Merry Christmas everyone! (Even though it's the 26th 9pm here lol) I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas spent with family, spreading love and cheer
I've still been keeping up with my whole routine as usual, some of my GG bras are getting tighter, I may also be adding back in OptiMSM at a low dose of 1.5g per day mostly for my nails as last time I took it my nails were much stronger and need alil boost. I wanted to add something in regards to my Red Clover tincture that the qualified naturopath/herbalist I buy from told me, my 1:1 tincture I order from them is alcohol based, I can't stand the taste whatsoever (I'm not a huge fan of alcohol) but they explained why they mostly do alcohol(they do offer substitute options too) and it makes sense, the reason for this is because alcohol based tinctures are more rapidly absorbed than glycerin and the like, glycerin not making as strong of a tincture as alcohol based hence you will need to take a stronger dose of glycerin based(and the like) to get the same medicinal value as less of a dose of alcohol based, it also doesn't have as long of a shelf life as alcohol based and this is important because I buy 500ml tinctures which last many many months so they need to have that long shelf life. On-top of this glycerin cannot extract ALL the chemical compounds/phyto chemicals of the herb whereas Alcohol mostly can. Either way keep in mind that all tincture bases have their own pros and cons but this is all something to keep in mind, if you have an alcohol sensitivity glycerin based will be good for you but it has its limitations extraction wise compared to alcohol based. For me personally my tincture being alcohol based has been working for me considering I grew from a G to a GG in such a short time, all in all remember that no matter what is stated, what works for some may not work for you and what works for you may not work for some, we are all individual bodies with a wide array of hormone profiles, makeup and so on.
Anyways I've bought my mum the Dong Quai Extract too that I've been taking as its the only one Ive found in such a strong dosage that has had the oils added back in (as TCM practitioners state the oil is vital and most brands dispose of it) she has been struggling with some menopausal hot flashes and lower abdominal weight gain from the menopause and really needs the help so I hope this helps her, as it's really helped my moods, I'm so much calmer these days. I'll post in the new year! TC everyone and have a Happy New Year
Edited because I needed to correct something to what they meant(I got confused)