03-04-2011, 09:52
Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter
February 27 2008 at 6:10 AM wantttobecurvey (Login wanttobecurvey)
I have seen posts that olive oil applied can assist in growth is that a temporary swelling or permanent?
Also, which is better, cocoa butter or olive oil for this purpose?
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(Login Hopeful88)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter February 27 2008, 6:14 AM
Hmm once again I have to answer your questions by saying: both work haha sorry dear! But its true, some people have liked olive oil, cocoa butter, some just use plain old lotion.
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Black Sheep
(no login) Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter February 27 2008, 1:09 PM
I have been using oliv e oil fro some time now, bt only because i read some not so nice things about teh palmers cocoa butter here .It depends on what you laik, I ll let you knwo if I see any results with olive oil. I am waiting for some badass pain!lol
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Fennel Fairy
(Login fennelfairy)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter February 27 2008, 9:00 PM
I can't see how any of these could possibly give anybody any growth. *ducks*
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(Login frostedmint06)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter February 28 2008, 4:17 AM
The only thing I got out of using cocoa butter and olive oil were major breakouts on my chest! Needless to say I stopped using either of them ( I used them at different times). EPO has been a better choice for me but everyone is different.
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(Login classyfashh) Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter February 28 2008, 4:44 AM
I've used Palmer's cocoa/shea butter for about a year and it really helped with slight stretch marks. I don't see any bad side effects about it.
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(no login) Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter February 28 2008, 8:12 PM
I remember when I was pregnant I used cocoa butter (the one for strech marks prevention) most of of my pregnancy untill i developed pimples on my breast and even on my my belly. Doc told me i developed an alergy to cocoa butter, and it seems is not unusual during pregnancy when high hormons, which relates with NBE. Didn't improve my strech marks either, but got away with only couple on my other side. Better than worse...
I have also used olive oil, and i would say that is nothing more than a good moisturizer, but if used too often, plugs the pores.
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(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter February 28 2008, 9:21 PM
Fennel Fairy,
Your cracking me up... lol
Seems the board isn't as 'touchy' about this as it used to be.
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(Login DancingArianFlame)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter October 11 2009, 3:38 PM
i've used almost everything for massage firming cream, coco butter, coconut oil etc. and i have to say fenugreek powder seeped in olive oil for a few days is the best thing to use it doesnt hurt you if you make the fenugreek stay at the bottom when you apply, my skin is firmer, my strech marks are hardly visible etc.. they've never looked or felt firmer or bigger.
also rescue oil (a cheaper version of bio oil) is very good for massage because it contains EPO and you dont need to use too much also it absorbs good.
This message has been edited by DancingArianFlame on Oct 11, 2009 7:11 PM
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(Login tbelle)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter October 11 2009, 7:44 PM
I have to agree, holly. Were you the one who mentioned making the fenugreek stay at the bottom on another thread? If so, I have to thank you. I hadn't been using the mixture I'd made because when I shook it up, it was too grainy. But when I read that, I decided to try the mixture, making the fenugreek stay at the bottom. It's only been a few days, but I think they're already fuller than when I was using the cocoa butter oil/borage/V-E/Evening primrose mix, or the aloe vera/borage/EPO mix.
Of course this coincides with me starting to do more chi rotations than I used to, too. So I can't say for certain what's causing the extra fullness.
I'm really pleased right now, though. I can deal with a little maple-y smell if it means boobs. Tip: I've been using the new Bath & Body Works Twilight Woods lotion to mask the smell afterwards--it seems to complement the maple smell, instead of clashing with it.
(Login DancingArianFlame)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter October 26 2009, 9:37 PM
oh thats good yeah to make it all mix in it has to be shook but if you leave it stand and tilt it you have no problem
i've just started doing the chi-massages as well, there great!
February 27 2008 at 6:10 AM wantttobecurvey (Login wanttobecurvey)
I have seen posts that olive oil applied can assist in growth is that a temporary swelling or permanent?
Also, which is better, cocoa butter or olive oil for this purpose?
Author Reply
(Login Hopeful88)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter February 27 2008, 6:14 AM
Hmm once again I have to answer your questions by saying: both work haha sorry dear! But its true, some people have liked olive oil, cocoa butter, some just use plain old lotion.
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Black Sheep
(no login) Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter February 27 2008, 1:09 PM
I have been using oliv e oil fro some time now, bt only because i read some not so nice things about teh palmers cocoa butter here .It depends on what you laik, I ll let you knwo if I see any results with olive oil. I am waiting for some badass pain!lol
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Fennel Fairy
(Login fennelfairy)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter February 27 2008, 9:00 PM
I can't see how any of these could possibly give anybody any growth. *ducks*
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(Login frostedmint06)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter February 28 2008, 4:17 AM
The only thing I got out of using cocoa butter and olive oil were major breakouts on my chest! Needless to say I stopped using either of them ( I used them at different times). EPO has been a better choice for me but everyone is different.
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(Login classyfashh) Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter February 28 2008, 4:44 AM
I've used Palmer's cocoa/shea butter for about a year and it really helped with slight stretch marks. I don't see any bad side effects about it.
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(no login) Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter February 28 2008, 8:12 PM
I remember when I was pregnant I used cocoa butter (the one for strech marks prevention) most of of my pregnancy untill i developed pimples on my breast and even on my my belly. Doc told me i developed an alergy to cocoa butter, and it seems is not unusual during pregnancy when high hormons, which relates with NBE. Didn't improve my strech marks either, but got away with only couple on my other side. Better than worse...
I have also used olive oil, and i would say that is nothing more than a good moisturizer, but if used too often, plugs the pores.
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(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter February 28 2008, 9:21 PM
Fennel Fairy,
Your cracking me up... lol
Seems the board isn't as 'touchy' about this as it used to be.
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(Login DancingArianFlame)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter October 11 2009, 3:38 PM
i've used almost everything for massage firming cream, coco butter, coconut oil etc. and i have to say fenugreek powder seeped in olive oil for a few days is the best thing to use it doesnt hurt you if you make the fenugreek stay at the bottom when you apply, my skin is firmer, my strech marks are hardly visible etc.. they've never looked or felt firmer or bigger.

also rescue oil (a cheaper version of bio oil) is very good for massage because it contains EPO and you dont need to use too much also it absorbs good.
This message has been edited by DancingArianFlame on Oct 11, 2009 7:11 PM
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(Login tbelle)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter October 11 2009, 7:44 PM
I have to agree, holly. Were you the one who mentioned making the fenugreek stay at the bottom on another thread? If so, I have to thank you. I hadn't been using the mixture I'd made because when I shook it up, it was too grainy. But when I read that, I decided to try the mixture, making the fenugreek stay at the bottom. It's only been a few days, but I think they're already fuller than when I was using the cocoa butter oil/borage/V-E/Evening primrose mix, or the aloe vera/borage/EPO mix.
Of course this coincides with me starting to do more chi rotations than I used to, too. So I can't say for certain what's causing the extra fullness.
I'm really pleased right now, though. I can deal with a little maple-y smell if it means boobs. Tip: I've been using the new Bath & Body Works Twilight Woods lotion to mask the smell afterwards--it seems to complement the maple smell, instead of clashing with it.
(Login DancingArianFlame)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Olive Oil Vs Cocoa Butter October 26 2009, 9:37 PM
oh thats good yeah to make it all mix in it has to be shook but if you leave it stand and tilt it you have no problem