephant in the room but no one's talking about it----- They massage to become smaller, and we massage to become bigger! I know there are ways to massage to become smaller vs larger but the differences are very subtle and it after all still massage.
Does anyone else know more on this?
(Login Buffeee)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 17 2007, 4:04 PM
Interesting indeed. Not the banana leaves and ironing... I've heard of that and it sounds horrible. The massage part, however- maybe this is why some girls who have done tons of massage have eventually cut back because their boobs turned to mush. Could it be a case of too much of a good thing has bad consequences?
I know alcohol has similar effects on me. (heheh)
(Login -Moon-)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 17 2007, 4:15 PM
I think the way this could work is by making the girl hate her breasts. It's also possible that correctly applied pressure hinders growth, while the circular movements we do stimulate it.
But this has got to be one of the most disgusting things I read recently. It's degrading, I mean, tapping a girl with a spoon on her breast and scolding them, bitting them?!! It's primitive and uncivilized.
Oh, and about men touching women's breast making them grow - hahahaha give me a brake!
This message has been edited by -Moon- on Mar 17, 2007 4:19 PM
(Login Lisa121)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 17 2007, 4:46 PM
Different cultures have different practices, and many of them actually are born from valid reasons.
In many African cultures girls are married when their bodies have matured into a more womanly figure and after they have menstruated for the first time. They are then judged to be mature enough to marry and have children, often by much older men that can provide for them and their offspring.
In this case it may very well be that in this particular culture/tribe they try to stall breast growth so the girls don't get married and have children before their bodies are mature enough. If they are menstruating at an early age (and breast development is linked to this) and become pregnant they may very well die because their bodies aren't developed enough to cope with the stress of pregnancy and birth. As breast development is an outward sign of maturity, in this culture they seem to want to stop this before the girl is physically mature enough to be married and have children.
It may sound cruel to us, but is part of their culture and sounds like it is actually there to protect young girls from entering adulthood too soon and be forced into sex when still very young.
I am not condoning what they do, I don't believe that what they are doing to those young girl's breasts can be good for them physically or mentally, it is just that there are practices out there that have been developed to ensure survival and well-being to the individuals within a culture, even if it may not seem like that to us.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 17 2007, 5:08 PM
Just to explain myself, I'm well aware of differences between cultures, but I'm not in favor of the whole 'respect other cultures' just for the sake of political correctness. If their practice isn't agreeable to me, I'll condemn and criticise it. While this practice does semm positively orientaed, it's like correcting a minus with another minus. Changing the tradition that a girl should marry, have sex and children as soon as she develops breasts would seem more effective in solving the problem than supressing their development, wouldn't it?
(Login Corrie73)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 17 2007, 5:34 PM
What a weird and interesting article. I don't think we need to worry, though, that this is evidence that massaging actually decreases breast size. Almost everything said in the article is pretty ridiculous (not to mention cruel)...I mean, do we really believe that having a little kid bite the breasts will keep them from growing??? Seriously! We really don't know if all the measures taken to keep the breasts small work at all...perhaps the binding garments would work at that stage of development, but that's about the only thing that sounds at all valid.
I think that the idea that massage works to promote NBE is about one of the only things that IS generally agreed upon by NBE'rs on this board and elsewhere.
(Login sophie9)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 18 2007, 12:51 AM
moon, i agree with you in terms of massage! i don't think anyone was saying you were not aware of differences between cultures - human beings innately recognize differences between their culture and other cultures. you obviously have a big problem with being "PC", which i understand because i think political correctness can just get ridiculous after a while and has. but i think people tend to respect other cultures because they understand that they do not understand the culture, and thus take the degree of their ignorance into consideration, which i find particularly wise. it has more to do with actual respect - not the fear of appearing to disrespct which leads many people to adopt politically correct attitudes overzealously. Understanding differences between cultures does not constitute actually understanding a culture itself. And if you condemn and critisize a culture because you don't agree with it, that attitude comes soley from your understanding and comfort in your own cultural norms. "Condemn" is a pretty harsh word moon. I seriously hope you overspoke and aren't actually going through life condemning things you don't understand and possibly cannot understand because you don't understand it. That is pretty dangerous and a definate precursor to prejudice. I think you need to consider the things you condemn or critisize a little more closely, because I think there is a big difference between disagreeing or disliking political correctness and some of the things you are saying. Everything in life belongs to the realm of the political. And as far as "correcting a minus with a minus," we all know two negatives equal a positive! We are all free to disagree with and critisize a culture we do not understand or relate to, but I think if we adopt a Socratic viewpoint of "all i know is that i know nothing" we can at least understand a little outside of ourselves and our own beliefs. I don't think there is anything politically correct in that. I think that is just part of being interested in life.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 18 2007, 2:18 AM
''i don't think anyone was saying you were not aware of differences between cultures''
I don't think that either, I was just further extanding my viewpoit.
''you obviously have a big problem with being "PC" ''
No actually I don't, because I refuse to. I don't really give it more attention as the necessary ammount to be against it and not practice it. It may only appear I do so in a very PC environment.
''but i think people tend to respect other cultures because they understand that they do not understand the culture''
I think they do because people have, or are supposed to anyway, some basic respect for everyone. And don't worry, I have it.
''And if you condemn and critisize a culture because you don't agree with it, that attitude comes soley from your understanding and comfort in your own cultural norms.''
I condamn and criticise certain of their practices, not the entire culture. That concept is in my oppinion rather unaplicable even.
And I beg to differ. I don't study culturology or anything, but I never judge things further than I know them. You are basically assuming way too much. Because I didn't judge a culture, but an action, it's clear that I did not judge something that I lack knowledge or understanding of. It's not really about knowledge or understanding here, it's about moral convictions, about considering an action right or wrong. 'Not understanding' and therefore not judging would in this case mean the lack of them.
'' "Condemn" is a pretty harsh word moon.''
Yes I agree, but I tend to not be very concentrated on terms and deffinitions and way of speech, because it proves a useless waste of time in any debate. I think a debate recquires some interpretation and flexibility when it comes to deffinitions, otherwise it results in endless misunderstandings (it would appear exactly the opposite, but to my experience it's really not - with a rigid deffinition one is going to misunderstand everyone who uses a different deffinition and will change the meaning of their words). It's necessary to know however what one is talking about of course. Condemn I mean in the sense that I disagree and attribute negative judgement to. But not also an oppinion that it should be changed.
''I think there is a big difference between disagreeing or disliking political correctness and some of the things you are saying.''
So do I, furthemore, I think this implies something that would be quite wrong. I don't have this oppinion in order to not be politically correct - I am 'politically incorrect' (lol) as a result of my oppinion.
''And as far as "correcting a minus with a minus," we all know two negatives equal a positive!''
In math maybe, but not in philosophy. I refered to a concrete example, one in which it is, in my oppinion, obvious that it's not. Again, deffinition.
''I think if we adopt a Socratic viewpoint of "all i know is that i know nothing" ''
That quote can have so many interpretations that I could say that I agree and disagree with it compleately.
''I think that is just part of being interested in life.''
I have many interests, among them also in the moral aspect of philosophy. I have certain convictions on it and therefore I can't avoid certain judgements. But I know better than too think of them as absolute. This is the field that is the furthest from the absolute, but for me precisely this makes it attractive, and I think that doesn't make truth inaccessible. Unlike the all too popular belief that everything is relative, I think it's rather not. May it be all so normal and accepted in another culture, but some things I will always condemn, like body mutilation. Not precisely this case, I mean those more severe forms, usually performed ritually for religious purposes, for example. There is no benefit in an action like that, or even a rational reason. No matter how different the culture is, I don't think that makes it acceptable. But like I said, I don't think that they 'shouldn't do it'. They can do whatever they want. But I believe in rationality, how am I then supposed to not condamn stuff like that? If I didn't I wouldn't really belive in it.
Anyway, what was I even going to say? Well if you only ment to say I shouldn't judge things I don't know, don't worry, I don't, as I don't believe I did in my previous post either. I think this basically covers the rest. Damn this forum needs a quote opption!
This message has been edited by -Moon- on Mar 18, 2007 2:38 AM
(Login sophie9)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 18 2007, 12:28 PM
well moon, how about we agree to disagree? you said you read my other post, so you know how i feel about debate and argument. i agree with a lot of stuff you say about nbe, and that is what this forum is about anyways. so i extend my hand through the byways of cyberspace and offer you my virtual handshake!
(Login faerycat)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 18 2007, 12:44 PM
I love you moon :-)
(Login -Moon-)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 18 2007, 2:08 PM
I agree Sophie, this is afterall a NBE board. I think a brief exchange of oppinions now and then is still a good sport, but we should be concentrated on growing boobs! (lol, I have enoguh of political discussions on other forums anyway

I love you too Faery!

(Login gingerD)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 19 2007, 1:59 PM
God looks like everyone went slightly mad
I didnt realsie this thread would get so much attention.
I have no real oppinion regading the practice, its just somthing id nerver herd of and thaught worth sharing,
Moon your great-lol
(Login milquish)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 21 2007, 12:39 PM
There is still the itty bitty point mentioned in the article about massaging can cause the boob to grow smaller. Is it true? Do I risk making my boobs smaller rather than bigger *knock on wood*?
(Login Corrie73)
Re: have a look at this,its odd what do you think?
March 21 2007, 5:31 PM
I guess you have to decide who you believe more: people who think that having a small child bite boobs will keep them from growing, or all the many women doing NBE who swear by massage as a way to increase breast size.