06-03-2016, 14:48
Does massage really matter?
January 6 2007 at 8:57 PM
Miss Monet (Login friskyflirt)
Has anyone had boobie growth from just herbs alone -- no massage? Just curious as to how important massage is in NBE...
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 6 2007, 9:08 PM
Very few people ever had sucess without massage, yes, it's necessary. Rough estimate, without massage your chances to grow are 5% of those with massage.
(Login jellyboobs)
yes yes
January 6 2007, 10:07 PM
yes yes ys Frisky VERY IMPORTANT !love jellyDeee...
(Login Moonkissed)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 6 2007, 10:49 PM
Okay, for me, massage is and is not neccesary. My right breast is a bit smaller than my left, and although I do not massage the left one, it still grows on its own, whereas, if I don't massage the right one, it ceases to show any effects of growth.
(Login chiquita83)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 7 2007, 12:26 AM
i havent started my herb routine yet and just been massaging and that alone has made a difference for me so far so i would definitely say yes. i dont have a lot of experience with it but i can say it has worked for me.hope that helps
(Login sadkow)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 7 2007, 8:28 AM
I think that massage was the first thing to make a difference for me as I noticed fullness fairly quickly after I started and Wonderup couldn't have started to work that quickly. I also found that over Christmas when I missed a few days of massage, my boobs didn't look the same and that they are looking better again now that I have started massaging again as usual.
(Login Surf.)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 8 2007, 7:37 PM
I think massaging is one of the most important things you can do for NBE. I believe it is especially important if you have poor circulation. It is really difficult to find the time and sometimes deal with the mess of massaging!!! However, I've noticed that when I slack with my massages, I don't feel full or grow as much.
In the morning, when I have to go out, is when I do a massage with something that I know will be absorbed quickly into my skin. I save my messy massage for when I'm ready for bed.
(Login Corrie73)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 8 2007, 9:08 PM
I have to agree. Since I have started massaging more, I have noticed a difference. Even now, while I am on a break from phytoestrogen herbs.
(Login jessicaheidi)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 8 2007, 9:22 PM
i only massage my left & smaller boob. my right one is still growing more. if i didn't massage the smaller one i don't think it'd grow at all.
(Login Abigail)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 9 2007, 9:50 PM
Definitely not necessary.
Because of uneven size I massage the smaller one and also apply heat to it, but don't do anything with the other and it still has grown. So taking herbs has made that one grow with zero massage.
January 6 2007 at 8:57 PM
Miss Monet (Login friskyflirt)
Has anyone had boobie growth from just herbs alone -- no massage? Just curious as to how important massage is in NBE...
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 6 2007, 9:08 PM
Very few people ever had sucess without massage, yes, it's necessary. Rough estimate, without massage your chances to grow are 5% of those with massage.
(Login jellyboobs)
yes yes
January 6 2007, 10:07 PM
yes yes ys Frisky VERY IMPORTANT !love jellyDeee...
(Login Moonkissed)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 6 2007, 10:49 PM
Okay, for me, massage is and is not neccesary. My right breast is a bit smaller than my left, and although I do not massage the left one, it still grows on its own, whereas, if I don't massage the right one, it ceases to show any effects of growth.
(Login chiquita83)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 7 2007, 12:26 AM
i havent started my herb routine yet and just been massaging and that alone has made a difference for me so far so i would definitely say yes. i dont have a lot of experience with it but i can say it has worked for me.hope that helps

(Login sadkow)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 7 2007, 8:28 AM
I think that massage was the first thing to make a difference for me as I noticed fullness fairly quickly after I started and Wonderup couldn't have started to work that quickly. I also found that over Christmas when I missed a few days of massage, my boobs didn't look the same and that they are looking better again now that I have started massaging again as usual.
(Login Surf.)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 8 2007, 7:37 PM
I think massaging is one of the most important things you can do for NBE. I believe it is especially important if you have poor circulation. It is really difficult to find the time and sometimes deal with the mess of massaging!!! However, I've noticed that when I slack with my massages, I don't feel full or grow as much.
In the morning, when I have to go out, is when I do a massage with something that I know will be absorbed quickly into my skin. I save my messy massage for when I'm ready for bed.
(Login Corrie73)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 8 2007, 9:08 PM
I have to agree. Since I have started massaging more, I have noticed a difference. Even now, while I am on a break from phytoestrogen herbs.
(Login jessicaheidi)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 8 2007, 9:22 PM
i only massage my left & smaller boob. my right one is still growing more. if i didn't massage the smaller one i don't think it'd grow at all.
(Login Abigail)
Re: Does massage really matter?
January 9 2007, 9:50 PM
Definitely not necessary.
Because of uneven size I massage the smaller one and also apply heat to it, but don't do anything with the other and it still has grown. So taking herbs has made that one grow with zero massage.