Summing up the first week of my programme:
I wasn't as systematic as I wanted so the progress is not much visible or maybe my expectations are too high!
However, I measured my bust and now it's 89cms so I gained 0,5cms in a week. Not really impressive but I admit, it's my fault.
I am attaching pictures in order to show you the frequency of massaging during this week.
Here you go:
One of my biggest mistakes was the fact I used the hair oil and the regular body lotion for most of the days. I got the fenugreek oil two days ago and mostly this one will be in use but sometimes I will try to massage with the olive oil as well.
I believe that the oil has a huge effect on the breast growth as it "helps to increase the amount of blood circulation in the breasts
(“Does fenugreek increase breast size,” 2014)" and "to expand the skin near the chest region
(“5 superb oils to increase breast size,” 2015)". Therefore, it really matters!
The next mistake of mine was my inconsistency in massaging. On most days I massaged the breasts ONCE a day (in the night-time), however, I used both techniques (the Deer and the Chi Massage Techniques) at once but I doubt it brought the same results as if I have massaged twice a day.
My massage consists of 400-450 rotations on each breast and recently I have tried these methods as well:
The conclusion: CONSISTENCY,
REGULARITY do wonders. I am continuing my journey and I am waiting for better results.
Does fenugreek increase breast size. (2014, May 20). Retrieved January 6, 2017, from Herbs to Increase Breast Size,
5 superb oils to increase breast size. (2015). Retrieved January 6, 2017, from