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NB Help!


I was thinking about getting a noogleberry in the next couple of weeks...
I am also taking herbs and massaging
Just wondered who'd had what results and how quickly to see if it's worth buying Smile
Also, what sizes cups did you get with it (e.g. small, medium, large)
Thanks Smile xx

Hi Alicia, i hope you dont mind me commenting on your post, but as you know i am male, and i used NB and i think its fantastic and i would put half of my growth down to using it, its also fairly cheap so if you dont get on with it you have not lost a fortune. I started with the medium domes and i am now on the XL. I have been seeing a gender specialist because of the change i am going through and even she said that breast pumps are a proven way to enhance breasts and she fully supported me using one lol so theres kind of an expert opinion lol but some women dont get on with it and its like any NBE it doesent work for everyone but i think its worth a try hun. Good luck.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Noogleberry has af orum that you can join. I would consider joining and read the posts. Many questions and or problems you might have are answered there from peoples personal expierience.

"Go, confront the problem! fight, win, and call me when you get back, darling. I enjoy our little visits" Edna Mode

I love my noogleberry and think everyone should try them, but I felt I should add more to this post due to your concerns about getting one.

First. You will see some girls that get one and 1 week later have swelling and not a single problem, BUT you should be aware, that is not always the case. Half the users respond quick and half have to really really work for it. It took me months to get my first swelling and compared to others, it's still slow going, I think I could get there faster if I could use it more or a bit more tension, but I'm also one of those that can't or I begin getting rings that won't go away on my skin.

Keeping those things in mind, I still love this dang thing. Is it worth it, I'm hoping it will be down the road! is it worth it now? yeah, I like the extra fluff I get after a pumping. It may not be a lot yet, but it's more than I had.

Good luck,

Thanks for the advice everyone!
Just a little worried as to whether it will work or not! xx

It's also pretty cheap IMO, way cheaper than other forms of NBE. To me it made it a little easier to take a chance on it because of that. I think I paid just under 60 for everything. double pump system and foam rings and shipping is free. So not a huge expense if it were not to work for someone. that was my price with the 10% discount for being a forum member, which I would suggest to anyone is the route to go.

Good lUck, Mel

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