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Jealousy looking at other women


Ever since I became fixated on my breasts, breast size is the first thing I notice on other women. I can't help feeling really jealous on a regular basis, just seeing a well filled out t-shirt or a girl able to show off some cleavage in a low cut shirt.

It hurts but it also drives me more and more to work on gaining. I want to see some big growth at any cost. I focus my whole daily routine around breast growth and I think I can at least say it's working, just way slower than I would like.

I want to stick with NBE though because I don't want to deal with the complications of breast surgery. I'm even okay with gaining a lot of weight and getting "fat girl boobs" to reach my goal. I only care about breast size and I'm fed up of being small.


hi Dreamergirl

Its good that you have made up your mind to improve your breasts... BUT do do it the cost of your health.

Read through the programs and find one that appeals to you.

Give it a try and keep a progress thread so we can help you grow and save you from disasters.

Remember this is a slow process so take a deep breath and lets begin.

Take your current measurements, and take some pictures. Often the tape or the pics will lie, so its good to have a back up, and if you want to share your pics that's helpful too.

Think positive and stick to your routine.

Happy growing



(30-09-2020, 21:41)Happyme Wrote:  

hi Dreamergirl

Its good that you have made up your mind to improve your breasts... BUT do do it the cost of your health.

Read through the programs and find one that appeals to you.

Give it a try and keep a progress thread so we can help you grow and save you from disasters.

Remember this is a slow process so take a deep breath and lets begin.

Take your current measurements, and take some pictures. Often the tape or the pics will lie, so its good to have a back up, and if you want to share your pics that's helpful too.

Think positive and stick to your routine.

Happy growing


Thanks. I'm not really comfortable taking photos even for my own reference because I hate to look at my breasts, but I can do measurements. How often should I measure them to get an accurate reading?

I'm trying to stay positive. Lately I've been making my routine even stricter and better and more focused and I think it is giving me results.


Okay, so I've been on both sides of the spectrum. I've been massively underweight most of my life, as well as over weight in adult hood and also at just the right weight the past couple years...I'm telling you, Fat-Girl boobs are NOT a guarantee, sadly AND you'll still feel like crap because you'll be unfit, unhealthy, and any boobs you do grow will melt away once you do start getting fit. I've been there, it's better to start from where you're at with a healthy routine, than to have to start over from a different maybe worse point later, and feel like you wasted your time getting out of shape. 
I absolutely recommend you take pictures. Front, side, and bent over pictures. I even take a quick video so I can move around, rotate, and see my full body in all its live-action angles, and i've found it to be very important in showing a bit more accuracy. There are dips, swells, shadows, and shape aspects that a picture just can't give you on it's own 
You should also be taking your measurements. A full body measurement will give you an accurate portrayal of your physique. It's important to take your FULL BODY measurements & pictures. 
(I HIGHLY RECOMMEND VIDEOs as well as pictures! Mine are taken on the first of each month, I start with my measurements as soon as I wake up, then take my pictures and my video: The video is usually under 5 mins! so super easy! I wear a sexy thong and nothing else, so I show as much of my full physique as honestly as possible, and I put on a fun mask so I don't have to show my face. I start by doing my 'rotations'  both standing up as well as on my hands and knees. I do full 'rotations' in a relaxed (i e: the fab flab) state, then a second one in a flexed state, and then a third rotation in a jiggly fun, "look at this sexiness" way.  
Add music, and have fun. I have a huge window in my living room that is the only one which gives even natural light. I put up a solid color curtain or sheet up on the opposite wall so I can get really great even light without distractions in the background.) 
The reason measurements AND pictures are so important is Because even the embarrassing ugly pictures and numbers show us where we've been as well as if we're making progress. You will absolutely regret not taking your pictures and measurements, and even worse you'll regret deleting the ugly ones. I deleted my FAT physique pictures AND most of my UNDERWEIGHT physique pictures and I only kept one of each; and even though I remember why I deleted them on an emotional level, I'm still very regretful that I didn't keep them all, if only to show myself that things can always change and to remind myself of my progress. Also, it's not like you have to show anyone your pictures, videos, or measurement journals. but at the end of your journey you're going to want to see how far you've come, and it will be cathartic to look at your entire journey and see everything you've actually experienced and accomplished. seeing how you've changed over the years is so important. 
I hope that you don't give up, and that you take your journey as seriously as anything else, and document it every step of the way.  
I've included a really great Example for taking your full body measurements. I like to take mine at the start of each month. It seems like a lot of work but its very worth it, and it takes under an hour.  Even if you did it at the end of each quarter of the seasonal year: March 21st, June 21st, September 21st, December 21st, you'd still be getting a full scale look at where you're at on all levels.  
For example, this year shocked me. My routine didn't change drastically but my body felt extra drained & stressed out, and fluctuated more than it did last year. I saw some confusing results and my health was thrown off recently by both external and internal challenges, and i'm still trying to get back on track so i can be more balanced by the Winter solstice, and I want to be ready to moter-vate into the next year. My quarterly tracking showed A significant differences in the overall quality of my mental health and it's imacts on my physique results, both positive and negative. 
TRACK YOUR MONTHLY CYCLES!!!! The first day of your period is DAY 1 of your cycle, and the day BEFORE you start your NEXT period is your LAST DAY of cycle. Remember everyone's cycle is different and it's important to track it for many reasons, as well as NBE purposes. Being able to tell that your breasts have shrunk because you're in the middle of your period is important when you compare it to the massive gains you thought you had during the last 2 weeks of your cycle when you're body is preparing to conceive. This consistent tracking will eliminate or reduce unnecessary stress about NATURAL FLUCTUATIONS versus REAL GROWTH!!! Also Using a period tracking app will help immensely and I totally recommend using one! 
NEW Ground Zero: Start Month 1 Date: August 1st 2020 
Date: October 1st 2020 
Starting Month: 3 
Fitness: Month 2: Phase 3: Strength training program: Intermediate) 
Cycle Day: 29 
Weight (lbs): 000.00
Bust (Standing Upright)(cm): 00.00
Bust (Standing Bent-over)(cm): 00.00
Over Bust (cm): 00.00 
Under Bust (cm): 00.00
Waist (cm): 00.00
Hips/Hip-bones (cm): 00.00
Midway (cm): 00.00
Thighs (cm): 
•left: 00.00
•right: 00.00
Calves (cm) 
•left: 00.00
•right: 00.00
Upper Arms (cm):  
•left: 00.00
•right: 00.00
Forearms (cm): 
•left: 00.00
•right: 00.00
Knees (cm): (Just above):  
•left: 00.00 
•right: 00.00 
Glutes (cm)(close your legs and feet first):    
Across mid Glutes: 00.00
Fullest part of Glutes, lower: 00.00
Glute-Hamstring connection: 00.00
⭐ Notes ⭐ 

I feel pretty! I aced my macros this month, no gains, but my energy levels are up. my monthly cycle has been extra long this month and my weight has fluctuated with it. I took a week break in the middle of the month because the ladies were feeling extra stressed, and I'm glad i did. Work took a lot of my focus this month and so I've been doing multiple sessions of 20 - 40 mins noogle and/or massage each day, rather than one long one. I'm curious to see if it has any different effects in growing when compared to 1 long session each day, I might keep this up for 6 - 8 weeks to test my theories. I cannot SEE growth, nor is it measurable, however I can feel the density and the immeasurable shape is actually changing, which i can FEEL first. Like the foundations of my boobie house is being built under the surface. I've been adding distance reiki videos to help my energy flow and I really think its helping clear old blockages, both physical & non-physical. I feel like I need to protect my energy more around other people, and I've also started reducing the amount of time i spend looking at other people who induce negative feelings, as well as being more self-aware of my own internal dialogue.  
I tracked my sessions and this month i completed:  massage sessions on 26 days, and Noogle sessions for 13 days. The average day was a 15 min massage with 40 mins noogle for each of my ladies, and a heat pad of 7 minutes betweeen rounds. I did every workout this month in my program and I added yoga for 9 sessions this month too. I feel more connected to my body, regardless of the NBE RESULTS.  I've also added a protein shake to my routine and i think is helping my NBE  a LOT. Wish me luck moving forward!! 
(Alternative NOTES EXAMPLE:
This month/quarter I didn't see Progress. I let my depression get the better of me and spent the month getting stoned on weed and eating junk food, rather than working out and maintaining my NBE program. I am eager to get back on track. I have clear goals and a clear method of doing it, however my self-sabotage is a monster-beast that is dragging me behind. I've started eliminating negative influences on social media and within my home-life, and I have been working on my mind-emotion connection and how it's impacted my physical goals. there are certain people and triggers which became very evident thins month, and my Ladies definitely felt it too. I have been way harder on myself and my expectations, and it has debilitated my efforts keep trying, i am aware of this and have realized that my NBE journey is delayed by these perpetual mindset-issues. I stopped taking NBE supplements except protein powder for fitness and NBE reasons, because they all felt like a waste of money with no guarantee or results for me. Noogle is working better for me long term. I've gained 10 cm sporadically since I started, I've just got to keep going consistently and stop worrying about the what-ifs.
I am excited to try out the new Sweet almond oil I bought, and the new heating pad has an extra long extension cord so I can be a lazy noogler in bed LOL, and I have some ideas for my noogle program I'd like to implement regarding sitting upright versus laying down flat. SO, i fell off the wagon this month, I enjoyed the break, and am now excited to get back to focusing. Plus with all the cozy months in front of me I am going to enjoy making the most of it!
This month I did 3 massage sessions, 1 noogle session, no workouts. Consider this an extended holiday for my ladies.
Wish me luck moving forward!!

* * * * * * * * *     * * * * * * * * * *     * * * * * * * * * *     * * * * * * * * * *     * * * * * * * * * *  
**Physique journals will help track your numbers, pictures, and your thoughts. Consistent NBE methods will help you make progress. ** I included examples, because sometimes we fudge our numbers because we don't like them, or we don't do pictures, or we fail to include in our notes the really important things that made up the month/quarter we just finished. It is important to be really honest with yourself when you're on this journey. The examples I've included above show to very different notes, i felt it was important to show both, because sometimes you'll have great things to report, and other times you'll just feel ashamed, but its important to journal it all anyways. I have years of tracking and You really don't realize just how in depth you can see your life through this NBE journey, until you're looking back over your old notes. There are measurements and notes I never thought would matter to me, but 10 years later they still give me more value than I'd realized, and when I compared them all earlier this year, i saw way more of who I've been and what I've gone through both on my NBE journey, but within my regular life as well. i found WAY MORE VALUE than I'd realized they'd mean to me, compared to when I first started.
Anyways, I hope some of this helped. We all get discouraged, and I totally understand what you're feeling. Keep motor-vating and listen to your body, rather than your ego, because sometimes we push ourselves when our body needs a break, or a detox; and Sometimes we hold back when we could push ourselves. Feel free to copy the measurement log I've included for your own purposes!  


(05-10-2020, 20:37)DreamKist Wrote:  HELLO!  
Okay, so I've been on both sides of the spectrum. I've been massively underweight most of my life, as well as over weight in adult hood and also at just the right weight the past couple years...I'm telling you, Fat-Girl boobs are NOT a guarantee, sadly AND you'll still feel like crap because you'll be unfit, unhealthy, and any boobs you do grow will melt away once you do start getting fit. I've been there, it's better to start from where you're at with a healthy routine, than to have to start over from a different maybe worse point later, and feel like you wasted your time getting out of shape. 
I absolutely recommend you take pictures. Front, side, and bent over pictures. I even take a quick video so I can move around, rotate, and see my full body in all its live-action angles, and i've found it to be very important in showing a bit more accuracy. There are dips, swells, shadows, and shape aspects that a picture just can't give you on it's own 
You should also be taking your measurements. A full body measurement will give you an accurate portrayal of your physique. It's important to take your FULL BODY measurements & pictures. 
(I HIGHLY RECOMMEND VIDEOs as well as pictures! Mine are taken on the first of each month, I start with my measurements as soon as I wake up, then take my pictures and my video: The video is usually under 5 mins! so super easy! I wear a sexy thong and nothing else, so I show as much of my full physique as honestly as possible, and I put on a fun mask so I don't have to show my face. I start by doing my 'rotations'  both standing up as well as on my hands and knees. I do full 'rotations' in a relaxed (i e: the fab flab) state, then a second one in a flexed state, and then a third rotation in a jiggly fun, "look at this sexiness" way.  
Add music, and have fun. I have a huge window in my living room that is the only one which gives even natural light. I put up a solid color curtain or sheet up on the opposite wall so I can get really great even light without distractions in the background.) 
The reason measurements AND pictures are so important is Because even the embarrassing ugly pictures and numbers show us where we've been as well as if we're making progress. You will absolutely regret not taking your pictures and measurements, and even worse you'll regret deleting the ugly ones. I deleted my FAT physique pictures AND most of my UNDERWEIGHT physique pictures and I only kept one of each; and even though I remember why I deleted them on an emotional level, I'm still very regretful that I didn't keep them all, if only to show myself that things can always change and to remind myself of my progress. Also, it's not like you have to show anyone your pictures, videos, or measurement journals. but at the end of your journey you're going to want to see how far you've come, and it will be cathartic to look at your entire journey and see everything you've actually experienced and accomplished. seeing how you've changed over the years is so important. 
I hope that you don't give up, and that you take your journey as seriously as anything else, and document it every step of the way.  
I've included a really great Example for taking your full body measurements. I like to take mine at the start of each month. It seems like a lot of work but its very worth it, and it takes under an hour.  Even if you did it at the end of each quarter of the seasonal year: March 21st, June 21st, September 21st, December 21st, you'd still be getting a full scale look at where you're at on all levels.  
For example, this year shocked me. My routine didn't change drastically but my body felt extra drained & stressed out, and fluctuated more than it did last year. I saw some confusing results and my health was thrown off recently by both external and internal challenges, and i'm still trying to get back on track so i can be more balanced by the Winter solstice, and I want to be ready to moter-vate into the next year. My quarterly tracking showed A significant differences in the overall quality of my mental health and it's imacts on my physique results, both positive and negative. 
TRACK YOUR MONTHLY CYCLES!!!! The first day of your period is DAY 1 of your cycle, and the day BEFORE you start your NEXT period is your LAST DAY of cycle. Remember everyone's cycle is different and it's important to track it for many reasons, as well as NBE purposes. Being able to tell that your breasts have shrunk because you're in the middle of your period is important when you compare it to the massive gains you thought you had during the last 2 weeks of your cycle when you're body is preparing to conceive. This consistent tracking will eliminate or reduce unnecessary stress about NATURAL FLUCTUATIONS versus REAL GROWTH!!! Also Using a period tracking app will help immensely and I totally recommend using one! 
NEW Ground Zero: Start Month 1 Date: August 1st 2020 
Date: October 1st 2020 
Starting Month: 3 
Fitness: Month 2: Phase 3: Strength training program: Intermediate) 
Cycle Day: 29 
Weight (lbs): 000.00
Bust (Standing Upright)(cm): 00.00
Bust (Standing Bent-over)(cm): 00.00
Over Bust (cm): 00.00 
Under Bust (cm): 00.00
Waist (cm): 00.00
Hips/Hip-bones (cm): 00.00
Midway (cm): 00.00
Thighs (cm): 
•left: 00.00
•right: 00.00
Calves (cm) 
•left: 00.00
•right: 00.00
Upper Arms (cm):  
•left: 00.00
•right: 00.00
Forearms (cm): 
•left: 00.00
•right: 00.00
Knees (cm): (Just above):  
•left: 00.00 
•right: 00.00 
Glutes (cm)(close your legs and feet first):    
Across mid Glutes: 00.00
Fullest part of Glutes, lower: 00.00
Glute-Hamstring connection: 00.00
⭐ Notes ⭐ 

I feel pretty! I aced my macros this month, no gains, but my energy levels are up. my monthly cycle has been extra long this month and my weight has fluctuated with it. I took a week break in the middle of the month because the ladies were feeling extra stressed, and I'm glad i did. Work took a lot of my focus this month and so I've been doing multiple sessions of 20 - 40 mins noogle and/or massage each day, rather than one long one. I'm curious to see if it has any different effects in growing when compared to 1 long session each day, I might keep this up for 6 - 8 weeks to test my theories. I cannot SEE growth, nor is it measurable, however I can feel the density and the immeasurable shape is actually changing, which i can FEEL first. Like the foundations of my boobie house is being built under the surface. I've been adding distance reiki videos to help my energy flow and I really think its helping clear old blockages, both physical & non-physical. I feel like I need to protect my energy more around other people, and I've also started reducing the amount of time i spend looking at other people who induce negative feelings, as well as being more self-aware of my own internal dialogue.  
I tracked my sessions and this month i completed:  massage sessions on 26 days, and Noogle sessions for 13 days. The average day was a 15 min massage with 40 mins noogle for each of my ladies, and a heat pad of 7 minutes betweeen rounds. I did every workout this month in my program and I added yoga for 9 sessions this month too. I feel more connected to my body, regardless of the NBE RESULTS.  I've also added a protein shake to my routine and i think is helping my NBE  a LOT. Wish me luck moving forward!! 
(Alternative NOTES EXAMPLE:
This month/quarter I didn't see Progress. I let my depression get the better of me and spent the month getting stoned on weed and eating junk food, rather than working out and maintaining my NBE program. I am eager to get back on track. I have clear goals and a clear method of doing it, however my self-sabotage is a monster-beast that is dragging me behind. I've started eliminating negative influences on social media and within my home-life, and I have been working on my mind-emotion connection and how it's impacted my physical goals. there are certain people and triggers which became very evident thins month, and my Ladies definitely felt it too. I have been way harder on myself and my expectations, and it has debilitated my efforts keep trying, i am aware of this and have realized that my NBE journey is delayed by these perpetual mindset-issues. I stopped taking NBE supplements except protein powder for fitness and NBE reasons, because they all felt like a waste of money with no guarantee or results for me. Noogle is working better for me long term. I've gained 10 cm sporadically since I started, I've just got to keep going consistently and stop worrying about the what-ifs.
I am excited to try out the new Sweet almond oil I bought, and the new heating pad has an extra long extension cord so I can be a lazy noogler in bed LOL, and I have some ideas for my noogle program I'd like to implement regarding sitting upright versus laying down flat. SO, i fell off the wagon this month, I enjoyed the break, and am now excited to get back to focusing. Plus with all the cozy months in front of me I am going to enjoy making the most of it!
This month I did 3 massage sessions, 1 noogle session, no workouts. Consider this an extended holiday for my ladies.
Wish me luck moving forward!!

* * * * * * * * *     * * * * * * * * * *     * * * * * * * * * *     * * * * * * * * * *     * * * * * * * * * *  
**Physique journals will help track your numbers, pictures, and your thoughts. Consistent NBE methods will help you make progress. ** I included examples, because sometimes we fudge our numbers because we don't like them, or we don't do pictures, or we fail to include in our notes the really important things that made up the month/quarter we just finished. It is important to be really honest with yourself when you're on this journey. The examples I've included above show to very different notes, i felt it was important to show both, because sometimes you'll have great things to report, and other times you'll just feel ashamed, but its important to journal it all anyways. I have years of tracking and You really don't realize just how in depth you can see your life through this NBE journey, until you're looking back over your old notes. There are measurements and notes I never thought would matter to me, but 10 years later they still give me more value than I'd realized, and when I compared them all earlier this year, i saw way more of who I've been and what I've gone through both on my NBE journey, but within my regular life as well. i found WAY MORE VALUE than I'd realized they'd mean to me, compared to when I first started.
Anyways, I hope some of this helped. We all get discouraged, and I totally understand what you're feeling. Keep motor-vating and listen to your body, rather than your ego, because sometimes we push ourselves when our body needs a break, or a detox; and Sometimes we hold back when we could push ourselves. Feel free to copy the measurement log I've included for your own purposes!  


Thank you so much for this very elaborate response, it has given me a lot of good advice and things to think about, and the examples you shared are really helpful. I am deadly and completely serious about this, each day my life and thoughts revolve around it, but I haven't documented it at ALL outside of my few posts in this forum. I just go by eye looking at the size and from feeling my own breasts.

I appreciate your perspective on the weight aspect. You are right I have seen plenty of larger girls with small chests so the two are not entirely correlated. My current body type is very underweight and it makes me feel very unsexy, my ideal body type would be thick/curvy. So maybe I should not think of pushing myself too far but some overall fat growth will be essential on my journey and I do hope the boobs come with it.

I'm not sure what my body type is because I think I am too underweight/skinny to judge yet where I would fill out, but I will say that although my assets are small, majority of fat on my body is in my breasts and butt. I was hoping that with weight gain this trend could continue.

I do think that mildly overweight girls usually look more sexy than my skin and bones but I'm not looking to end up obese.

I don't know if I can brave the photos and videos just yet when my body hatred is very, very extreme. Whenever I even look at my body in the camera without taking a photo I want to cry because it looks so much worse than I thought it did but for now I can at least try taking measurements and notes on my progress.

Thank you for all of the advice.


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