It's been 8 days since I started, more or less without a concrete plan in mind, so I just jumped in, put a castor oil pack on my breasts on the first day, starting taking Vitex 1-2 times a day, tried different massages, noogled and used a volufiline cream once per day. By now, I have a general idea of what my routine should look like, but I am seeing this journey as an experiment, so I will update regularly. Throughout this time, I want to try to dissolve the scar tissue, which constricts tubular breasts, a bit.
I started week 2 with another castor oil pack.
My plan for this week also includes:
Vitex, Volufiline cream, noogling, massages, introduce exercises and maybe progesterone cream. I also find the idea of subliminal affirmations/binaural tracks intriguing.