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Hello peeps!


So hi… what a discover this forum. How did I get here? Maybe I was privately browsing the web looking for a breast pump? Ohh a noodle berry what is it? Ohh a forum… ohh another better forum!  Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile">

Anyway… I’m a guy, I’ve always been into my female side since when I was around 13… 14.

I had a lot of time on my own and for some reasons I’ve always been drawn to my mom’s closet and… some of you know how the rest goes. Oh I vividly remember being so small and loving to watch at my mom while she was doing her makeup! Geez I guess I was already on a good path  Rolleyes" alt="Rolleyes" title="Rolleyes">

I’m big. Not fat but tall so… I always knew I’d have been a ridiculous girl and so I just fought my Karen inside with some good and some less good moments and tried to be just a normal guy. Success! Ok I’m not really happy and I never had a real relationship but I can deal with it.

One thing that never helped is that at some point I developed some male breasts. Not just a little bump, something my friends would notice and make fun. At first it bothered me but then at some point you grow fond of them  Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile"> I just laugh at it when people comments so it’s ok, they just stop talking about it.

Im a total mess with bra measures and during the years I’ve tried and had many failures with bra. But this Triumph 4D I’m wearing (sounds like a cheap 3D movie…) fits, fits very well actually.

You know what bothers me more? It’s comfortable to wear and I feel more comfortable when sitting and using it. So it goes further than enjoying wearing it I guess.

I’m in a period where my Karen is more present, it happens and I try to deal with it. But it doesn’t help I’m off from work for a long period of time and I have the time to try new things!

I want a noogleberry but the sane part of me doesn’t want it at all! But as it happened many times during these years, I can recall many things I shouldn’t have bought or tried but whatever  Cool" alt="Cool" title="Cool">

Well, I reckon it’s a weird intro but that’s what I am, a weird guy in love and fight since ever with its inner Karen.

See you around and peace out to all!


I am someone who has long since reconciled with my inner dualities and with self care you can, too. You simply have to realize that while you may feel more one way or the other at times, both sides of yourself are always present and deserve to be cared for. Your macho man self is going to have to let your lady self buy a bra or a Noogle set or whatever now and then. And, by the same token, she can't dominate your life either. There are plenty of ways to enjoy your femininity without stopping being a man. In the long run, your overall life will benefit.

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