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Breast Actives


Breast Actives
November 20 2007 at 6:50 PM Black Sheep (Login bonbons04)

Does anyone have any info on this product?? I used femagis for three months with absolutely NO growth. I have been looking at Breast Actives for a while now and it used to be called Breast Gain Plus... just wondering if anyone can tell me anything about it?

Nell Gwynne
(Login nell.gwynne)
Re: Breast Actives
November 20 2007, 7:06 PM

Search the forum, it's been mentioned here plenty of times. Don't forget to click on search 'By Match'.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Breast Actives
November 20 2007, 7:53 PM

I think the general opinion is that it's no good, the ingredients are ok but it's very weak so you'd need to take a much larger dose making it very expensive. There have also be issues in claiming on the guarantee.

mom of 3
(no login)
breast actives
December 2 2007, 8:18 PM

I have been researching herbal breast enhancements for a week now. The more research I did the more confused I became, however in my findings I came to the conclusion that breast actives was always in the top three recommended products as I looked through reviews and studies of the product. After nursing three kids I went from a full B to an A cup and I am very unhappy so I thought what the hell it can't hurt at the worst I would still be where I am now...FLAT chested. I am hoping to start the product when I get it in the mail as I just ordered it yesterday. After all it does have a 97% success rate! The draw back is for a woman of my age studies showed it might take 3 months to see a noticable difference.

(Login Jenneelle)
Re: Breast Actives
December 3 2007, 7:10 AM

There are no independent reviews or studies of Breast Actives. At least nobody here has managed to find any. What you have been reading are merely Breast Actives own advertisements or those of its affiliates.
For the record, Breast Actives does not have a 97% success rate and neither does any other product. If anything out there did have a 97% success rate, you'd read it here because we would all be using it.

Sally Anne
(Login sally.anne)
Re: Breast Actives
December 4 2007, 10:19 AM

Jennelle is right, the recommendations referred to are from Breast Actives own affiliates. Nobody else would recommend that product.

(Login Tia S)
Re: Breast Actives
December 4 2007, 6:18 PM

Breast Actives didn't work for me. I gave it 6 months too!

I'm now trying individual herbs.

mom of 3
(no login)
Re: Breast Actives
December 4 2007, 7:30 PM

I ordered the product and havent started it yet. Couldn't do any worse than I am now...barely there. Are there any success stories here for anyone who has tried this product??? It seems that most women here are using their own mix of herbs and some women are using product creams.
I can tell you the company does not respond to e-mail and thier customer service over the phone is not helpful at all...found this out after I ordered the product lucky me. I am hoping someone has had success with the pills and or cream.

(Login kmb354)
Breast actives
February 17 2008, 2:55 PM

I have been taking this product for a few months now and I have noticed slight fullness. No aches or pains, sometimes a tingly sensation. My monthly cycles have always been regular and not much pain, last month my period was so bad I had to get out the heating pad. I have not done that since I was a teenager, I am a mother of 3, 40 years old. I only ordered
2 months of product and it is time for me to order again, that is why I was wondering if it has helped you yet. Any information you could give would be appreciated.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Breast Actives
February 17 2008, 3:10 PM

Why would you buy a $hit product like that in the first place? Do you want the best chances to grow? You are not getting that with this product. Hoping won't help you any, rather do research on NBE before you start it.

(Login luckyboobs)
Re: Breast Actives
February 17 2008, 7:29 PM


I did have some initial growth while taking BA. I think it was about 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 inches. I can't remember now. Then I took some of the individual herbs; fenugreek, saw palmetto, and a few others. My periods started coming every 3 weeks and I was having acne problems, so I am now taking vitex and have been for about 3 months now. It has made my periods like clockwork (and they never were before). You may want to think about vitex as an option if it was making your periods bad by taking BA. If you want to continue taking the kinds of herbs that are in BA, you can likely get some of them at your local health food store and save money that way.

(Login lucia)
Re: Breast Actives
February 22 2008, 11:21 AM

Yes I like Jennelle's comment very much. If anything out there did have a 97% success rate we would all be using it.

Breast Actives, experiences anyone?
July 10 2007 at 3:11 PM geena (Login geena77)

Hi everyone,

Í recently surfed the net for a natural way of enhancing my breasts. I found one product called breast actives which is a natural supplement. According to reviews, some 50 % have results of nearly 1 cup size.

I´d definetly choose such programs over surgeries.

(Login gingerD)
Re: Breast Actives, experiences anyone?
July 10 2007, 3:32 PM

well sadley actives doesnt have a great reputation.
I would advise trying a different pill b4 using it,or a different program
However i am using actives-iv tried other things.I mainly chose actives because:I liked the ingredients in the cream
and i have responded, felt more tingles on lower doses of herbs.
No growth yet aches and pains yes only been 1 week so figers Xed.

If you are new go to newbie page and gen ref pages 1st then check out the program pages-c what others r doing.

good luck

(Login Ellen)
Re: Breast Actives, experiences anyone?
July 10 2007, 3:39 PM

I doubt if the reviews you've seen are genuine. Those review sites are bogus.

Anyway Breast Actives didn't do anything for me. I gave it 3 months and will now try something else.

(Login luckyboobs)
Re: Breast Actives, experiences anyone?
July 10 2007, 4:14 PM

I have been using Actives for 6 weeks now and am currently measuring growth of an inch. This is the first product I have tried for NBE and I guess I am very lucky that it is working. That is why I used "Luckyboobs" as my login name. I started noticing growth within the first couple of weeks with just taking this product, but have recently started taking flaxseed oil (about 1 a day) and SP (about 2 a day). The only other things I take are a multivitamin and vitamin C. I also drink soymilk and try to drink some whenever I take my pills. I don't smoke and rarely drink.

Good luck everyone!

(Login Jenneelle)
Re: Breast Actives, experiences anyone?
July 10 2007, 5:40 PM

Many women here have tried this product, but only a few have reported any significant results with it, so the success rate doesn't appear to be very high.

(no login)
maybe they reformulated
July 11 2007, 5:10 AM

I have used the topical and it seems to work better the St. Herb Nano Blossom-S soap, and Mirifem. Only bad part is that there is not much in the small tubs they come and it is somewhat expensive. However, it only takes a couple of days to come in the mail.

I think they may have a some new ingredients compared to their older product.

I dont think it is any worse than any other product. So if u want to try it, you should.

(Login luckyboobs)
Re: Breast Actives, experiences anyone?
July 11 2007, 1:27 PM

Maybe Breast Actives deserves another chance. It is only the first product I have tried and I have already had an inch of growth in the last 6 weeks.

I keep hearing that so many women have tried it and not had good results, but I didn't really find very many posts about it. ( And I did search for BGP also.)

(Login Sabrina.)
Re: Breast Actives, experiences anyone?
July 11 2007, 1:58 PM

Breast Actives is very poor value for money, as many here have pointed out when it was known as Breast Gain Plus.
The reason that you can't find many posts under the new name is exactly that - it's a new name. You should have been able to find a great many posts under the old name and if you didn't you must have made a typing error when you attempted the search.


(Login -Moon-)
Re: Breast Actives, experiences anyone?
July 11 2007, 7:25 PM

Luckyboobs, if BA is working for you then you are in truth very luky, but I would not recomend the product, because it still is a weak product and extremely overpriced. And just think about this - You are taking only 800 mg of the main ingredient (FG) a day, the usual dose is 1800 - 2400 mg. If you are getting results with that, you could possibly get them even better and faster on a good routine, or if you upped your dose.

Lost Sheep
(Login curves123)
Re: Breast Actives, experiences anyone?
July 24 2007, 3:41 AM

I have been using BA for about 3 weeks. I think I have some fullness, not sure. I have tried various NBE since March, and while I got excited on some, it seemed to me more normal fluctuations that I have during the month in size normally. I am encourage with BA but not sure. I will keeep trying. I also drink soy milk and usually altho not lately protein shakes with flaxseed oil as well.

Lost Sheep
(Login curves123)
Re: Breast Actives, experiences anyone?
July 24 2007, 4:04 AM

I have been using BA for abou 3 weeks. Think I see some fullness but not certain if is just monthly fluctuations or not, only more time will tell. I have the creme also.
I also drink soy milk.

(Login kmb354)
breast actives
February 17 2008, 2:41 PM

I am into my second month of breast actives pills and cream and I was wondering how you did on the program. Thanks for any information you can give me.


(Login -Moon-)
Re: Breast Actives, experiences anyone?
February 17 2008, 3:19 PM

Breat Actives contains a daily dose of the main NBE herb fenugreek 800 mg. A LOW dose is 1600 mg. I should think this speaks for itself. Double or tripple the dose and when you run out get a better product.

Breast Actives
March 5 2008 at 12:03 PM Sam (Login ifonlybigger)

I just wanted to let you guys know how i go on with them so far.....

I ordered 6 months supply of Breast Actives then found this fantastic website and tried to cancel them! they have since been delivered and I have been taking them for 14 days so far, my boobs are definately fuller and firmer and it was a bit of a shock one week in when i woke up and wondered whose body i was looking at! other than that I am taking saw pell each evening before bed and fennel tea during the day (1 cup 1st thing). I am also using wild yam cream twice a day with the actives cream so maybe I am just lucky so far?. I have done 6 months on Wonderup and only noticed large results when doubled doses (almost a cup size). Will keep you updated but any advice would be appreciated on any lasting results. am worried that as soon as i finish my 6 month supply they will go back to normal - has anyone on NBA stopped taking herbs and kept their results???

(Login Rachelle)
Re: Breast Actives
March 5 2008, 12:01 PM

Losing results is an understandable concern, as with Breast Actives that's exactly what happened to me. I took it for 3-4 months (can't remember exactly) and did get some increase, but sadly it all disappeared!

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Breast Actives
March 5 2008, 12:19 PM

Eve is the first person that comes to my mind - she hasn't done herbs in a while and has kept her growth. Read through her personal program page, she answers alot of questions on there.

(Login ifonlybigger)
Thank you Smile
March 5 2008, 1:56 PM

Thanks Henri, didnt realise those pages existed, still navigating round the site. its amazing to see such an improvement just from herbs.....
Hopefully I am as lucky Smile

(no login)
To Sam...
August 3 2008, 5:36 AM

Hi Sam,
I recently purchased Breast Actives as I thought it was a reputable product and am now waiting for my delivery to arrive (should be here within next 2 days)..

Do you ladies think i should try i different product? I am new and have never tried NBE before but am slightly worried as after finding this forum and reading very limited posts, people seemed to be switching from Breast Actives..? I am worried about their doses which don't seem very high?
I was hoping for the product to work (along with other herbs) and want to see results!

Is there any recommendations u could give me, having previously purchased their product?

Thank you for your time!!!

(Login Jenneelle)
Re: Breast Actives
August 3 2008, 7:05 AM

Quite a number of women here have tried Breast Actives but not many of them got results. It's success rate appears to be quite low. You can verify this for yourself by searching here for Breast Actives and also for Breast Gain Plus, which was it's previous name. However, some of those who didn't get results did at least get a refund, so their guarantee works some of the time at least. Others have said however that they didn't get their money back. I certainly wouldn't describe it as a reputable product, as it's been known to be associated with a lot of dubious claims, although I haven't looked at their websites recently.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Breast Actives
August 3 2008, 7:53 AM

You took double doses of WU?? That's waaaay to much to take.

(Login solitairian)
Re: Breast Actives
August 3 2008, 9:24 AM

The almost a cup size that you grew on Wonderup may not have been anything to do with doubling the dose. It may have simply been the growth you would have got anyway, just by waiting longer for growth to occur.

(Login Marlene)
Re: Breast Actives
August 4 2008, 3:43 PM

I'm a bit shocked that you doubled the dose of Wonderup, but if you grew so well who am I to argue.

I'm also shocked that you changed to Breast Actives (or made any change really) when you were doing so well.

Breast Actives
June 8 2008 at 9:52 AM ohsosad (no login)

BREAST ACTIVES: Has anyone used this product? ive just finished my 1st month-- and i have heard that using this you may not c results until 6 months have passed-- but i wanted to know what ya'll have to say.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Breast Actives
June 8 2008, 12:01 PM

Read the forum and do research before you buy any pills. BA is a weak low dose product, it contains 800 mg of the main ingredient fenugreek. A LOW recomended starting dose of FG is 1800 mg. Double you dose now and don't go for this product anymore, there are better options.

Actually I'm not sure whether it contains 800 or 400 mg, the information on their site is kinda unclear. But in any case it's too little to give you very good chances to grow.

(no login)
Re: Breast Actives
June 8 2008, 7:07 PM

What if i took BA and then also took fenugreek supplement capsules? I havent been taking them but i have capsules of fenugreek that contain 620 mg. per capsule.

Wild Yam is also apparently another supplement that encourages breast development. Those supplements come at 400 mg. per capsule. I have those as well. With these products i already have, what should I do? Thank you for your quick reply!
(Wild Yam, Fenugreek, BA)

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Breast Actives
June 8 2008, 9:51 PM

You could either double the dose or add FG capsules. But it still may not be a good program for you. You have to learn the NBE theory if you want to have a good program because it all depends on the conditions in your body. First thing to do is to figure out what sort of a hormonal imbalance you have (see the test in the newbies section).

(no login)
Re: Breast Actives
June 8 2008, 10:17 PM

what exactly is the NBE theory? I really have been looking into this a lot lately and i feel that I need help creating a program for myself.
I took the test you recommended and it turns out that my hormonal imbalances include both estrogen deficiency and excess estorgen, so i dont really understand what this means. Advice?

(Login sandy111)
Re: Breast Actives
June 9 2008, 10:24 AM

I think your answer is inaqurate .It is impossible to have estrogen diffencency and excess at the same time.Redo the test.

(Login grace1892)
Re: Breast Actives
June 10 2008, 12:36 AM

okay i redid it and im definitely excess estrogen.
now what??

(no login)
Re: Breast Actives
June 10 2008, 10:47 AM

I used Breast Actives a while back. It did a little for me but not very much. Since then I have heard a lot that its sucess rate isn't very high and I shouldn't be surprised at the lack of result.

(no login)
Re: Breast Actives
June 10 2008, 11:06 AM

Ohsosad - excess estrogen is more accurately estrogen dominance or even more accurately progesterone deficiency. If you have a bad PMS then you are likly to have this. In this case an estroenic program wouldn't be good for you, it would only worsen you symptoms, and you should go for a progesteronic program. NBE theory is the basic knowledge you need to be able to do NBE. It can all be found on this forum, you just need to read it. Start at the newbies section, general reference page and prsonal programs. When you have a specific question, use the search function first bcause it's most likely been answered before. You really have to do you homework by youself if you want to be sucessful in NBE because only you can get to really know and understand your body, which is half of the knowledge improtant for NBE, the other half is the theory about herbs, hormones etc.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Breast Actives
June 10 2008, 2:21 PM

Do you mean estrogen dominant when you say estrogen excess? This can be caused by too much estrogen and too little progesterone or more estrogen than progesterone but actually deficient in both. Do you have the other hormonal imbalance symptoms? If you can afford it you'd be better having proper medical tests for hormones but most of the herbs normally taken are estrogenic so may make your symptoms worse. Maybe you could either try vitex (agnus castus) to balance you out or read up on Waxingmoon's program about progesterone cream which apparently should only be used if you have other symptoms and not just for boob growth.

(Login grace1892)
June 10 2008, 6:17 PM

When it comes down to it I dont think theres really anything wrong with me. These symptoms for dominant estrogen that I have arent excessive and do not cause conflict in my everyday life. I think that I'm very healthy, but i just match up with the dominant estrogen results. Is that a possibility? I would really like to find a program--quickly-- that is best for me.
should I be paying attention to my result on that test or should I be combining other people's programs on here to help me?
thanks for all of your help.

(Login Bettina)
Re: confused...
June 10 2008, 11:10 PM

Don't pay too much attention to your result on that test. It's not an exact science and results are not to be taken too literally.

Breast Active and all these pills are a waste of money . Their main component is Hops . Just buy Hops grains and you will see the same , if not better , results . Hops contain 8-Prenylnaringenin which is Hopeine , a potent phytoestrogen . Hops are well known for their potency of growing breasts . That's why regular beer drinkers grow breasts .

To see noticeable breast enlargement :

a male has to take 3.5 grams of Hops four times a day = 14 grams .
a female has to take 2.5 grams of Hops twice a day = 5 grams .

Not every Hops kind has the same amount of 8-Prenylnaringenin . That's why it's important to buy a kind that contains enough of the phytoestrogen . Hallertau Hops grains are known to contain a big amount of phytoestrogens .

Other benefits of Hops are :

After 9 months of consistent use the facial structures will soften towards more feminin proportions .
After 3 weeks hot flashes will be reduced significantly .
After 9 months noticeable hip enlargement will occur .
After 9 months the butt will take on more feminin proportions .
After 6 months of consistent use the body hair will take off seriously .
After 4 months of consistent use the sex drive will lower significantly .
After 3 months of consistent use the skin will show lady like skin texture .

Hops are the best alternative for regular hormone therapy and are believed to have better effects than Pueraria Mirifica .

Hops are to be bought at a rate of 6$ per 100 grams . That means that a course of Hops will cost between 9$ ( female ) and 25.5$ ( male ) per month which is cheap compared to other herb regimen . Make sure you have a quality kind of Hops such as Hallertau Hops grains .

Use the Hops for at least a year if you expect significant and permanent results .

Many transgender women transitioned on Hops in the time that there was no safe alternative for Ethinyl Estradiol and Premarin .
The main phytoestrogen in Hops ( 8 - Prenylnaringenin ) is about 1/10 the strength of Estradiol . If you know that Estrone is 1/12 strength of Estradiol , you can conclude that 8-Prenylnaringenin is stronger than the human estrogen Estrone . This is before it passes the liver though . After passing the liver 8-Prenylnaringenin is 1/40 strength of Estradiol . So if you know that 14 grams of Hops contain 0,028 grams of 8-Prenylnaringenin . After passing the liver you have : 0,007 grams of 8-Prenylnaringenin in your blood stream . That is : 0,0007 grams of Estradiol or 70 mcg of E . That is about on the low average of what's given to transitioning trans girls .
Good to know is that Hops contain large amounts of Xanthohumol : a molecule with anti-androgenic activities .

Hops are a cheap generic Estradiol and a cheap generic Spironolactone in one !

Better than Pueraria Mirifica and Bovine Ovaries some scientifics say !

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