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When did you start seeing results?


Mayette - I measure to track my progress at the same time each menstrual cycle (Day 5) when you are supposed to be at your smallest size. I noticed after about 3-4 cycles on BO that I increased 0.25".
I am now on my fifth cycle of BO, but there was no increase on Day 5. However I am noticing that in the second half of my cycle I am measuring 0.5" above what I used to measure at that time of the cycle. This could be just swelling, and so I am waiting until next cycle to see if it translates into growth.

It all depends on your body type really. Some people say they grow inches in months. Check out their BMIs because they usually have high BMIs. People like myself who have very low BMIs (17.5) generally have not reported lots of growth.

Also be aware that the measuring tape is notoriously inaccurate, particularly when you first start measuring. Over the last (almost a year!) on NBE I've learnt approximately where my breasts sit in terms of measurements and in what time of the cycle. When you first start NBE in the first few months people tend to be a bit generous or not when measuring.

Also it can depend on how big your breasts are to start with. Generally people who have B cup or more report the biggest growth and seem to attain it the easiest. While the ones who barely have breasts AA and AAA etc category find it hard to gain inches. Seems very unfair!!!!

The big get bigger and the small stay small.

Another issue is hormones - and whether there is an imbalance of them.

If you haven't already, I would recommend starting a program page so people can comment on your program.

And like some have already commented, you need to be on BO for awhile to see the results. So definitely more than 3 months.

Thanks for the info!
Yeah I have a low BMI... Sad
I think I will start a program page, it'll help me keep track of my growth and stuff.

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