hi D1v1n1s1ma …i don’t have my own thread but then i’m not as dedicated as some others here. oh how i wish i was cuz i think i’d have more to show. i use the large kangzhu cups. they’re ok. they do the job but they aren't the quality of noogleberry, sad to say. the way i see this bigger boob thing is it involves a lot of things at once ..dietary items from good fats, good carbs and protein to iodine and weening yourself off environmental xenoestrogens to exercise and massage and pumping to watching your cortisol levels
here and
here to keeping estrogen and progesterone in balance to boosting your own growth hormone like
here and
here, increasing prolactin and then there’s all that damned mental stuff like the things we attract in our bodies and our lives through the power of our thoughts and watching patterns of thought that may be destructively bringing no good into our lives and relationships and then my god, there are the herbs, holy shit. and don’t forget about changing our own genetic expression through the influence of epigenetics like
here. are you freakin kidding me. no.
it's mind boggling miss d ..but it's all here. me, i'm watching stress levels. one of those links talks about the dr jekyll and mr hyde character of cortisol. and we make that stuff. i've given up coffee, too. mostly. i mix a little drink almost every morning with nutritional yeast, a pack of gelatin, creatine, msm, spirulina, psyllium, coconut oil, molasses and maybe a few other things. i forgive idiots in the left lane. probably, the two things i'm consistent with are that drink and breast massage in the morning currently with a mixture of fish oil, cocoa butter, vit e oil, coconut oil, a little bit of castor oil and a few drops of an oil mixture from young living called purification ..i just like the fragrance. i'm trying also to watch this balance in my body between input and output. i want to stay healthy. but yeah, another cup size would be like christmas. good morning to you, too, and good luck.