So hi… what a discover this forum. How did I get here? Maybe I was privately browsing the web looking for a breast pump? Ohh a noodle berry what is it? Ohh a forum… ohh another better forum! " alt="" title="">
Anyway… I’m a guy, I’ve always been into my female side since when I was around 13… 14.
I had a lot of time on my own and for some reasons I’ve always been drawn to my mom’s closet and… some of you know how the rest goes. Oh I vividly remember being so small and loving to watch at my mom while she was doing her makeup! Geez I guess I was already on a good path " alt="" title="">
I’m big. Not fat but tall so… I always knew I’d have been a ridiculous girl and so I just fought my Karen inside with some good and some less good moments and tried to be just a normal guy. Success! Ok I’m not really happy and I never had a real relationship but I can deal with it.
One thing that never helped is that at some point I developed some male breasts. Not just a little bump, something my friends would notice and make fun. At first it bothered me but then at some point you grow fond of them " alt="" title=""> I just laugh at it when people comments so it’s ok, they just stop talking about it.
Im a total mess with bra measures and during the years I’ve tried and had many failures with bra. But this Triumph 4D I’m wearing (sounds like a cheap 3D movie…) fits, fits very well actually.
You know what bothers me more? It’s comfortable to wear and I feel more comfortable when sitting and using it. So it goes further than enjoying wearing it I guess.
I’m in a period where my Karen is more present, it happens and I try to deal with it. But it doesn’t help I’m off from work for a long period of time and I have the time to try new things!
I want a noogleberry but the sane part of me doesn’t want it at all! But as it happened many times during these years, I can recall many things I shouldn’t have bought or tried but whatever " alt="" title="">
Well, I reckon it’s a weird intro but that’s what I am, a weird guy in love and fight since ever with its inner Karen.
See you around and peace out to all!