HI Ash. Welcome to the forum and I am glad you found your way here.
I agree with what sky said about not taking anything chemical right now. At least not without a better idea of what is going on internaly.
I am sorry to hear that your mother picks on you about this. My own mother used to pick on me about my weight. Many times now over the years. I wish I had sat her down and explained to her. That saying I should be ashamed of my weight was counterproductive. Over the years she eventually quit. I think my dad finally told her to hush about it. I believe she did it from a good place. But we all know where good intentions can lead.
The suggestions I would make to you are along these lines.
I would recomend begining a massage program with heat added via heating pad afterwards. You would want to add heat after a massage anyway, as it promotes breast health. (see our section on massage)
Tiger Lily reported growth with just massage and eating certain foods in her diet. Mostly chicken foot soup. We have a section here on the forum for foods to eat while on NBE.
For diet and massage.
Tigerlilys program
Cocolilys explanation of tigerlilys massage method
A program for diet and massage.
If you don't want to eat chicken foot soup. I understand. I believe you could take colagen in pill form. If that is not possible due to cost. I would look at gelatin since it is a building block for colagen. There are other suplements you can take that can help the growing process.
Look around the forum. There are many paths to breast enlargement. What works for one, may not work for another. The noogleberry is one option, Mine will be in next week. Hyptnosis, ringtones, magnetic therapy are other non herbal options. If you have questions, please ask.
Good growing and Good journey