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Should you start taking herbs on the 1st day of your cycle? Does it matter?


(07-04-2017, 19:32)ZaraAri Wrote:   How much progress have you seen on your own personal program? I hope everything is working out great for you! I tried Miss Ellen's program for about 2 months and had to stop because it turned out to not be so good for my physical or emotional health (crazy mood swings). But I do hope that it's working for you! 


hello ms z.  health, this is my program, mostly. i’ve always been a little bit of a health nut. after landing on this site a few yrs ago, me and my aye cups, neither of us ever having heard of breast enlargement pumps, i got some large size kangzhu domes, had those for 2yrs before getting the large contoured noogleberry’s. then i got interested in glandulars, and in pregnenolone which i still think is very interesting in very small doses at times when you feel you need it but otherwise, anything more than a tiny bit messed with my head and emotions. i also had a really unusual breast experience while taking glandulars but really, with me, i’ve kept learning a bit here and there and when i found something i thought was useful, i would just include it in my diet somehow., for instance, in the morning i mix a drink with a whole bunch of stuff in a base of nutritional yeast and spirulina. typical things i’ll add are msm, gelatin, hydrolyzed collagen, creatine, biotin, folic acid, vit c, kelp, niacin, arginine, dmae, psyllium, lysine for bone and skin, also, it fights acne, d3, concentrace, coconut oil, fish oil and molasses and then i throw in other things when i feel inclined like those adaptogens and sometimes, fo-ti  ……and now, drum roolll for miss ellen, cough. a lotta ground up flax seeds ...but not at the same time, that's like a meal in itself. actually, i’m very glad i started the flax seeds. i also, have a cabinet full of amino acids which i play with from time to time on an empty stomach. like, gaba increases growth hormone ...let me see if i can find the link. ingested GABA elevates resting and postexercise immunoreactive GH (irGH) and immunofunctional GH 

   .......i've recently been reading things like this  ‘three lignans found in flaxseeds can be converted by intestinal bacteria into enterolactone and enterodiol which naturally balance hormones’   and this  ‘Lignans are dietary diphenolic compounds which require activation by intestinal bacteria to exert possible beneficial health effects. The intestinal ecosystem plays a crucial role in lignan metabolism’   and  ’plant lignans per se are devoid of any biological properties. Only the enterolignans enterodiol (ED) and enterolactone (EL), produced from secoisolariciresinol by intestinal bacteria, have interesting biological properties such as estrogen agonism and antagonism’   and  ‘the widespread conversion of dietary lignans results from the catalytic activities of both dominant and subdominant anaerobic bacterial communities in the human intestinal tract.’   whooo, parteeeeyy!!!! also, it's funny, certain things seem to exact differently when they're taken alone on an empty stomach.

well, ok. i never understand it all, maybe, just a little, which is all it takes to get me excited but, the thing is, i kinda have these ideas in my head ..sorta like the synergy of all the things we are and all the things we might be …so, spirit, our emotional body and emotional joy, peace and harmony in our cellular life, and whole integration of muscle, brain and movement with music and mental imagery, what our body really needs in our stomachs for perfect assimilation, how much or how little and when and of course, purpose. we gotta have some freakin purpose. ok, but seriously, if it sounds like i know what i’m talking about, i don’t, but, it excites my imagination and i wanna be whole and happy, so, how does this all fit in with boobs and bacteria. so glad you asked. uummm. no idea, but i kinda sense this huge synergy of life and want so much to try and integrate what i am able. i kinda figure if i can take one step then step 2 will appear out of nowhere. i take it slow and wanna feel my way. i want my boobs to be larger  ..they make me happy. oh, this morning, i pulled out those kangzhu domes and was so astonished to see how small they were. i really had no idea i’d done as much growing but really the noogs, which i've now had for 6mnths helped to give my breasts a wider base. i massage them but not a great deal, my nooging is not awfully regular, but i do know our bodies love live food, so, i do one thing that i know is really good ..i grow wheatgrass ..our bodies love live enzymes. anyway, i ride my bike, rollerblade and go to a dance aerobics class and slowly, slowly my boobs grow. they still fluctuate in size and i freak out when they get small but wait another 48hrs and they change. anyway, i'm really babbling. i tend to babble. sometimes, i babble too much  ..then, i take a breath and remember, i'm spirit  ..with eyelashes and boobs and i tell myself to put down the cheeseburger. hahaha, i think i'm babbling, again. oh, i almost forgot, my breasts now seem to fluctuate from a large a to small c. i want them to fluctuate up to a d. i have a high metabolism and most of my body fat is on my rear-end. i'm also, kinda interested in knowing more about epigenetics and tapping. i forget, it's called eft ....hhmmm. seriously, i need to shutup  Tongue

(08-04-2017, 19:34)solome Wrote:  
(07-04-2017, 19:32)ZaraAri Wrote:   How much progress have you seen on your own personal program? I hope everything is working out great for you! I tried Miss Ellen's program for about 2 months and had to stop because it turned out to not be so good for my physical or emotional health (crazy mood swings). But I do hope that it's working for you! 


hello ms z.  health, this is my program, mostly. i’ve always been a little bit of a health nut. after landing on this site a few yrs ago, me and my aye cups, neither of us ever having heard of breast enlargement pumps, i got some large size kangzhu domes, had those for 2yrs before getting the large contoured noogleberry’s. then i got interested in glandulars, and in pregnenolone which i still think is very interesting in very small doses at times when you feel you need it but otherwise, anything more than a tiny bit messed with my head and emotions. i also had a really unusual breast experience while taking glandulars but really, with me, i’ve kept learning a bit here and there and when i found something i thought was useful, i would just include it in my diet somehow., for instance, in the morning i mix a drink with a whole bunch of stuff in a base of nutritional yeast and spirulina. typical things i’ll add are msm, gelatin, hydrolyzed collagen, creatine, biotin, folic acid, vit c, kelp, niacin, arginine, dmae, psyllium, lysine for bone and skin, also, it fights acne, d3, concentrace, coconut oil, fish oil and molasses and then i throw in other things when i feel inclined like those adaptogens and sometimes, fo-ti  ……and now, drum roolll for miss ellen, cough. a lotta ground up flax seeds ...but not at the same time, that's like a meal in itself. actually, i’m very glad i started the flax seeds. i also, have a cabinet full of amino acids which i play with from time to time on an empty stomach. like, gaba increases growth hormone ...let me see if i can find the link. ingested GABA elevates resting and postexercise immunoreactive GH (irGH) and immunofunctional GH 

   .......i've recently been reading things like this  ‘three lignans found in flaxseeds can be converted by intestinal bacteria into enterolactone and enterodiol which naturally balance hormones’   and this  ‘Lignans are dietary diphenolic compounds which require activation by intestinal bacteria to exert possible beneficial health effects. The intestinal ecosystem plays a crucial role in lignan metabolism’   and  ’plant lignans per se are devoid of any biological properties. Only the enterolignans enterodiol (ED) and enterolactone (EL), produced from secoisolariciresinol by intestinal bacteria, have interesting biological properties such as estrogen agonism and antagonism’   and  ‘the widespread conversion of dietary lignans results from the catalytic activities of both dominant and subdominant anaerobic bacterial communities in the human intestinal tract.’   whooo, parteeeeyy!!!! also, it's funny, certain things seem to exact differently when they're taken alone on an empty stomach.

well, ok. i never understand it all, maybe, just a little, which is all it takes to get me excited but, the thing is, i kinda have these ideas in my head ..sorta like the synergy of all the things we are and all the things we might be …so, spirit, our emotional body and emotional joy, peace and harmony in our cellular life, and whole integration of muscle, brain and movement with music and mental imagery, what our body really needs in our stomachs for perfect assimilation, how much or how little and when and of course, purpose. we gotta have some freakin purpose. ok, but seriously, if it sounds like i know what i’m talking about, i don’t, but, it excites my imagination and i wanna be whole and happy, so, how does this all fit in with boobs and bacteria. so glad you asked. uummm. no idea, but i kinda sense this huge synergy of life and want so much to try and integrate what i am able. i kinda figure if i can take one step then step 2 will appear out of nowhere. i take it slow and wanna feel my way. i want my boobs to be larger  ..they make me happy. oh, this morning, i pulled out those kangzhu domes and was so astonished to see how small they were. i really had no idea i’d done as much growing but really the noogs, which i've now had for 6mnths helped to give my breasts a wider base. i massage them but not a great deal, my nooging is not awfully regular, but i do know our bodies love live food, so, i do one thing that i know is really good ..i grow wheatgrass ..our bodies love live enzymes. anyway, i ride my bike, rollerblade and go to a dance aerobics class and slowly, slowly my boobs grow. they still fluctuate in size and i freak out when they get small but wait another 48hrs and they change. anyway, i'm really babbling. i tend to babble. sometimes, i babble too much  ..then, i take a breath and remember, i'm spirit  ..with eyelashes and boobs and i tell myself to put down the cheeseburger. hahaha, i think i'm babbling, again. oh, i almost forgot, my breasts now seem to fluctuate from a large a to small c. i want them to fluctuate up to a d. i have a high metabolism and most of my body fat is on my rear-end. i'm also, kinda interested in knowing more about epigenetics and tapping. i forget, it's called eft ....hhmmm. seriously, i need to shutup  Tongue

Hey Solome, can you elaborate more on this:
  .......i've recently been reading things like this  ‘three lignans found in flaxseeds can be converted by intestinal bacteria into enterolactone and enterodiol which naturally balance hormones’   and this  ‘Lignans are dietary diphenolic compounds which require activation by intestinal bacteria to exert possible beneficial health effects. The intestinal ecosystem plays a crucial role in lignan metabolism’   and  ’plant lignans per se are devoid of any biological properties. Only the enterolignans enterodiol (ED) and enterolactone (EL), produced from secoisolariciresinol by intestinal bacteria, have interesting biological properties such as estrogen agonism and antagonism’   and  ‘the widespread conversion of dietary lignans results from the catalytic activities of both dominant and subdominant anaerobic bacterial communities in the human intestinal tract.’   whooo, parteeeeyy!!!! also, it's funny, certain things seem to exact differently when they're taken alone on an empty stomach

Is there a more beneficial effect to taking the flax meal on an empty stomach or should we take with food?

You know its up for debate but for all my research the flaxseeds and soy (fermented non gmo) are the TWO best things to metabolize estrogen - send them in the right detox pathways... Also soy repeatedly used in all the countries with longevity records - But NOT the soy isolates, protein powders, flour etc, all the soy rubbish they put in processed food but the GOOD fermented stuff, miso  etc. But what confuses me how does even GOOD SOY play into thyroid disorders... I Mean the Japanese have some of the longest living people in the world (okinawa / blue zones book) and you dont see them all falling victim for thyroid diseases like us westerners for all the soy they eat! What gives...

Im like you, i can swell up to a D in my luteal then in the middle i shrivel away to a small C jeez even a B at times - thats why when i read in the Greenbush testimonials women saying it stopped the fluctutaions i jumped for joy cause of lot of the women using Greenbush were late 30's plus, women who've had kids or in their 50"s plus and post menopause, it really helped them.

Also i was reading this kindle book yesterday "breast enlarging secrets from around the world" and in Asia which its quite a big thing Fo'ti kept comming up!

hi ella ….this is an interesting and very long sort of compendium of the kind of stuff we’re interested in, although, she says you can’t take N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) on an empty stomach …i’ve never heard that before and in fact, i do that a few times/week but she mentions ‘oxicell’ cream and that’s one i haven’t come across …i’ve taken calcium-d-glucarate know, maybe a few times a month a detox, mostly. 'N-acetylcysteine is an excellent source of sulfhydryl groups and is converted in the body into metabolites capable of stimulating glutathione synthesis, promoting detoxification, and acting directly as a free radical scavenger.'  here’s 2more i think are interesting flaxseed benefits and a very tedious study of the lignan/bacteria thing i seem to recall miss ellen or christri talking about flax and a necessary healthy gut flora 

i buy whole seeds and grind them in an electric grinder, then i open a capsule of these probiotics into the flax meal, stir, add juice for flavor, water, stir and drink a la miss ellen. it’s a lot to down but i want to know how this is going to work with me and so far, so good. i take it in the AM on an empty stomach. it fills me up. i know you’re interested in this subject and it seems like i keep coming across articles that emphasize the essential symbiotic biological life we have with trillions of microbes that live inside us and all the stuff that they metabolize for us that we can’t for ourselves. my god we are so weird. i'm a bit torn to be honest because i know these weaker estrogens although protective do compete with our more powerful estradiol, so, maybe, it's another good thing in moderation, you know, like really good but not everyday. i know i'm learning more because i feel stupid. and as always, the more i learn, the less i fathom. learning always made me realize how little i understand. so, really, i should feel pretty good about myself. so confused.

(08-04-2017, 23:09)solome Wrote:  hi ella ….this is an interesting and very long sort of compendium of the kind of stuff we’re interested in, although, she says you can’t take N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) on an empty stomach …i’ve never heard that before and in fact, i do that a few times/week but she mentions ‘oxicell’ cream and that’s one i haven’t come across …i’ve taken calcium-d-glucarate know, maybe a few times a month a detox, mostly. 'N-acetylcysteine is an excellent source of sulfhydryl groups and is converted in the body into metabolites capable of stimulating glutathione synthesis, promoting detoxification, and acting directly as a free radical scavenger.'  here’s 2more i think are interesting flaxseed benefits and a very tedious study of the lignan/bacteria thing i seem to recall miss ellen or christri talking about flax and a necessary healthy gut flora 

i buy whole seeds and grind them in an electric grinder, then i open a capsule of these probiotics into the flax meal, stir, add juice for flavor, water, stir and drink a la miss ellen. it’s a lot to down but i want to know how this is going to work with me and so far, so good. i take it in the AM on an empty stomach. it fills me up. i know you’re interested in this subject and it seems like i keep coming across articles that emphasize the essential symbiotic biological life we have with trillions of microbes that live inside us and all the stuff that they metabolize for us that we can’t for ourselves. my god we are so weird. i'm a bit torn to be honest because i know these weaker estrogens although protective do compete with our more powerful estradiol, so, maybe, it's another good thing in moderation, you know, like really good but not everyday. i know i'm learning more because i feel stupid. and as always, the more i learn, the less i fathom. learning always made me realize how little i understand. so, really, i should feel pretty good about myself. so confused.
Sololme first off THANK YOU for posting that article . Seeing caffeine raises estrogen 70% is a slap in the face but one needed. Gotta stop. Esp now . Let alone the 2 drinks alcoholic raising another 30% Mannn I needed to see this so thank you. 

Next question why do you fear flax? Competing with estradiol? Don't we WANT that? Estradiol promotes the bad stuff.. or are you concerned for long term health ie estradiol might not recover? Or you're trying to keep done estradiol circulating so taking flax meal only off and on?

Yes I have NAC at home . I must take. It was part of my gut bacteria pprogramme

(08-04-2017, 23:42)EllaC Wrote:     ..............Next question why do you fear flax? Competing with estradiol? Don't we WANT that? Estradiol promotes the bad stuff.. or are you concerned for long term health ie estradiol might not recover? Or you're trying to keep done estradiol circulating so taking flax meal only off and on?

Yes I have NAC at home . I must take. It was part of my gut bacteria pprogramme

hi ella. i like taking the flax meal, i guess it's back to this question that bettie and others have asked about crowding out our endogenous estradiol. i don't want to create an imbalance, i mean, in theory, if we take a lot of daily phytoestrogens, you know, like, a lot ..and they hook up with our e receptors, which is like a protective buffer from the much more powerful estradiol, i guess we continue to make fsh and follicles continue to produce estrogen, a lot of which is converted to estrone and estriol, so, some of the remaining estradiol gets metabolized by the liver  ..idk, i guess it just does. i want to stay in hormonal balance, i want to stay feminine and not let testosterone get too relatively high, i don't want dht in me, i don't want to look like my girlfriends mother, angular and mannish, damn, i hope she never sees this, so, i suppose it's just my concern to remain feminine, hormonally balanced, healthy, safe and weird and not become an adversary to my own estrogen. i think i'm making an effort to find some sense in this but, you know, the body is so amazing and so complex in the way it always, always moves toward homeostasis and, in doing so, idk, it's kinda like people throwing out suitcases and excess baggage from their hot-air balloon in order to stay afloat  ...things get metabolized. anyway, ella, check out that liver link's interesting.

(09-04-2017, 01:18)solome Wrote:  
(08-04-2017, 23:42)EllaC Wrote:     ..............Next question why do you fear flax? Competing with estradiol? Don't we WANT that? Estradiol promotes the bad stuff.. or are you concerned for long term health ie estradiol might not recover? Or you're trying to keep done estradiol circulating so taking flax meal only off and on?

Yes I have NAC at home . I must take. It was part of my gut bacteria pprogramme

hi ella. i like taking the flax meal, i guess it's back to this question that bettie and others have asked about crowding out our endogenous estradiol. i don't want to create an imbalance, i mean, in theory, if we take a lot of daily phytoestrogens, you know, like, a lot ..and they hook up with our e receptors, which is like a protective buffer from the much more powerful estradiol, i guess we continue to make fsh and follicles continue to produce estrogen, a lot of which is converted to estrone and estriol, so, some of the remaining estradiol gets metabolized by the liver  ..idk, i guess it just does. i want to stay in hormonal balance, i want to stay feminine and not let testosterone get too relatively high, i don't want dht in me, i don't want to look like my girlfriends mother, angular and mannish, damn, i hope she never sees this, so, i suppose it's just my concern to remain feminine, hormonally balanced, healthy, safe and weird and not become an adversary to my own estrogen. i think i'm making an effort to find some sense in this but, you know, the body is so amazing and so complex in the way it always, always moves toward homeostasis and, in doing so, idk, it's kinda like people throwing out suitcases and excess baggage from their hot-air balloon in order to stay afloat  ...things get metabolized. anyway, ella, check out that liver link's interesting.

Thank yeh I will. I've been agonising whether to cancel the Greenbush  order... I guess it comes down to "is fenugreek and wild yam phytoestrogens " . Agh yeh I don't want to block the good estrogen receptors

Ok. Just cancelled the order (lets hope they get it on time).
Having read your link I just can't see how i WOULDNT be estrogen Dom . I've been doing daily two thngs that up my risk of excess E by 100%!

At the very least I need to test before I go down the Greenbush road.

ella, i didn’t mean to scare you away from the greenbush products. i was just speaking for myself and my quest for balance and boobs. i still remember it’s estrogen, progesterone, prolactin and growth hormone. increasing these and remaining somewhat balanced, hormonally is ideal, maybe not possible entirely. i’ve been taking fenugreek for quite awhile, now. i do like it. it is a phytoestrogen like all those other herbal galactagogues. i think it’s ‘natures way’. anyway, there’s a woman who crazy for it. here’s her website. btw, i know it’s been commented on in other threads but i try to increase my prolactin gently pulling and rolling my nipples during massage and then, so many things for growth hormone, gelatin on an empty stomach, gaba before bedtime, arginine and orthinine and then there’s fasting, getting sleep and melatonin if you need, etc. you're probably right, though, to get tested so you feel better before heating up your system.

(09-04-2017, 03:41)solome Wrote:  ella, i didn’t mean to scare you away from the greenbush products. i was just speaking for myself and my quest for balance and boobs. i still remember it’s estrogen, progesterone, prolactin and growth hormone. increasing these and remaining somewhat balanced, hormonally is ideal, maybe not possible entirely. i’ve been taking fenugreek for quite awhile, now. i do like it. it is a phytoestrogen like all those other herbal galactagogues. i think it’s ‘natures way’. anyway, there’s a woman who crazy for it. here’s her website. btw, i know it’s been commented on in other threads but i try to increase my prolactin gently pulling and rolling my nipples during massage and then, so many things for growth hormone, gelatin on an empty stomach, gaba before bedtime, arginine and orthinine and then there’s fasting, getting sleep and melatonin if you need, etc. you're probably right, though, to get tested so you feel better before heating up your system.

No its ok. I already cancelled it. Might be too late but we will see. I was worried anyway.. then the link you posted highlighted all the reasons I've been pr9bably raising my E too high then piling phytos on top. Might not be the bbest idea. Plus I haven't ruled out endo etc. So I can wait Smile

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