06-03-2016, 02:24
massaging bad during menstration?
April 28 2006 at 3:45 AM sw (no login)
YES~!! ive only started WU and massaging with CB/vitE for almost 2wks and i think i grew~!!! i measured, but i dunno if my breathing is causing the growth, so i just go by my bra and it seems to be more tighter and the cleavage area is more visible~! YAY. but the bad thing is that i gained 3lbs since 2wks. i hope its not gunna go away when my weight is back to normal.. does wu cause weight gain? or is it just me eating too much...
oh yes, back to the topic.
i heard from my friend that massaging boobs when boobs are sore from period, may damage the glands of the boobs. is that true?
(Login SmallGurl)
Re: massaging bad during menstration?
April 28 2006, 8:10 AM
I have never heard that massage during your period can damage glands. I haven't gained any weight from WU yet though. I know some women do gain weight from NBE but that may be also that some herbs like Fenugreek make you hungrier. I think maybe I do feel hungrier since starting WU but I have such a crazy busy life (I work and have 3 children) that I don't eat anymore than I use to before I started. I just don't have the time, or else I would!
Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
Re: massaging bad during menstration?
April 28 2006, 5:53 PM
Noooo massagen during your period is not bad IT"S THE BEST TIME TO DO IT
Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
Re: massaging bad during menstration?
April 28 2006, 6:07 PM
When your period starts up that when your Hormones are sayin YAY let's grow some booby's LOL Massageing is the best thing to do at this point STIMULATION. open up thoses ducts help those hormones find the right place to go!!!! YAY!!!
And CONGRADS!!!!!! on your booby growth thats GREAT!!!!
(Login liquidSunset)
April 28 2006, 6:30 PM
I also think it would be the best time to massage, due to hormone levels.
Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: massaging bad during menstration?
April 28 2006, 6:54 PM
I don't know the answer. But in Taiwan there are some opinions say that we shouldn't massage during our periods. and some others say it's okay. I'm not a doctor so I don't know which is correct. because of different opinions, I just massage half the time when on my period, I massage 10 min when on my period instead of 20.
(Login MyKids3)
Re: massaging bad during menstration?
April 28 2006, 6:59 PM
Im currently going through my period as we speak,when I massaged this morning,Those little bumps that I feel,those are considered the blockage,right?After I massaged them,boy did they hurt afterwards.Now is that right or not.It never hurt like that before,not unless its because of having my period.I hope you kinda understand what it is that im asking.
Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
April 28 2006, 7:06 PM
Thats right. You are braking and opening blockages. Yes after doing this you will be a little tender but that is a good thing but you might not want to go as deep as you would when your not on your period.
(Login liquidSunset)
April 28 2006, 7:15 PM
Those "bumps" are "swollen glands" probably. Not always I dont believe they are "blockage" Thats just my opinion I dont want to "offend" anyone by saying that. Sometimes its due to moving all that lymph around and things inside get a bit swollen. Some of the herbs we take also swell the glands in the boobs.
I had a very painfull "lump" when I first began it hurt so bad on that one spot that I couldnt even "gently" massage.
Around that time was when Steph told me how important GLA's were.
I started using EPO in massage and the bump dissappered shortly after using the EPO.
Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
Re: massaging bad during menstration?
April 28 2006, 7:22 PM
Not affended at all
you are right they are swollen glands I was just going through some of my old school notes but yes it is a good thing when they get tender after a massage. I'm going to go through some stuff and make a few phone call to some of my freinds 9 Also massage therapist ) Another oppinion couldnt hurt. And I want to make sure I am right. But I think I am. I just know When I was going through massage school and henever one of us was on our periods our instructor woud say WORK THOSE BOOBS GIRLS!!! LOL Lisaxxxxx
April 28 2006 at 3:45 AM sw (no login)
YES~!! ive only started WU and massaging with CB/vitE for almost 2wks and i think i grew~!!! i measured, but i dunno if my breathing is causing the growth, so i just go by my bra and it seems to be more tighter and the cleavage area is more visible~! YAY. but the bad thing is that i gained 3lbs since 2wks. i hope its not gunna go away when my weight is back to normal.. does wu cause weight gain? or is it just me eating too much...
oh yes, back to the topic.
i heard from my friend that massaging boobs when boobs are sore from period, may damage the glands of the boobs. is that true?
(Login SmallGurl)
Re: massaging bad during menstration?
April 28 2006, 8:10 AM
I have never heard that massage during your period can damage glands. I haven't gained any weight from WU yet though. I know some women do gain weight from NBE but that may be also that some herbs like Fenugreek make you hungrier. I think maybe I do feel hungrier since starting WU but I have such a crazy busy life (I work and have 3 children) that I don't eat anymore than I use to before I started. I just don't have the time, or else I would!
Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
Re: massaging bad during menstration?
April 28 2006, 5:53 PM
Noooo massagen during your period is not bad IT"S THE BEST TIME TO DO IT

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
Re: massaging bad during menstration?
April 28 2006, 6:07 PM
When your period starts up that when your Hormones are sayin YAY let's grow some booby's LOL Massageing is the best thing to do at this point STIMULATION. open up thoses ducts help those hormones find the right place to go!!!! YAY!!!
And CONGRADS!!!!!! on your booby growth thats GREAT!!!!

(Login liquidSunset)
April 28 2006, 6:30 PM
I also think it would be the best time to massage, due to hormone levels.
Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: massaging bad during menstration?
April 28 2006, 6:54 PM
I don't know the answer. But in Taiwan there are some opinions say that we shouldn't massage during our periods. and some others say it's okay. I'm not a doctor so I don't know which is correct. because of different opinions, I just massage half the time when on my period, I massage 10 min when on my period instead of 20.
(Login MyKids3)
Re: massaging bad during menstration?
April 28 2006, 6:59 PM
Im currently going through my period as we speak,when I massaged this morning,Those little bumps that I feel,those are considered the blockage,right?After I massaged them,boy did they hurt afterwards.Now is that right or not.It never hurt like that before,not unless its because of having my period.I hope you kinda understand what it is that im asking.
Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
April 28 2006, 7:06 PM
Thats right. You are braking and opening blockages. Yes after doing this you will be a little tender but that is a good thing but you might not want to go as deep as you would when your not on your period.
(Login liquidSunset)
April 28 2006, 7:15 PM
Those "bumps" are "swollen glands" probably. Not always I dont believe they are "blockage" Thats just my opinion I dont want to "offend" anyone by saying that. Sometimes its due to moving all that lymph around and things inside get a bit swollen. Some of the herbs we take also swell the glands in the boobs.
I had a very painfull "lump" when I first began it hurt so bad on that one spot that I couldnt even "gently" massage.
Around that time was when Steph told me how important GLA's were.
I started using EPO in massage and the bump dissappered shortly after using the EPO.
Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
Re: massaging bad during menstration?
April 28 2006, 7:22 PM
Not affended at all