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[archive] Mammary Glandular


Mammary Glandular
September 17 2006 at 7:36 PM
Michelle Choi (Login chelle_choi)
Hi everyone,

there's was a discussion not too long ago about mammary glandular and I just wanted to let you all know that I'm trying the mammary glandular with my bountiful breast pills just to see if it helps or not. Now I know I tried the solaray female caps before (with uterus bovine, mammary bovine, pituitary and bovine ovary) and it didn't help my growth any), but like Shell688 said it may have been too much bovine with the bountiful breast pills. So as an experiment I just started trying the mammary glandular (300mg) in my routine just 2 days a ago, whenever I went back down to 2 pills a day of bountiful instead of 3. I found the mammory glandular (bovine) on for like $10, by Miller Pharmacal. So we'll see and I keep ya updated for those who are interested in it. Good luck to everyone!!

(Login Shell688)
Re: Mammary Glandular
September 17 2006, 10:25 PM

It will definately be interesting to see if it works. Pleases keep us updated. At this time, I am at the end of my fourth month on BGP and this month I have gone up 3/4 inch and am afraid to switch from herbs for now since I seem to be at a growth spurt. I will probably take some menapausal support tabs with the same ingredients and I have recently upped my Feenegreek over the last six days right after I started growing again, so maybe that is helping. I don't plan on ordering any more BGP now that GNC has started getting more of the herbs that are in BGP and are cheaper. After about 2 more months, I will probably start to try the mammary glandular or something of that nature if it seems to work for you.

Good luck to all! Shell

(Login kittycatra)
Re: Mammary Glandular
October 6 2006, 6:20 AM

What are all the ingredients listed on your bottle for bountiful breast? if you don't mind?
I just ordered mine, but want to do some research on the specific ingredients before I begin.

(Login Jenneelle)
Re: Mammary Glandular
October 6 2006, 6:59 AM

There aren't any ingredients in Bountiful Breast. It is just the ovaries of cows, that's all.

(Login emmiedee)
October 6 2006, 9:23 AM


have you had any negative interactions taking BO? i started it about a week ago and my main concern is birth control... i am on the depo shot and want to ensure that i am not risking pregnancy. i thought i read that they dont affect bcp, but i wanted to know if you have had any issues with it. not too many people on here take BO, so i was hoping you knew. i emailed fawn, but have gotten no response...

thanks!! good luck and let us know how it is going!

Michelle Choi
(Login chelle_choi)
HI Gin and Emmie
October 6 2006, 4:38 PM

Hi Gin and Emmie,

Gin the ingredients in the bountiful breast pills are not just cow ovaries like Jennelle stated, bountiful has bovine ovary, pituitary glandular and kelp in their pills. I also got some info from the beboard that fawn herself stated about pituitary glandular and kelp:

The pituitary glandular is to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce growth hormone. Even with good nutrition, your body doesn't always produce as much growth hormone as you do when you're 13. It also produces prolactin and a range of other hormones that can be useful for BE.

Kelp is to ensure that T3 production stays constant. Any estrogen excess can depress thyroid function, and the formulators probably thought that is was a safe enough bet to add it to the mixture.

If you look on the beboard in the newbees section in the favorite links section they have a link about glandular therapy and the history of it, if you're curious to know more about it.

I wish you the best of luck on the bb pills Gin and let me know if you have anymore questions, I'll try to answer them the best I can. Smile

Emmie, I think fawn is on vacation or something and that's why maybe she didn't respond yet. I think I read she'll be on vacation til oct. 18th?? But, I have read on bb's site that birth control shouldn't interfere with the pills. I personally am not on birth control, it's VERY hard for me to get pregnant, I'm lucky to have my son, because I have 3 fibroids on my uterus and my doctor told me I'm fortunate to have gotten pregnant with fibroids and carried him almost full term. I tried to go into pre-term labor at 35 wks and had him at 37, still early. The birth control has estrogen so in turn would make my fibroids even bigger, so I just stay away from it, since it's very hard for me to get pregnant and took almost 2yrs of 'not pulling out' to get pregnant. But, like I said it shouldn't interfere, I'm talking to one lady through email who's been on bountiful for a little over 3 months now and has gained 2.5 inches so far, bb should be posting her testimonial soon cause she just sent it in to them, but anyways she's on bc pills she told me and hasn't had any negative effects and is really growing faster than I did. Another lady that I've kept in contact with since January has been on the pills for like a year and she's on bc because she doesn't want kids and she's grown from a 32C to 34D and as far as I know she hasn't had any negative effects. But, maybe Fawn can reassure you more about the bo and birth control. I hope the bo works for you too, good luck to you!! Smile

(Login emmiedee)
October 6 2006, 6:48 PM

thanks, michelle! i have tried nbe on and off for a few years now, and wasnt getting very far, so i am trying the glandular stuff now... i ordered the bo straight from fawn instead of the more expensive bb or any of the others... it seems like it is already working more than the nbe i was on before. i just want to make sure that i dont end up with an unexpected kid running around... my life these days is just not conducive to children!

im glad you have had so much success, with your son and with your "girls"! an inspiration...

best of luck to you...


Michelle Choi
(Login chelle_choi)
Hi Emmie,
October 6 2006, 9:20 PM

AWWWW! Thank you emmie for your kind words about my son and my 'girls', that made me smile Smile I really hope you do have success this time around and that's great that you think the bo is working more for you now than when you tried before. I hope your persistance has paid off. Smile And hopefully Fawn or someone can give you a definite answer about the bo and birth control. Good luck to you!!

(Login C4ME)
Michelle Choi
October 6 2006, 9:55 PM

To Michelle Choi....did the bountiful breast pills really work for you? How much did you grow with them?

Are those pills better than Wonderup?


Michelle Choi
(Login chelle_choi)
October 6 2006, 11:16 PM

yes indeed the pills have really worked for me. Smile Total time that I've taken the pills (excluding breaks) is 7 1/2 months and I've grown 4.25 inches. I've gone from a 32AA to a 32C now. I'm still growing but the growth seems a little slower now. I wouldn't say that bountiful breast pills are better than wonderup at all, because wonderup has given women on here great results as well. I think it all depends on our bodies and finding what works best for each of us. Along with ALOT of patience and time that's for sure. Smile I think that bountiful breast probably works better for me than any of the herbs or wonderup because it's best to stay away from caffiene, and smoking with those. And since I have a bad habit of drinking diet cokes everyday, eating my chocolate and a nasty habit of smoking,the herbs would probably take a alot longer to work for me maybe if they worked at all, cause with the bountiful pills they say you don't have to stay away from caffiene and such to get results and I am living proof of that. Smile The wonderup is much cheaper than bountiful though I can tell you that, like for a 1 1/2 month supply of bountiful it's $125 and for a month supply of wonderup it's like $50 and a 2 month supply of wonderup is like $100. So it's fairly cheaper than bountiful. Good luck to you!!


(Login C4ME)
October 7 2006, 12:29 AM

Michelle Choi....thanks so much, those are really fantastic results you have had! Congratulations! now I will try to find out how many cups people have grown from Wonderup (since it's cheaper) and make a decision.

I've been on Tobustan for 4 months and I grew one cup and now it seems like the growth has stopped, so I really wanted to try something new, my goal is also to become a C cup so I'm proportionate with my butt.

Your results have really made me feel more optimistic about this whole nbe thing, so I guess there is hope after all.

Keep in touch and thanks again!

(Login C4ME)
Re: Mammary Glandular
October 8 2006, 4:10 PM

I've been thinking it over and I think my best bet would be to go with bountiful breast because of what you said about not having to worry about caffeine in take with it...I like to have my chocolate here and there, and definately my coffee ha ha!

I just have one more questions for you......I read on the site that women on there recommend taking bb with protein shakes for faster results. Is this what you did also? Did you do anything else while taking these pills?

I definately will continue to massage while being on the pills, so far I'm liking the Mirifem cream.
Let me know your thoughts.....Thanks!

PS: I must tell you again, your pictures look great! Very impressive.

(Login C4ME)
Michelle Choi
October 8 2006, 4:11 PM

I've been thinking it over and I think my best bet would be to go with bountiful breast because of what you said about not having to worry about caffeine in take with it...I like to have my chocolate here and there, and definately my coffee ha ha!

I just have one more questions for you......I read on the site that women on there recommend taking bb with protein shakes for faster results. Is this what you did also? Did you do anything else while taking these pills?

I definately will continue to massage while being on the pills, so far I'm liking the Mirifem cream.
Let me know your thoughts.....Thanks!

PS: I must tell you again, your pictures look great! Very impressive.

Michelle Choi
(Login chelle_choi)
Hey C4Me
October 8 2006, 5:04 PM

Just read your post on you growing with the tobustan, that's great that you've already grown a cup size. Congratulations on that. Smile And thanks for the compliments. Smile To answer your questions, yes I do drink the protein drinks religiously everyday. I feel they help a lot. I drink 2 protein drinks a day (each 20g of protein). I don't get the ones that bountiful recommends, I use a cheaper one from Walmart. It's called Six Star Body Fuel, Advanced Whey Protein, It's $15 and lasts me about 2 1/2-3wks. The most important thing with the protein drinks is to get one with Whey Isolate in it, since that's the purest form of protein. The one I get is 97% whey isolate.

Also, be sure that your temp runs or stays between 98.1-98.6. If it tends to run low sometimes like mine, then it's best to take L-tyrosine and kelp along with the pills so that they are 100% effective.

That's good that you're using the mirifem cream, I think the PM in it does makes a difference, cause I'm using cream called Femagis with the PM in it and it's making a difference on my smaller breast.

Also remember that could also get the bovine ovary cheaper than bountiful breasts' pills, I know they also have pituitary glandular and kelp in them. But, the Vitamin Power brand that Fawn sells from is bovine ovary which is the key ingredient for growing and it's much cheaper than bountiful if you wanted to go that route. For 3 months supply of her brand it's like $70. Just wanted to let you know that in case you didn't already know. The only thing is the suggested dosage with Vitamin Power is 1800-2400mg a day and it's a lot of pills to take since they're only 150mg a pill and 1800mg sounds like a high dosage, cause I only take 2 bountiful pills a day and it only equals 1050mg a day. But, you could always start out with a low dosage with the Vitamin Power pills and ramp up til you feel pains and such.

My sister is trying the Vitamin Power pills, since they are cheaper than bountiful. She just started on them. She's starting out at 1050mg and she said after 3 days of taking them she felt little pains.

Good luck to you!! Let me know if you have any more questions, I'll try my best to answer them.


(no login)
is there an especial diet for BO?
October 8 2006, 5:12 PM

hi michelle, I have been debating for a while on wheather to take BO or stick with the herbs instead. Your pictures are great and really encouraging so I'm thinking very seriuosly about starting a new program using BO. what exactly is the program you're following? is there a especial diet that you have to follow in order to be sucessful with BO? I have read somewhere that protein really helps to boost up the results, do you consume any kind of protein? I hope you don't mind me asking so many questions but very few people on this forum are using this product and so far you're the only one who is being successful using this method of NBE. I look forward to read your comments, thank you very much.

(no login)
Re: Mammary Glandular
October 9 2006, 7:56 AM

Is there anywhere I can get bovine ovary in England? I've never heard of it anywhere here?

Wild Flower
(Login wild.flower)
Re: Mammary Glandular
October 9 2006, 8:00 AM

I don't think you can find it in the UK. Someone said in another thread that it was banned in the UK because of mad cow disease.

(Login emmiedee)
October 9 2006, 10:25 AM

try to order them from:

it is a us site, and i think she only takes paypal. see the above post on them, as the mg are small so you have to take more pills (and they taste like poorly made chocolate... not very pleasant!).

i am eating as normal with a reasonably high protien content, massaging twice a day, and i think i am starting to get some growth with them even though it has only been about two weeks since i switched to bovine... i always think to myself that i should eat more, but i tend not to! i would suggest eating at least something when you take them, though, if only for the taste!

good luck!!

(Login C4ME)
Michelle Choi
October 9 2006, 3:25 PM

Thanks so much! I think it will be easier for me to go with the bb because I don't want to have to deal with having to take so many pills everyday, i'm too lazy for that lol. I'll keep you posted on my progress with bb, hopefully it works for me too.

Although I'm a bit nervous about it because it's not certain that these pills are going to work for me. Even with Wonderup some girls have said that they've experienced no growth at all after using the pills for months, so who knows how my body will react to bb....hopefully I'll experience growth with these.

It's just bizarre how every women's body reacts differently to certain pills...I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I sort of have a good feeling about bb though, because of the many success stories, like your results with it which were amzing, so let's see what happens.....I'll be ordering bb this week.

I've been using the Mirifem cream for about a week and it seems to plump them up, I'm curious to see if this cream will really cause dramatic growth.

Talk to you soon!

Michelle Choi
(Login chelle_choi)
Hi Anon and C4ME
October 9 2006, 4:31 PM

To answer your question about special diet for bo. Other than drinking my 2 protein drinks a day, I don't really try to follow a specific diet on bo. I may eat a handful of nuts every now and then to get some good extra fat/protein in my diet if I feel I didn't eat much fat that day, or eat a peanut butter sandwich to get some fat/protein, but that's about it. The protein drinks are very important (whey isolate), you can also eat eggs for some extra protein, which I try to do every now and then, but not often. You can find my routine on the personal program page. I take a lot of stuff, but the 2 most important things I believe with bo is the protein drinks and make sure your temp stays between 98.1-98.6 for the pills to be most effective. If your temp stays on the low side like mine, then it's best to take l-tyrosine and kelp along with the bo pills. I know some women that write me about bb didn't see any growth until they got their temp up. Good luck to you!


I wish you the best of luck when you get and start your bb pills! Smile I know how you feel, even though I saw the women's pics on bb's site and felt positive about their results, I still didn't know if it would work for me, but I stayed very optimistic about it and I think that helps a lot to stay positive about it, since the mind is a powerful thing. Smile I'm glad to hear the mirifem cream is working for you. I may try that later on also, since I've heard good things about it from here and the beboard. Also, I know with the vitamin power bo brand it's best to take those with food, but just so you know with the bb pills their directions are to take them on an empty stomach as the best way, which I have done since day 1. I take my pills only with my protein drinks. If you do take them with food, bb says it's best not to eat a heavy meal, just a small snack if it's hard for you to take pills on an empty stomach. Let me know if you have any questions when you get them, I'll try my best to answer them. Just don't mention my name to them, cause they are not too keen on me or any of the other ladies who have our testimonials up giving advice or suggestions, since we don't work for them, they feel it's their job not ours and they don't want us telling someone the wrong thing. Totally understandable. I would never tell you something I wasn't 100% sure about from my own experience or I will always tell you something I know that bb has stated themselves or advice they have given me themselves. And if I'm not sure about something, I'll tell you and you can then maybe ask them. One woman caused them not to be too keen on answering all questions, she kept emailing everyone EVERYDAY, including me, like 5-6X a day asking the same questions over and over and would then turn around and ask bb the same questions and when they would give advice/suggestions, she would argue with them and say 'That's not what so and so said to do!" or "So and so said I should do this or that". So I think that caused some frustration for them and they told us it's not our jobs to give advice/suggestions it's theirs. Anyways, enough drama talk Smile I wish you luck and hope the pills work for you!! Smile


(no login)
Re: Mammary Glandular
October 9 2006, 4:33 PM

Hi Michelle,

May I know what exactly is the content of Bountiful Breast and perhaps like how much is per ingredient in mg like that. Sorry for troubling, coz I tried emailing them, but no response. Also, do u think it's possible to take spirulina to help supplement the needed protein in Mammary Glandular coz it's said to be one of the richest (if not THE) richest source of protein.

Thanks in advance.

(Login C4ME)
Michelle Choi
October 9 2006, 7:15 PM

Hi Again Michelle!

Thanks for the reply!

So just making are saying to either take the bb pills only on an empty stomach OR with a protein shake? Is that right? What time of the day do you usually have your protein shake(s)? Does time matter? Are the protein shakes a meal substitution or do you have that in addition to the 3 meals per day?

Also, take the pills 2 hours before each meal right??

Thanks for being so helpful, you're giving me alot of good tips so far!!

Michelle Choi
(Login chelle_choi)
Hi Sept06 and C4ME
October 9 2006, 9:20 PM

Hi Sept06,

I'm sorry but I don't know the exact mg of each of the ingredients in bountiful's pills. They don't break down the amnts. on the bottle, all it says is Bovine ovary, pituitary glandular and kelp. And each pill is 525mg. Also, I've never heard of Spirulina, but I did some researching after reading your question and it really sounds like a good supplement, overall health wise with very good benefits, not to mention the protein benefits. So thanks for mentioning that. SmileYou were asking about taking it with mammary glandular, just so you know you don't have to add the mammary glandular with bo or bountiful's pills to get results. I didn't use mammary glandular for the first 6 1/2 months of me taking bb pills and got really good results without them. I just started using those about 3wks ago as an experiment to see if I can possibly get better results with them, I'll probably just take them for 4-6 more weeks and if my results are slower than before, I'll probably drop the mammary in my routine and consider it not helping. Good luck to you! Smile

Hi C4ME,

I take my bb pills on an empty stomach with ONLY my protein drinks. Sorry if I confused you. Smile
BB suggests to take the pills 1-2 hours AFTER eating a meal or 30 minutes BEFORE eating a meal.
I usually take my bb pills and 1st protein drink around 12 or 1pm (2hrs after breakfast), then my other protein drink around 5pm. I eat 3 meals a day and drink 2 protein drinks. So I guess you could say the protein drinks are more or less considered a Snack in between meals. Smile I take both my bb pills at one time instead of separately, cause that's easier for me and it seemed to work better than taking them separately. But, if I were you I would start out taking them the way bb suggest, which is separately to see how that works. I think they recommend the first bb pill around 12-3pm and the second around 5-8pm. That works really well to take them separately for one lady I keep in contact with, she takes her first bb pill around 9-930am and the second around 6-630pm and she's grown 2.5 inches in a little over 3 months so far. And she gets pains all the time, especially about an hour or two after taking her pills she said. So it's probably best to try it the way they suggest initially to see if that works for you, since everyone's body is different and responds differently. Hope I answered your questions. Good luck!!


(Login C4ME)
Michelle Choi
October 10 2006, 1:14 AM

Ok Michelle, it all makes sense, I am going to follow your rules and recipe....thanks so much, you've been really helpful! I'll let you know about my will be our "bountiful breast experiment"!

I'll be in touch!

(Login C4ME)
Michelle Choi
October 14 2006, 6:59 PM

Hi Michelle,

Just ordered BB.......about the whey isolate protein shakes....can I buy them already made, so I can just take them along with me when I'm on the go?

Also can I find these shakes at GNC and also the L-tyrosine and kelp?


Michelle Choi
(Login chelle_choi)
hey C4ME
October 15 2006, 6:51 AM

For the protein shakes, I'm sure you can probably find them pre-made, not too sure on that. You can get the shakes, tyrosine, kelp at GNC. I know GNC carries the tyrosine and kelp, might be a little expensive coming from there though, I get both of those online at and the tyrosine is like $7 that I get (by NOW foods brand), it lasts me 4wks and the kelp is like $2.60 and lasts me like 2 1/2 months by NOW foods also. For the protein shakes the main important thing I think is to get the 100% whey isolate, supposed to be the purest form of protein. The three brands that BB recommends is whey power plus (, Optimum Nutrition and Muscle Milk. The optimum nutrtition I know for sure is sold at GNC because one lady I've talked to through email gets hers from there. I personally can't afford GNC or other protein drinks so I get a cheap version at Walmart that has 97% whey isolate in it.

Good luck to you, I hope you see results with the pills!! Smile

(no login)
Michelle Choi
October 15 2006, 8:11 AM

Thanks Michelle!

I ended up ordering the Six Star Body Fuel you're using, it's cheaper and obviously you got results from it, so I decided to go with that one.

Knowing my "lazy" self, I probably won't measure my temperature so is it ok to take both the kelp and the
L trosine everyday without knowing my temperature? Can I take them at any time of the day?

(Login C4ME)
Michelle Choi
October 15 2006, 5:05 PM


Forgot to tell you that the Mirifem cream seems to be working's keeping them nice and full and perky, I've noticed. It looks like my breasts have grown slightly, now I've been using cocoa butter as well after applying the cream.

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
hey c4me
October 15 2006, 5:12 PM

yes, bb has stated themselves that you can still take the l-tyrosine and kelp either way, whether you know how your temp runs or not. It doesn't hurt, it can only help. They send the instructions on taking the pills and such along with your order also. I take my l-tyrosine and kelp first thing after I get up in the mornings, that way it kicks in my system before I take the bb pills. You can either take the tyrosine/kelp before your 1st bb pill or take the tyrosine/kelp with your 1st bb pill. Whatever is more convenient for you. Back in the beginning I took the tyrosine/kelp with my bb pills at the same time and still had good results just to let you know. This time I'm experimenting with taking the tyrosine/kelp about an hour before my bb pill to see if the results are better, but so far my results seem a little slower this time around. Only 3/4 inch in 10wks. Where before after 10wks I had grown like 2 inches.

Good luck to you!!

(no login)
Re: Mammary Glandular
October 16 2006, 3:08 AM

What makes me wonder about the result of BB, is that link:
i.e. if you give traffic to the site and that improve sales, you get paid for.
How can we be sure all the truth is said about the result of this product ?


(Login sept06)
Re: Mammary Glandular
October 16 2006, 2:23 PM


Thanks for the reply. I responded days ago...don't know where it went...hmmm.
I.m currently on Mammary Glandular and not on BB yet…I’d like to find out is it ok to skip those protein drinks/shakes (I’m thinking maybe to substitute it with spirulina coz of its high protein compound) Have u tried skipping those protein shakes b4? Coz I’m not too hype about those shakes thingy….

Thanks in advance

Michelle Choi
(Login chelle_choi)
sept06 & rail4pete
October 16 2006, 4:22 PM

Hi Rail4Pete,

Thanks for mentioning that link, I was unaware that bb had a program like that and they've never mentioned it to me. My husband has been creating a website for me for like the past month, it's going to be a beauty guide on tips & tricks to staying beautiful on a limited budget and so I'm gonna see if I can become an affiliate now since I will have a website. I'm not sure if I will be allowed to do that though, since I'm already a testimonial customer on their site. ?? I'll have to ask first I guess.

Hi Sept06,

I've never skipped the protein drinks, I may once in a blue moon only drink 1 instead of 2 if I'm not at home to make one during the time I take my pills. That's very rare though. You could try just doing the spirulina and see as an experiment. I think the protein drinks are very important, but not sure just how much they contribute to the growth you know. I know one lady that I keep in contact with that's on bb, the one who's grown now 3 inches in 3.5 months (very fast), she mentioned that she's always feeling pains/aches, but when she went out of town recently for the weekend, she didn't drink her protein drinks since it was too much of a hassle being out of town and only took her pills, she said only taking the pills without the protein drinks she didn't feel any pains the whole time she was away. So she thinks the protein drinks are very important also. But, let me know how it goes if you just try the spirulina, couldn't hurt to try since it's high protein compound. How are you doing on the mammary? Are you noticing any changes or having any pains and such? Good luck to you, I hope you see results.

(Login sept06)
Re: Mammary Glandular
October 17 2006, 3:29 PM

hello again Michelle,

I've been taking the MG (Mammary Glandular) almost 3 weeks now. Nothing change much, perhaps a bit, bit soreness and fuller. (But the fuller part can be water retention...not sure coz maybe having menses these few days). I was really impress wth your results as my stats are almost like yours but a bit lesser :-). I'm pretty petite/ small size and tried Mirifem, SBS, etc...didn't work for me. So perhap BO (hopefully) would.

Thank u for the input on the protein drink.

I'm thinking of getting D&E Pharmaceuticals's 500mg BO, instead of BB's as it's pretty pricey. And since spirulina (if I remember correctly) it already has the tyrosine thingy and iodine(kelp)...but the pituitary thing is missing though...

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
hey sept06
October 17 2006, 4:30 PM

Since you've tried other things and they didn't work, hopefully the bo will work for you. Smile I don't blame you for getting the cheaper version of bovine, it does get expensive with bb. My sister is trying the vitamin power brand, she hasn't been on it that long, but she said after 3 days of taking them she felt little aches in her breasts. That's good if the spirulina already has the kelp and tyrosine in it, you really don't need those unless your temp stays or fluctuates on the low side (like under 98.1). It wouldn't hurt just to take your temp periodically to see and make sure it's within normal range. For the pituitary glandular I'm not even sure how much that contributes to growth or if it's even needed. So you could probably just see how you get along without it and maybe later if you don't see results, then think about adding it. I think Fawn sells that also on her botanical website. Good luck to you, I hope this works for you this time!! Smile

(Login C4ME)
October 21 2006, 5:19 PM

Hey Michelle,

Needed to ask....for the shakes, do I drink 25 grams 2 times daily? Giving me a total of 50 grams per day?

Just started the pills today with the kelp and L-Tyrosine.


(Login C4ME)
Re: Mammary Glandular
October 21 2006, 5:21 PM

and....can I mix the shakes with skim milk or does have to be only water? The directions say with water but I just thought that the milk would make it tastier.

Michelle Choi
(Login chelle_choi)
October 21 2006, 9:53 PM

Hey, that's good that you got your pills and you can start now. Smile I think for the protein shakes if I remember correctly BB has always recommended 30-50g a day. So you can drink 25g 2x a day if you want. But, if I remember correctly you got the same protein drink I use right? I drink 20g 2x a day, since one scoop of the six star body fuel is 20g. It is also best to mix it with any kind of milk, rather than water, tastes so much better that way also. Smile Good luck to you Hon hope it works for you. Smile

(Login C4ME)
October 21 2006, 10:15 PM

Ok Thanks Michelle!! I'll keep you posted!

(no login)
Re: Mammary Glandular
October 22 2006, 3:36 AM

my big problem with the protein shakes was the taste, and when i mixed it with milk i found it made it worse for me ( i dont like milk to begin with!)
so heres what i did to make it passable:
premix 1 scoop whey powder (vanilla kind) with 1/2 scoop nestle instant ice tea mix.
gradually poor in water until dissolved. put ice and wait for ice to make it so cold the taste will be reduced.

the problem with milk (it could have also been my brand) is that i found it harder to dissolve.

(Login C4ME)
Hi Michelle!
October 23 2006, 1:33 AM


Second day on the pills/shakes... and my breasts are quite sore! ouch!

Michelle Choi
(Login chelle_choi)
Hey C4ME
October 23 2006, 4:16 AM

Hey that's good that you're experiencing soreness, that must mean the pills may be working for you. I know it's a bitter-sweet thing, good to have soreness to know it's working, but not so good for your breasts to feel that sore right? Smile I'm thankful I wasn't one who experiences the soreness from the pills, maybe from massaging every now and then. I didn't feel anything from the pills until after bout 2 1/2 wks of taking them, so it's sounds like you're doing good so far. Good luck!! Smile

(Login C4ME)
Hey Michelle
October 23 2006, 10:22 PM

Hey Michelle,

I actually had a bit of soreness prior to starting bountiful breast with Mirifem cream....BUT now that I started the bb pills, the boobs seem to really ache! The pain is making me happy though, bc I know it's a good thing.

I forgot to ask you, the kelp and L-tyrosine.... do I just take one each per day or twice a day with the bb? The reason why i'm asking you again is bc one of the two bottles (kelp or L-tyrosine) says to take 3 a day, ....please tell me I don't have to do that? Please tell me it's only 1 kelp and 1 L-tyrosine each per day, lol!!

The BB pills smell pretty bad lol, I try to hold my breath when I swallow one! But hey, whatever works I will intake!

Anyway, I'm really excited about trying BO, being that it's something new, I hope it works for me bc I don't have the patience for herbs and to tell you the truth, I think that growth I had before, was most likely from the birth control and not from the herbs. Either I was using wrong herbs or herbs just don't work with my body.

Oh I almost forgot to mention to you, I'm taking the bb in the afternoon and in the evening only bc the form they sent me said that most people have reported more growth by taking them in the afternoon/evening rather than in the morning. They recommend taking them from 12-3 and then from 5-8 pm. Do you really think this makes a difference?

I really was looking foward to taking them in the morning bc it would have been easier with the work schedule I have but then I figured that it was best to follow what they had recommended, but I don't know if that really makes sense, but who knows.

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
hey c4me
October 24 2006, 12:38 AM

I'll tell you what bb recommends for the tyrosine and kelp, they recommend to take 2000mg l-tyrosine a day and 400-500MCG(micrograms) a day. I know that's a lot and I wish it was only 1 of each a day, it would be a lot less pills for me to take. Smile I take 2000mg tyrosine and 450mcg kelp all at one time. It's too much of a pain for me to have to separate the dosages with all the other stuff I take. You can take those first thing in the morning or with the pills it's really up to you. I've done both...taken them with the bb pills and taken them prior to the pills. (about 1hour before bb pills). Honestly I seemed to have better results before when I took the tyrosine/kelp pills along with the pills. This time I was just experimenting by taking the tyro/kelp one hour before the bb pills to give them time to get my temp up so the bb pills would be more effective. I may start taking the tyro/kelp at the same time as my bb pills if I don't have more growth soon. But, everyone responds differently so it's hard to say really what's the best way to take them.

I know bb does recommend that you take the tyros/kelp pills 30min before the bb pills, probably for the same concept that I was thinking so that the tyros/kelp would have time to kick in. And yes I did notice that bb recommends to take one bb pills betw. 12-3 and the other around 5-8, they use to recommend first thing in the morning, but they found women were getting better results taking the pills later in the day, so yeah if I were you I would try it the way they recommend first to see how that goes for you as far as results. And since you're experiencing extra soreness from the pills, I say you're doing something right so far, if that's the way you've been taking them. Smile

Did you ever check you temp to see how it normally runs? Cause you may not even need the tyrosine/kelp. I would hate for you to be taking that much tyrosine and kelp you know if you don't really need it. Or you could just try taking a smaller dosage like 1 tyrosine (usually are in 500mg) and 1 kelp (usually 150-200mcg). Not to confuse you even more..but one of the ladies I keep in contact with I don't know if I have already mentioned it before (forgive me if I haveSmile she has grown ALOT in the past 4 months (3.25 inches so far) and she only takes 500mg of tyrosine and 200mcg kelp everyday. That really confuses me too, cause maybe we don't need that much you know to get our temp up. Cause she said her temp wasn't normal before so that's why she added that to her routine.

Hope I didn't confuse you even more, I can only tell you what I know from bb's recommendations along with my experience I've had. I hope you continue to have signs that the pills are working. I know it does take a lot of patience, so I commend you for not giving up even though the herbs didn't work for you. SmilePlease let me know if you have any more questions and maybe I won't confuse you further. SmileGood luck.

(Login C4ME)
Thank you!
October 24 2006, 1:19 AM

Wow, Michelle, that's alot of pills you're taking on a daily basis, but you've got to do what you've got to do, and as long as you are seeing results, I say go for it!

I'm going to get me a thermometer, so I can find out exactly how this temperature of mine is. So far I was only taking 1 tryrosine and 1 kelp per day, so I'm glad I asked you about this, now I'll be able to figure out what I need to do.

Thanks so much! You're the best, I really appreciate it!

(Login C4ME)
Michelle Choi
October 24 2006, 1:21 AM

By the way, how's that mammary glandular working for you?

(Login jellyboobs)
side effects ???
October 24 2006, 1:29 AM

congratulations on your progress michelle ! have you noticed any side effects ??? love jellyDeeee...

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
hey c4me and jellydeee!
October 24 2006, 7:14 AM

Hey C4ME,

You're very welcome. Smile That's good that you're going to check out your temp so you'll know if it's really a necessary thing for you to take. Also you only taking 1 a day of each really doesn't hurt and who knows if your temp is a little low it still could work with only that amount you know, like it does for the lady I write to. Let me know how it goes when you check. Oh and the mammary glandular, it's hard to say if it's working or not, I've noticed a little more pains since starting it so maybe it is helping. I should really be able to tell if I have more growth maybe on day5 of my cycle, since I usually grow around the time of my period or right after it seems. I've been on the mammary now for about 5wks. I grew 1/2 last month so we'll see how this month goes. Keep me posted. Good luck to you, I hope your temp is fine. Smile

Hey JellyDeeee,
thanks so much for the congrats. Smile And definitely CONGRATULATIONS to you on achieving your D cups!! Smile That must be a great feeling and you did it in a short amount of time also. I noticed on the other post you said you have even lost weight recently and kept your D's, that's great. SmileI can't wait to make it to D cup also, then maybe I can change my name too to Chelle "D", my middle name starts with a D, but this would give my "D" initial a whole new meaning! LOLSmile
To answer your question, no I haven't noticed any negative side effects, couple of good ones though. Like my pms symptoms are not as bad as they used to be and I notice I actually think about sex more often. But, we won't tell my husband that Smile There's a big difference between "wanting" to and actually having the energy and time to after taking care of my son all day, I'm sure you and a lot of ladies on here know what I mean by that. Smile If he knew I thought about like I do, he'd never leave me alone. I mean I have clothes, dishes, & cleaning to do for goodness sakes! Smile Anyways, I'll stop rambling now. I hope you continue to keep your Deeee Cups. SmileTake care.

(Login C4ME)
October 25 2006, 10:17 PM

Hey Michelle,

On the sheet they sent me it says that it's best to measure your temperature early in the morning, so do you only have to measure it once then?? Not again the second time you take the pill?

I measured my temp this morning and it was good, 98.1, but then in the evening I measured it again and it was do I just go by the morning temp and that's it? Or, do I measure my temp twice and then if it becomes low in the evening, take the kelp and l-tyrosine?

Thanks! (It such a process, but I figured that if I'm going to do this, I want to do it the right way)

(Login kittycatra)
Re: Mammary Glandular
October 26 2006, 1:58 AM

According to the girl that works for BB, she said that your temperature should be within the range only when you take your pills.

So if your temp was low in the morning, but you're not taking your first bb pill in the afternoon, don't worry about your temp until that time.

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
hey c4me
October 26 2006, 2:50 AM

I would say go by what Kit said, if that's what bb suggests, then you should just worry about your temp only when you go to take the bb pills. I'm in no way an expert on the temperature thing. I can tell you all I did before deciding if I needed the tyrosine and kelp was I checked my temperature like 3 mornings in a row to see how my temp normally ran. Every morning it was under 98.1, so I knew I needed to add those to my routine.

Also just in case you don't know, make sure you check your temp at least 20min after you eat or drink anything or an hour after exercise, if you exercise.

I know there's a lot to read into, trust me, the more I learn or know about this whole NBE thing, the more confused I am cause I question everything that I'm doing and analyze everything I'm taking, how I'm taking them, what time I'm taking them, etc. *sigh* I miss the good ole days when I was blind to the whole thing and just popped my pills everyday and not reading into it so darn much. Smile Hmmmm...maybe that's why I grew better before.?? I'm stressin and obsessin too much now. Smile

Sorry I couldn't be of more help to you on this one. Sad

(Login C4ME)
October 27 2006, 2:51 AM

Ok Thanks girls! so I guess I will have to measure my temp twice a day, every time I take the pills...

Some people are talking about additional supplements that need to be taken with bb, any idea what those supplements they talk about are? They don't specify what they are.

Maybe I should take additional supplements as well, if I don't see growth within one month??? Any thoughts?

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
hey C4ME
October 27 2006, 2:50 PM

About the extra supplements, if you're speaking of the women on bountiful's testimonial page, I believe they're talking about the extra supplements that bb suggests if you have a fast metabolism or are naturally thin. Those supplements are the: flax seed oil, evening primrose oil and royal jelly. Also I know they do sometimes recommend DIM Plus to women if they haven't seen results for awhile.

Are you finding that your temp is under 98.1 most the time when you check?

Good luck to you!! Smile

(Login C4ME)
October 27 2006, 9:23 PM

Thanks Michelle, so I can buy all of those supplements at GNC then?

The kelp I'm using says 660 mg, I feel like a dummy asking you this but..... does that mean that one pill is equal to 660 mg of kelp, yes?? I was thinking that I had to take more than one of kelp but then I read 660 mg on the bottle, I figured it meant 660 mg each pill, does that sound correct?

So for the L-yrosine, I figured I need to take 4 pills of those per day, which equals to 2000 mg.

Also, when you said you took the kelp and l-tyrosine together with the bb pills...did you mean you took half and half with both bb pills?

Meaning this:

Morning or Afternoon:
1000 mg of l-tyrosine
200 mg of kelp
1st bb pill

1000 mg l-tyrosine
200mg of kelp
2nd bb pill

So basically what I'm asking is, is this how did you brake up the kelp and l-tyrosine?

Is that how you did it? Thanks!

(Login kittycatra)
Re: Mammary Glandular
October 27 2006, 11:37 PM

If you take a look at her personal programs page, that would help you figure out (have an idea at least), as to how she did it ALL.
Or you could always call and ask the wonderful ladies from BB.

(Login C4ME)
Re: Mammary Glandular
October 28 2006, 12:38 AM

Kit.....I'm asking her because her personal program is not answering my specific question and yes I did call bountiful breast first but the woman I need to talk to is away on vacation.

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
hey c4me
October 28 2006, 1:21 AM

I'm assuming that each of your pills of kelp are 660mg since that's what is says on the bottle (it should specify on the back of the bottle how many mg's each pill or serving). But, bb suggests to take 400-500 MCG (micrograms not milligrams)

Yes it's best to split the l-tyrosine and kelp with each bb pill. That's the way bb suggests to do it also on the sheet they send with the pills. So yeah it's best to take 1000mg tyrosine/200-250mcg of kelp with your 1st bb pill and then another 1000mg l-tyrosine/200-250mcg of kelp with 2nd pill. Hope this helps. Good luck! Smile

(Login C4ME)
October 29 2006, 3:42 PM

Ok Thanks Michelle!

Really bizarre...the pain has stopped but even though, my breasts look so full already.

Although I just recently started the pills, the boobs feel real heavy and they look like they've expanded a bit, it's a great feeling. I'm not on my period and yet they're so so plump and shapley....I should post some pics.

Then again, who knows how they will look next week, hopefully they'll stay nice and full like this. It's such a pleasure to wear a pretty bra now.

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
hey c4me
October 30 2006, 5:55 AM

That's great that you're breasts are looking more plump and shapely! Congrats on that and being able to wear pretty bras Smile don't worry if you don't have pains for awhile, I don't have pains all the time either. They come and go...Like I may feel little pains for a couple of days, then nothing for a few days. So it's random. Hopefully you're extra fullness will stay since you're not close to your period. Congrats again on your early progess. Smile

(Login C4ME)
October 30 2006, 11:46 PM

Thanks Michelle.....did you experience any pain in your nipples? Lately the pain has been moving away from my breasts but my nipple area has been quite sore.

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
hey c4me
October 31 2006, 3:02 AM

hey, no I've never experienced the pain in my nipples or soreness for that matter from the pills. I know from reading the testimonials on bb's site, some women experience the soreness and the lady I write to that's grown quite a bit says she's always sore. (don't know if her nipples are ever sore though) I've always just had the little pains/aches from time-to-time(sometimes burning sensations)in my breasts, tingles or little twitches. Some women even have the itchiness, but I've never had that either really. But, any pain or soreness should be a good sign. Smile No pain, no gain in the boobie growing world. Smile

(Login C4ME)
October 31 2006, 11:55 PM

Hi Michelle,

It's not always pain, at times I also have been getting tingles and such. They feel like Water Balloons,meaty and heavy...I'm so pleased, I hope I get more actual growth and not just the feeling of heaviness.

How is everything going with you?? How long are you going to be on BB for? I'm probably going to do the 9 month thing (most likely). I've been slacking off with the Mirifem cream lately...I use it on and off.

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
Hey C4Me
November 1 2006, 6:32 PM

That's good that you get the tingles also. That was the first sign of something was happening with the pills also, that heavy feeling. I noticed I looked fuller after about 2 1/2-3wks and that's when I measured and had grown 1/2 inch. So you're doing good if you have the extra fullness already I think.

I'm still waiting for some more growth to happen...tomorrow is day5 of my cycle, but this time I didn't get the usual swelling I get right before my period, so I don't think I'm gonna grow anytime soon. Still having the pains and such so I'll keep my fingers crossed. Smile I'll probably stay on bb for about 6-9 more months. I've been on it total of a little over 8 months now. So I would be willing to stay on the pills total of 1 1/2 yrs if I have to in order to reach my goal. I'm hoping to get to 38 inches at least, so that's just under 3 more inches. I know that's probably like expecting a huge miracle to happen, but I'll keep the faith alive. Smile

Good luck to you, I really hope you see some growth soon!! Smile

(Login C4ME)
Hi Michelle!
November 1 2006, 11:48 PM

Good Luck to you too Michelle!

Just keep on thinking positive, remember that's what allowed you to gain so much. I always see this as a combination of the mind working with the pill.

Jules reached a D cup, so why shouldn't you?? You saw her pics on the! I know that all women have different results with these pills but that's why we try them out right?? to see if we have luck with them.

As for now, I try to keep in mind that I grew a cup size and I should be happy with that, since so many other women are still struggling to see results.....however I think that now that I grew a cup, I'm becoming more greety and I'm screaming for that c cup!

Talk to you soon!

(no login)
November 2 2006, 2:27 AM

Hi every one! I am thinking about starting on the BO supplement but I have a concern...I have hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). Does anyone here know if there are any negative effects on peple with hyperthyroidism?

Thanks so mucah


michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
hey c4me
November 3 2006, 6:13 AM

Thanks for the encouragement! SmileYou are so right, the mind is definitely a powerful thing so I need to keep thinkin positive just as I did in the beginning. And you growing a cup size already should keep you positive also about growing more. Smile Ahh yes, I know all too well about the curse of boobie greed, trust me. Smile The more boobs I get..the more I want or give me an inch..I want 2 MORE inches. Smile I wish you much more boobie growth!!

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
HI Mary
November 3 2006, 6:18 AM

Hey Mary,

I'm not knowledgeable in that area so I'm not sure if bo would have a negative effect on hyperthyroidism or not. What you could do though is ask the question over on the BeBoard as I'm pretty sure that Fawn would know the answer to that, she's very knowledgeable, unless SugarQ knows the answer, becuase of course she's very knowledgeable and very much full of NBE wisdom also. SmileGood luck if you do try it once you find out if it will be a problem or not.

(Login cherasia)
Re: Mammary Glandular
November 5 2006, 1:45 PM

So nice to hear that you all are having good result with BO Smile

Michelle, Is mammary glandular the same as bovine ovaries? if so why can't mammary glandular boost up the result , just wondering...

(Login NoName212)
November 18 2006, 8:50 PM

hey everyone

Hi michelle..just wondering who was the woman who caused frustration with BB about questions? do you know?

(no login)
status and side effects of bountiful breast?
June 3 2008, 7:22 AM

Michelle Choi,

It's been a couple of years since you started Bountiful Breast..I was wondering if you stopped taking it? Are the results permanent? Any negative side effects? Has your health been affected since taking the pills? I'm considering taking these pills and before doing so I'd like to know what the possible effects are, good and bad? long term and short term? Thanks!

(no login)
Dear Cher...
June 3 2008, 8:19 PM

A mammary gland is located in the breast, or udder in this case, while an ovary is inside the lower part of your abdomen. Not the same thing at all.

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