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New to BN Want to buy Noogleberry But im a big cup please help


Hi my name is Lauren and i'm new to BreastNexus.

I am 21 years old and I recently had a rapid weight loss due to stress and dietary changes. I was a size 18 before but now I am a size 12/14. During my weight loss I was not wearing the correct bra size so my breast have sagged. Whilst searching for alternative treatments to breast surgery I came across the Noogleberry and I wanted know if it would help firm and shape my breasts. I am currently size 34 E and I only want to firm and shape my breasts. I know by using the Noogleberry I would probably go up a cup size. Does anyone have any advice for me or any experiences with saggyness.

Many Thanks

Check out this thread, Dome Size Database, and get domes that will fit around the base of your breast based on the measurements there (measure the circumference of your breast and match it as close as possible). And pumping should help to get rid of sagging as well Smile

Make sure you don't get too large, or you won't get enough suction. Too small and you could damage your breasts. I've only been pumping for a month and have already seen results (I'm trying to get bigger as well as shape) and it really helped me to read through all the posts on this forum. It'll give you an idea of how to achieve what you're going for.

Dome size database:

I recommend the kangzhu cups. I am skin and bones and in my experience I got the NB contoured cups (without the foam rings). They where painful in my ribs and left bruises from the cup. I don't experience that with the kangzhu cups. If you are sure you want NB cups get the foam rings. I switched because I had to get smaller cups anyway. I couldnt keep suction with the large NB domes.

Thanks for the suggestions guys I might get the noogleberry because the kangzhu do not make XL cups I will check out the size section.

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