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TinaZ's Program


May 21, 2009#1
MY Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121 pounds
Bra Size: 34A
Underbust: 29.5 inches
At bust: 35.25 inches
Overbust: 32 inches
Goal: 34C or a 34D (37-38 inches)

Kids: 2
Breastfed: Both
BCP: None

Other things: I drink wine often, I found a sweet one I really liked but I am stopping due to NBE reasons. I used to smoke for 10 years, I quit a year ago. I dont drink pop or caffeine drinks.

May 20, 2009
1) Started taking Milk thistle at the maximum doses.

2) Also startd taking zeolite at maximum doses. Trying to do a quick cleanse before I get started on this process.

3) I started massaging with PM cream that I made. Trying to do a total of 350-400 Rotations daily. Going to incorporate TigerLily's/Fengshui's massages as well. After massages, I use a heating pad for 20-30 minutes.

4) Doing as many push ups daily (30 reps, 2-3 times a day).

5) Use self-hypnosis/meditation/"the secret" many times through out the day and when doing massages/heat pad.

6) Going to start on my chicken feet soup binge! I don't mind it though, plus it is good for my skin.

7) Going to get back in the gym, as I have been slacking. I usually go 3 times per week. I am getting really out of shape. Plus, working out is good for NBE.

I think that is all for today. I try to update it regularly and if there are any changes. I plan to start BO after 2 weeks of taking Milk Thistle. I should start on: June 3, 2009. I am aiming to gain at least 1 inch by that time (June 3rd). I will NOT measure until May 27th and then again on June 3rd.

Last edited by tinaz408 on 2:10 PM - May 27, 2009, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postMay 22, 2009#2
Ok, today I am feeling alot fuller. I am used to my breast being empty and saggy, but today they feel fuller and firmer.

I havent made any chicken feet soup yet, but I will try to make it today, to have it for a few days.

For the past few days I have been feeling alot of tingles and I know tingles are a sign of growth and I do feel as though I have grown already! I did alot of massages yesterday while taking a shower and throughout the day with my homemad PM cream. I dont quite know what is causing the growth and tingles but I will continue to do the following:

1) Milk Thistle (500 mg - 3 times per day)
2) Zeolite and 8 big glasses of water
3) Massages and Heat with PM cream (Try to do 350-400 Rotations per day)
4) Pushups and Situps (2 sets of 15 reps - 3 times per day)
5) No wine

I still havent gone to the gym but I will start my gym routine on Monday and continue on Wed, and Fri. As well as start the ab challenge for the days of: Tues, Thurs, Sat, and Sun.

I would love to have just 3 more inches, and after 2 inches I would be very pleased. I believe I can get there and hope to get there very, very soon.

Unread postMay 25, 2009#3
Quote:MY Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121 pounds
Bra Size: 34A
Underbust: 29.5 inches
At bust: 35.25 inches
Overbust: 32 inches
Goal: 34C or a 34D (37-38 inches)

Kids: 2
Breastfed: Both
BCP: None

Other things: I drink wine often, I found a sweet one I really liked but I am stopping due to NBE reasons. I used to smoke for 10 years, I quit a year ago. I dont drink pop or caffeine drinks.

May 20, 2009
1) Started taking Milk thistle at the maximum doses.

2) Also startd taking zeolite at maximum doses. Trying to do a quick cleanse before I get started on this process.

3) I started massaging with PM cream that I made. Trying to do a total of 350-400 Rotations daily. Going to incorporate TigerLily's/Fengshui's massages as well. After massages, I use a heating pad for 20-30 minutes.

4) Doing as many push ups daily (30 reps, 2-3 times a day).

5) Use self-hypnosis/meditation/"the secret" many times through out the day and when doing massages/heat pad.

6) Going to start on my chicken feet soup binge! I don't mind it though, plus it is good for my skin.

7) Going to get back in the gym, as I have been slacking. I usually go 3 times per week. I am getting really out of shape. Plus, working out is good for NBE.

I think that is all for today. I try to update it regularly and if there are any changes. I plan to start BO after 2 weeks of taking Milk Thistle. I should start on: June 3, 2009. I am aiming to gain at least 1 inch by that time (June 3rd). I will NOT measure until May 27th and then again on June 3rd.
I am feeling even fuller today!

I finally made chicken feet soup today. I did some massages with my PM cream first then ate CFS right after and I felt deep tingles in my breast. I know I have grown even if the tape measure doesnt show it, I know it. I made a weeks supply of CFS, so Ii should have a good week of growth forsure!

I am going to try to be consistent in this pre-routine. I have been pretty consistent so far, which is why I am seeing good results. I am going to get growth like DoubleAce and Aprl, fast!
I am still aiming for 1 inch by June 3rd. If I get it sooner then I will start BO sooner.

I will measure in 3 days.

Unread postMay 26, 2009#4
Quote:MY Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121 pounds
Bra Size: 34A
Underbust: 29.5 inches
At bust: 35.25 inches
Overbust: 32 inches
Goal: 34C or a 34D (37-38 inches)

Kids: 2
Breastfed: Both
BCP: None

Other things: I drink wine often, I found a sweet one I really liked but I am stopping due to NBE reasons. I used to smoke for 10 years, I quit a year ago. I dont drink pop or caffeine drinks.

May 20, 2009
1) Started taking Milk thistle at the maximum doses.

2) Also startd taking zeolite at maximum doses. Trying to do a quick cleanse before I get started on this process.

3) I started massaging with PM cream that I made. Trying to do a total of 350-400 Rotations daily. Going to incorporate TigerLily's/Fengshui's massages as well. After massages, I use a heating pad for 20-30 minutes.

4) Doing as many push ups daily (30 reps, 2-3 times a day).

5) Use self-hypnosis/meditation/"the secret" many times through out the day and when doing massages/heat pad.

6) Going to start on my chicken feet soup binge! I don't mind it though, plus it is good for my skin.

7) Going to get back in the gym, as I have been slacking. I usually go 3 times per week. I am getting really out of shape. Plus, working out is good for NBE.

I think that is all for today. I try to update it regularly and if there are any changes. I plan to start BO after 2 weeks of taking Milk Thistle. I should start on: June 3, 2009. I am aiming to gain at least 1 inch by that time (June 3rd). I will NOT measure until May 27th and then again on June 3rd.
I know I wasnt supposed to measure until tommorow but I have gained 1/2 inch!

So now I am up to 35.75 inches, almost 36 inches.

36 inches is a B.
37 inches is a C.
38 inches is a D.

So 1.25 more inches to go and I will reach my goal! 2.25 more inches and be a D! WOW!

I will reach my goal, soon!
Last edited by tinaz408 on 2:11 PM - May 27, 2009, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postMay 28, 2009#5
Quote:MY Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121 pounds
Bra Size: 34A
Underbust: 29.5 inches
At bust: 35.25 inches
Overbust: 32 inches
Goal: 34C or a 34D (37-38 inches)

Kids: 2
Breastfed: Both
BCP: None

Other things: I drink wine often, I found a sweet one I really liked but I am stopping due to NBE reasons. I used to smoke for 10 years, I quit a year ago. I dont drink pop or caffeine drinks.

May 20, 2009
1) Started taking Milk thistle at the maximum doses.

2) Also startd taking zeolite at maximum doses. Trying to do a quick cleanse before I get started on this process.

3) I started massaging with PM cream that I made. Trying to do a total of 350-400 Rotations daily. Going to incorporate TigerLily's/Fengshui's massages as well. After massages, I use a heating pad for 20-30 minutes.

4) Doing as many push ups daily (30 reps, 2-3 times a day).

5) Use self-hypnosis/meditation/"the secret" many times through out the day and when doing massages/heat pad.

6) Going to start on my chicken feet soup binge! I don't mind it though, plus it is good for my skin.

7) Going to get back in the gym, as I have been slacking. I usually go 3 times per week. I am getting really out of shape. Plus, working out is good for NBE.

I think that is all for today. I try to update it regularly and if there are any changes. I plan to start BO after 2 weeks of taking Milk Thistle. I should start on: June 3, 2009. I am aiming to gain at least 1 inch by that time (June 3rd). I will NOT measure until May 27th and then again on June 3rd.
I started BO today, because I didnt want to miss out on this prime growing time!

Heres my program daily:

BO- 1350 mg
GABA- 1500 mg
Saw Palmetto- 1500 mg
EPO- 3000 mg
FSO- 3000 mg

Plus, Amino Acids and Protein shake.

Massage gently and not for too long (Emmie said when she shortened massages she grew better).

Stopped Milk Thistle and Zeolite.

Doing push up and sit ups daily.

Still not in the gym, but more active because its nicer outside now. I will start in the gym on Monday (I will try really hard!).

I will measure on Sat. or Sun. because that when I usually measure.

I am feeling alot of tingles in my breast. I remember Fawn saying that tingles are a sign of growth, so I know something is being done! I am going to try not to change anything for at least one month and see where I am. I am aiming for 1.25 inches in the next 6 weeks. I think it can be done with: BO + self meditation + boobie friendly foods + massage + push ups.

Mel C
Hi,TinaZ! Like your name----has a good ring to it! Hope you do not mind me posting here.If you do,just set me straight on it.Congrats to you on your growth! Sounds like you have a good customized program.I think it is the combination of all the things you are doing.If it ain't broke......

I agree with you on waiting a month,but if it's still working,this just may be your definite program.Hope all your boobie dreams come true!

I dont mind you posting here at all, actually I am glad you did. I hope this is my permanent program because I dont want to keep changing it, because I think consistency is the key. Becoming a full C or even a full D would truly be a dream come true.

I have breastfed like you and was left with empty skin. Your before pics look pretty great but you after pics look like you didnt even breastfeed! They look like teenage boobs! Im only 26, but I feel as if I have 50 year old boobs! I would love to fill up more than anything but after I fill up, I would then grow outwards. I am not sure how long that will take but I am willing to do it for as long as it takes. I am not getting implants and I want big boobs so this is the only way I am going to get them and MY BOOBS WILL GROW! I admire you perkiness, were they always like that?

I really like your program and was thinking of adding PM to my program, no more than 500 mgs. Do you have any problems with your menstrual cycle?

Unread postMay 30, 2009#8
Quote:MY Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121 pounds
Bra Size: 34A
Underbust: 29.5 inches
At bust: 35.25 inches
Overbust: 32 inches
Goal: 34C or a 34D (37-38 inches)

Kids: 2
Breastfed: Both
BCP: None

Other things: I drink wine often, I found a sweet one I really liked but I am stopping due to NBE reasons. I used to smoke for 10 years, I quit a year ago. I dont drink pop or caffeine drinks.

May 20, 2009
1) Started taking Milk thistle at the maximum doses.

2) Also startd taking zeolite at maximum doses. Trying to do a quick cleanse before I get started on this process.

3) I started massaging with PM cream that I made. Trying to do a total of 350-400 Rotations daily. Going to incorporate TigerLily's/Fengshui's massages as well. After massages, I use a heating pad for 20-30 minutes.

4) Doing as many push ups daily (30 reps, 2-3 times a day).

5) Use self-hypnosis/meditation/"the secret" many times through out the day and when doing massages/heat pad.

6) Going to start on my chicken feet soup binge! I don't mind it though, plus it is good for my skin.

7) Going to get back in the gym, as I have been slacking. I usually go 3 times per week. I am getting really out of shape. Plus, working out is good for NBE.

I think that is all for today. I try to update it regularly and if there are any changes. I plan to start BO after 2 weeks of taking Milk Thistle. I should start on: June 3, 2009. I am aiming to gain at least 1 inch by that time (June 3rd). I will NOT measure until May 27th and then again on June 3rd.
I am feeling alot of tingles, I know this is a great sign that the BO is working for me. Since I started I have not missed a dose. I shortened the massage, which I didnt want to do. But if I continue to massage it could counteract the results I would get from the BO.

I have to be patient, my results will come with time. The longer I consistently use BO for the more growth I will get. I think my combination is working out good for me so far. I probably could up the amount of protein I get from my diet as well as from the protein shakes.

I know they are growing and I am confident I will be a full C before I know it. I bought a Calvin Klein to "grow into". It is super big but that is how I will judge my growth. When I fill up that bra completely and Im spilling out of it, then I know I am a full C. As soon as I get to that point I will be so happy! I look forward to that day.

Mel C

Unread postMay 30, 2009#9
Quote:MY Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121 pounds
Bra Size: 34A
Underbust: 29.5 inches
At bust: 35.25 inches
Overbust: 32 inches
Goal: 34C or a 34D (37-38 inches)

Kids: 2
Breastfed: Both
BCP: None

Other things: I drink wine often, I found a sweet one I really liked but I am stopping due to NBE reasons. I used to smoke for 10 years, I quit a year ago. I dont drink pop or caffeine drinks.

May 20, 2009
1) Started taking Milk thistle at the maximum doses.

2) Also startd taking zeolite at maximum doses. Trying to do a quick cleanse before I get started on this process.

3) I started massaging with PM cream that I made. Trying to do a total of 350-400 Rotations daily. Going to incorporate TigerLily's/Fengshui's massages as well. After massages, I use a heating pad for 20-30 minutes.

4) Doing as many push ups daily (30 reps, 2-3 times a day).

5) Use self-hypnosis/meditation/"the secret" many times through out the day and when doing massages/heat pad.

6) Going to start on my chicken feet soup binge! I don't mind it though, plus it is good for my skin.

7) Going to get back in the gym, as I have been slacking. I usually go 3 times per week. I am getting really out of shape. Plus, working out is good for NBE.

I think that is all for today. I try to update it regularly and if there are any changes. I plan to start BO after 2 weeks of taking Milk Thistle. I should start on: June 3, 2009. I am aiming to gain at least 1 inch by that time (June 3rd). I will NOT measure until May 27th and then again on June 3rd.
Yes,you will get to your goal.I'm like you-----in it to win it and for the long haul.Was I always perky? According to the men in my life,yes,but I did not always feel perky.One guy I dated said I had pretty little titties,but I did not like that,even though I knew he meant it as a compliment.What killed me the most about my breasts was the side view-----they were flat as pancakes from that angle but from the front you could tell what mass I used to have.NBE has definitely helped fill me up,now I'm wanting to grow out,as well.If it takes a year,even 18 mos.,so be it.I will say you could try adding the PM @ 500 mg internally.You can always omit it if it does not help.I don't think it can hurt,though.I take a lot of things and it has helped me.I take it for 2 weeks,then take 2 weeks off because I am on depo and Moon recommended this to me.I make all my pills up in a pill box,so that I do not forget any.My cycles have not been messed up taking this.I am having breakthrough bleeding,which is normal for depo until after the 2nd shot.I will still have "silent" cycles and occasional breakthrough,but not bad at all.PM did not do this,it is just the depo.I took it for years,then took a rest.
So best boobie wishes to you on your journey and keep everyone posted.



Unread postJun 05, 2009#10
Quote:MY Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121 pounds
Bra Size: 34A
Underbust: 29.5 inches
At bust: 35.25 inches
Overbust: 32 inches
Goal: 34C or a 34D (37-38 inches)

Kids: 2
Breastfed: Both
BCP: None

Other things: I drink wine often, I found a sweet one I really liked but I am stopping due to NBE reasons. I used to smoke for 10 years, I quit a year ago. I dont drink pop or caffeine drinks.

May 20, 2009
1) Started taking Milk thistle at the maximum doses.

2) Also startd taking zeolite at maximum doses. Trying to do a quick cleanse before I get started on this process.

3) I started massaging with PM cream that I made. Trying to do a total of 350-400 Rotations daily. Going to incorporate TigerLily's/Fengshui's massages as well. After massages, I use a heating pad for 20-30 minutes.

4) Doing as many push ups daily (30 reps, 2-3 times a day).

5) Use self-hypnosis/meditation/"the secret" many times through out the day and when doing massages/heat pad.

6) Going to start on my chicken feet soup binge! I don't mind it though, plus it is good for my skin.

7) Going to get back in the gym, as I have been slacking. I usually go 3 times per week. I am getting really out of shape. Plus, working out is good for NBE.

I think that is all for today. I try to update it regularly and if there are any changes. I plan to start BO after 2 weeks of taking Milk Thistle. I should start on: June 3, 2009. I am aiming to gain at least 1 inch by that time (June 3rd). I will NOT measure until May 27th and then again on June 3rd.
Thanks Mel, I wish you the best.

I have been noticeing alot of tingles. I notice that my breasts are filling up. MY bra fits tighter, its almost full. The right breast is full in the cup but the left breast is just getting full now. When I look down on them they look wider at the bottoms. They feel fuller too. I feel as though I have gained like 1/2 inch because my bra fits now and it was really loose before.

I measure and I havent changed in measurement. I am filling up as opposed to growing outwards. So, this is not showing on the measuring tape (I am measuring with a different shirt on that is tighter, so that may be why its still measuring the same). But, just looking at them they look bigger. Its only been a week so I wonder what they will look like in 3 mths? 6 mths? 12 mths? 18 mths? As I fill out they seem to get perkier and firmer, which is exactly what I want. I just want them to be filled up, completely, what ever size that is!

Once I am over flowing in my current black victoria secret bra, I will know that I am a full B. I have a 34C Calvin Klein bra that I bought to grow into, once I am overflowing in this one I am a full 34C. I am almost overflowing in my current bra so I am almost a B. At this pace I say I will be a 34B in 2 weeks from now: June 19,2009.

So here's the program:

1) BO

2) Visualization

3) Protein Shake
Amino Acids

4) Supplements

5) Massage with PM cream
Heating pad after massage for 20 mins.

6) No Alcohol
Exercise- 3 days at home and 3 days at the gyn

7) Eat boobie friendly foods after massages.

For Faster ResultsSadmay or may not try, but wait at least 1 mth before changing anything in the current program)
- Protein rich foods
- Use Muscle Milk
- Add 500 mg of PM
- Add Swiss Lamb Placenta

Hopefully by next week I will be overflowing out of my current bra.

Other Notes:
I am so happy this is working. This means I dont have to get implants and this also means I can reach my goal of a Full 34C. This will be great. I am also hoping to get rid of my stretch marks permanently, and to grow my hair healthy and long. I think once I have obtained these 3 goals I will feel as though I can do anything. I think it would be really great for my self-esteem as well. Right now I have a poor self esteem about my body. I would love to get back my body. I KNOW this can be done. The results are slow but they do work and as long as I can see a continual improvement, I will keep at it. I prefer not to be cut open!

Mel C
I take Muscle Milk------it is awesome! I get vanilla,that way I can add fresh/frozen fruit or juice to it and get a different flavor if I get tired of vanilla.

Hey Tinaz,

Glad to hear that everything seems to be working out so far! I just had to ask you though...are you SURE that you're a 34A? 'Cause, wow, you're over 35" in the bust! If you're 32" over and 29" under, then your measurements are virtually identical to mine, excluding the bust size. When I put different measurements in for the calculator to see how big I would have to be to fit a 'C' cup, I had to be about 35-36". It could be possible that you stretched your old bras. You might wanna try new ones on and see how they fit. Or of course you could always go to a pro and get measured. Just thought I'd throw that suggestion out there...

Anyways, keep it up! Smile


Unread postJun 10, 2009#13
Quote:MY Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121 pounds
Bra Size: 34A
Underbust: 29.5 inches
At bust: 35.25 inches
Overbust: 32 inches
Goal: 34C or a 34D (37-38 inches)

Kids: 2
Breastfed: Both
BCP: None

Other things: I drink wine often, I found a sweet one I really liked but I am stopping due to NBE reasons. I used to smoke for 10 years, I quit a year ago. I dont drink pop or caffeine drinks.

May 20, 2009
1) Started taking Milk thistle at the maximum doses.

2) Also startd taking zeolite at maximum doses. Trying to do a quick cleanse before I get started on this process.

3) I started massaging with PM cream that I made. Trying to do a total of 350-400 Rotations daily. Going to incorporate TigerLily's/Fengshui's massages as well. After massages, I use a heating pad for 20-30 minutes.

4) Doing as many push ups daily (30 reps, 2-3 times a day).

5) Use self-hypnosis/meditation/"the secret" many times through out the day and when doing massages/heat pad.

6) Going to start on my chicken feet soup binge! I don't mind it though, plus it is good for my skin.

7) Going to get back in the gym, as I have been slacking. I usually go 3 times per week. I am getting really out of shape. Plus, working out is good for NBE.

I think that is all for today. I try to update it regularly and if there are any changes. I plan to start BO after 2 weeks of taking Milk Thistle. I should start on: June 3, 2009. I am aiming to gain at least 1 inch by that time (June 3rd). I will NOT measure until May 27th and then again on June 3rd.
So, I measured today again. I am still measuring aroung 35.25 - 35.5 inches. I still feel a little bit fuller than before. I am unsure about the measurement thing, because everytime I measure, honestly I get a different number. LOL.

I think if I swithced to Muscle Milk I would get faster results. I want to try it but it is expensive here, $52 for a little 2 lb container. I want faster results but unsure of whether to get muscle milk or 6 star from Walmart because its almost half the price of muscle milk. When you drink it, do you notice tingles in your breasts?

I put my numbers into this calculator and it gave me an A which seems right to me when I look at them.

Here's the bra calculator link: ... lator.html

I dont look like a C at all. I think its because they sag and are not very full. I am just hoping to fill them up as much as possible until they are round and firm like Millani's Smile. I know that my bras stretch, so I tried on one that I dont wear. My Calvin Klein (not name dropping just want to remember which bra it is!) is a 34C bra and it almost fits. But, i think they tend to be smaller than normal. The right breast almost fits into it fine but my left breast has some room to grow into it still. I think I am almost a B about 1/2 inch more and I will be a B.

Here my bra size calculations:
36-B (1/2 an inch to go!)
37-C (1 and a 1/2 inch to go)
38-D (2 and a 1/2 inches to go

I was gonna wait to buy muscle milk, but when I see I am 1/2 inch to a B and I feel half an inch I am going to do anything to gain that 1/2 inch. I still have more protein shake but I think its kinda weak and expensive. I may as well go for good quality and expensive.

I am still have not added any of the things I had listed earlier. However, starting tonight I will be taking Swiss Lamb Placenta it is gonna expire soon so I should take it before it expires. I am not going to waste money!

Last edited by tinaz408 on 8:54 PM - Jun 10, 2009, edited 1 time in total.
Show full history


Unread postJun 10, 2009#14
Quote:MY Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121 pounds
Bra Size: 34A
Underbust: 29.5 inches
At bust: 35.25 inches
Overbust: 32 inches
Goal: 34C or a 34D (37-38 inches)

Kids: 2
Breastfed: Both
BCP: None

Other things: I drink wine often, I found a sweet one I really liked but I am stopping due to NBE reasons. I used to smoke for 10 years, I quit a year ago. I dont drink pop or caffeine drinks.

May 20, 2009
1) Started taking Milk thistle at the maximum doses.

2) Also startd taking zeolite at maximum doses. Trying to do a quick cleanse before I get started on this process.

3) I started massaging with PM cream that I made. Trying to do a total of 350-400 Rotations daily. Going to incorporate TigerLily's/Fengshui's massages as well. After massages, I use a heating pad for 20-30 minutes.

4) Doing as many push ups daily (30 reps, 2-3 times a day).

5) Use self-hypnosis/meditation/"the secret" many times through out the day and when doing massages/heat pad.

6) Going to start on my chicken feet soup binge! I don't mind it though, plus it is good for my skin.

7) Going to get back in the gym, as I have been slacking. I usually go 3 times per week. I am getting really out of shape. Plus, working out is good for NBE.

I think that is all for today. I try to update it regularly and if there are any changes. I plan to start BO after 2 weeks of taking Milk Thistle. I should start on: June 3, 2009. I am aiming to gain at least 1 inch by that time (June 3rd). I will NOT measure until May 27th and then again on June 3rd.
In response to the Muscle Milk question,I took it a long time before I started any NBE this time around.I took it to put my weight back on without getting fat.But,now that I do NBE,yes I can tell that it helps with absorbing the herbs better and just better for NBE period.I live in Tennessee and I get mine from my brother,who happens to own our local Smoothie King.I pay about $38 tax and all with his discount.
I know it is more expensive,but it already has the milk in it,you just mix it with water or juice,so that is saving you on the milk expense.I paid $18 for a brand from Wal-Mart and required milk,so I ended up only paying about $10 bucks less when you average in the milk costs.Not trying to brand-drop,but the brand from Wal-Mart did not taste good either.Muscle Milk actually tastes good.It also has the complex amino acids in it,as well as essential nutrients and vitamins.I switched back to the Muscle Milk in a hurry.Kroger here does carry a brand of Muscle Blast that has about 1/4 of servings as Muscle Milk,but I end up paying the same for it in the long run.Plus,it has very high carbs.It's okay if you are really underweight or for athletes that need to bulk FAST!
~~What you think about,you bring about~~

Mel C


Unread postJun 15, 2009#15
Quote:MY Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121 pounds
Bra Size: 34A
Underbust: 29.5 inches
At bust: 35.25 inches
Overbust: 32 inches
Goal: 34C or a 34D (37-38 inches)

Kids: 2
Breastfed: Both
BCP: None

Other things: I drink wine often, I found a sweet one I really liked but I am stopping due to NBE reasons. I used to smoke for 10 years, I quit a year ago. I dont drink pop or caffeine drinks.

May 20, 2009
1) Started taking Milk thistle at the maximum doses.

2) Also startd taking zeolite at maximum doses. Trying to do a quick cleanse before I get started on this process.

3) I started massaging with PM cream that I made. Trying to do a total of 350-400 Rotations daily. Going to incorporate TigerLily's/Fengshui's massages as well. After massages, I use a heating pad for 20-30 minutes.

4) Doing as many push ups daily (30 reps, 2-3 times a day).

5) Use self-hypnosis/meditation/"the secret" many times through out the day and when doing massages/heat pad.

6) Going to start on my chicken feet soup binge! I don't mind it though, plus it is good for my skin.

7) Going to get back in the gym, as I have been slacking. I usually go 3 times per week. I am getting really out of shape. Plus, working out is good for NBE.

I think that is all for today. I try to update it regularly and if there are any changes. I plan to start BO after 2 weeks of taking Milk Thistle. I should start on: June 3, 2009. I am aiming to gain at least 1 inch by that time (June 3rd). I will NOT measure until May 27th and then again on June 3rd.
I have doubled my dosage from 1350 mg of BO to 2700 mg of BO.

I have not bought muscle milk yet, I am still planning to just sometime in the future. They still feel fuller, but I have not measured again.

I may also add: Vitex
Wild Yam

I think what is most important for BO growth is the protein shakes and amino acids. I am also trying to get more protein from my diet as well. Eating alot of chicken.

I am all out of Saw Palmetto and L-Tyrosine. I dont think I will be taking these anymore either.


Unread postJun 17, 2009#16
Quote:MY Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121 pounds
Bra Size: 34A
Underbust: 29.5 inches
At bust: 35.25 inches
Overbust: 32 inches
Goal: 34C or a 34D (37-38 inches)

Kids: 2
Breastfed: Both
BCP: None

Other things: I drink wine often, I found a sweet one I really liked but I am stopping due to NBE reasons. I used to smoke for 10 years, I quit a year ago. I dont drink pop or caffeine drinks.

May 20, 2009
1) Started taking Milk thistle at the maximum doses.

2) Also startd taking zeolite at maximum doses. Trying to do a quick cleanse before I get started on this process.

3) I started massaging with PM cream that I made. Trying to do a total of 350-400 Rotations daily. Going to incorporate TigerLily's/Fengshui's massages as well. After massages, I use a heating pad for 20-30 minutes.

4) Doing as many push ups daily (30 reps, 2-3 times a day).

5) Use self-hypnosis/meditation/"the secret" many times through out the day and when doing massages/heat pad.

6) Going to start on my chicken feet soup binge! I don't mind it though, plus it is good for my skin.

7) Going to get back in the gym, as I have been slacking. I usually go 3 times per week. I am getting really out of shape. Plus, working out is good for NBE.

I think that is all for today. I try to update it regularly and if there are any changes. I plan to start BO after 2 weeks of taking Milk Thistle. I should start on: June 3, 2009. I am aiming to gain at least 1 inch by that time (June 3rd). I will NOT measure until May 27th and then again on June 3rd.
My breast are starting to look better. They are getting wider at the bottoms and they are starting to protrude outwards more than before. The shape is looking different. I really think this is working. My breast feel like each day they are filling up more and more. Which is what I want them to do! My left breast completely fills up the cup but my right breast still has about 1/4 inch more to go.

My Victoria Secret bra is getting tight. The cups fit pretty well. So I am guessing that I am almost a B cup now.

I have restarted the PM lotion because I took a break from it for a little while.

Ran out of GABA and Zinc. Not buying anymore for a while.

Started taking L'Ornithine.

I just started doing this: taking my Amino Acids before I take my pills then protein shake after I take my pills. I will try this for a few days to see how it works for me.

I am hoping to be a full B by next week wed. June 24 I will be a full B!

Unread postJun 18, 2009#17
Quote:MY Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121 pounds
Bra Size: 34A
Underbust: 29.5 inches
At bust: 35.25 inches
Overbust: 32 inches
Goal: 34C or a 34D (37-38 inches)

Kids: 2
Breastfed: Both
BCP: None

Other things: I drink wine often, I found a sweet one I really liked but I am stopping due to NBE reasons. I used to smoke for 10 years, I quit a year ago. I dont drink pop or caffeine drinks.

May 20, 2009
1) Started taking Milk thistle at the maximum doses.

2) Also startd taking zeolite at maximum doses. Trying to do a quick cleanse before I get started on this process.

3) I started massaging with PM cream that I made. Trying to do a total of 350-400 Rotations daily. Going to incorporate TigerLily's/Fengshui's massages as well. After massages, I use a heating pad for 20-30 minutes.

4) Doing as many push ups daily (30 reps, 2-3 times a day).

5) Use self-hypnosis/meditation/"the secret" many times through out the day and when doing massages/heat pad.

6) Going to start on my chicken feet soup binge! I don't mind it though, plus it is good for my skin.

7) Going to get back in the gym, as I have been slacking. I usually go 3 times per week. I am getting really out of shape. Plus, working out is good for NBE.

I think that is all for today. I try to update it regularly and if there are any changes. I plan to start BO after 2 weeks of taking Milk Thistle. I should start on: June 3, 2009. I am aiming to gain at least 1 inch by that time (June 3rd). I will NOT measure until May 27th and then again on June 3rd.
I added Wild Yam a few days ago, forgot to mention it. Since adding it I have had good growth. My bra is getting tighter each day. There is still a bit of room at the top that needs to be filled out. However, my bra is a little padded. It is a 34B, but a I think I would need a smaller band size or a new bra because it is old and stretched like Shyboobs had pointed out to me arlier. I would think I would be an unpadded 32B. I am going to try out some bras today (we will see if the hubby takes me!).

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