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Long time hops & FG user

Hi lostacres6,

Hops flowers and strobiles and cones are the same.

And don't worry, karen,

The soy doses in that article, certainly in a high estrogen environment, are stalling doses. Many scientists find estrogen antagonistic effects without understanding the concept of stalling. They just test doses that are too high without knowing it. Especially with pure soy isoflavones, the stalling risk is very high.

The xanthohumol is a stalling dose too. 100 mg/kg body weight /day pure xanthohumol is huge. Multiply by your body weight to get an idea.

Hi squirrel,

I also think timing of fenugreek is very important, especially for diabetics. But if timed right, it can be very useful for diabetics who have to inject insulin. And if somebody can't get it to work, there are always alternatives like goat's rue, black seed, and milk thistle, all of which improve insulin sensitivity in the long run, without releasing insulin in the short term.

Not much to report on my program, except that my breasts feel full and tight since I stopped obsessing over my weight.

Yesterday, I was at in Amsterdam to buy 200 g goat's rue for € 6.60, and 200 g hops for € 7.40. The hops strobiles have been rubbed into separate leaflets again, like they use to be. It's a bit easier to dose than the whole stobiles. The goat's rue has gone up in price a little: 5 cents.

(18-07-2012, 09:17)Isabelle Wrote:  The soy doses in that article, certainly in a high estrogen environment, are stalling doses. Many scientists find estrogen antagonistic effects without understanding the concept of stalling. They just test doses that are too high without knowing it. Especially with pure soy isoflavones, the stalling risk is very high.

The xanthohumol is a stalling dose too. 100 mg/kg body weight /day pure xanthohumol is huge. Multiply by your body weight to get an idea.

Thanks for the sanity check. I've stopped everything except Hops (Liquid Extract OR Dried Strobiles) and Testim. I think I screwed everything up by taking the Standardized SP twice a day (640 mg each time) Add to that the fact that I was taking Menohop with Soy and maybe the Soy was competing with receptors (my theory anyway) cause as I got deeper into days with SP and Menohop I felt/saw less signs when I took Hops. This is day 2 of nothing but hops/testim .... with the 1/2 life of SP being 19 hours AND the amount I was taking it may take a while to clear.

I'd like to add the FG back in ... I like the swelling ... it's a great "instant feedback" tool. Should I wait? Or is it OK to add it back now? I can wait if it will help me clear.

I also have to find a better way to eat my Dried Hops. I'm thinking of crushing them between my fingers or something "just before" I mix them with food. It will help even out the taste instead of hitting these "flowers of yuck" everytime I bite into one.

(18-07-2012, 09:17)Isabelle Wrote:  Not much to report on my program, except that my breasts feel full and tight since I stopped obsessing over my weight.

All I can say is YUMMY TongueBlushCoolBig Grin I guess there's still a horny little guy running around under these little boobs.



Hi Karen,

I'd start fenugreek now. Hops and testim may make you estrogen dominant. Fenugreek is the best prevention. The SP probably doesn't make much of a difference now, since it's just being replaced by hops. If you did have an anti-estrogenic effect from it, you may become estrogen dominant as the SP is metabolized. So either way, the fenugreek won't hurt.

I tried to rub the hops strobiles to bits, but they're not that loose. My new batch is neat little leaves again. I wonder how they do that.

(18-07-2012, 15:02)Isabelle Wrote:  Hi Karen,

I'd start fenugreek now. Hops and testim may make you estrogen dominant. Fenugreek is the best prevention. The SP probably doesn't make much of a difference now, since it's just being replaced by hops. If you did have an anti-estrogenic effect from it, you may become estrogen dominant as the SP is metabolized. So either way, the fenugreek won't hurt.

I tried to rub the hops strobiles to bits, but they're not that loose. My new batch is neat little leaves again. I wonder how they do that.

Does it make sense to wait until I feel the excess estrogen so I know what's happening ..... BTW I had a double tea bag mug of spearmint tea around an hour ago and I'm feeling a bit of a headache now .... and if I should start FG how much and how often (base it on your weight ... I'll adjust to mine based on that)

Thanks sweetie .... karen


Yes Karen,

Good idea. If you already have the headache, you can try a ramp up until it goes away. I usually get lower back pains, and it works within hours.

My dose is 2,500 mg. I had the fastest growth last year, when I was using around 5,000 mg. The only symptom of hyperprolactinaemia in men is low libido. So if it's OK right now, you can also try upping the dose, once hops is stable, to find your upper limit.

I saw a saxophone (mesh thong with a ribbon in front up to a choker) with pasties in the shop window of It's kinda hard to stay away from cross dressing now, but I'm not going to up the hops dose again Big Grin

(18-07-2012, 16:09)Isabelle Wrote:  I saw a saxophone (mesh thong with a ribbon in front up to a choker) with pasties in the shop window of It's kinda hard to stay away from cross dressing now, but I'm not going to up the hops dose again Big Grin

Are you flirting with me again? Tongue

Did you every take note of the fact that as you feel like cross dressing you also get "Flirtatious" .... hmmm. I bet there's something underlying and kinky (right up my alley) going on there Big Grin

The "now excited" karen


It's summer sales season here. No 70 % rebates yet, but many shops already have 50 % off. I just can't help checking out the shops where I used to get my drag gear Blush

Flirtatious, yes, but I also get a vague feeling trannies are victims of a commercial conspiracy. GGs look a lot better in these tantalizing little numbers, but I wonder how many really buy them. Every tranny I know owns a huge stash Dodgy

(18-07-2012, 18:19)Isabelle Wrote:  I also get a vague feeling trannies are victims of a commercial conspiracy. GGs look a lot better in these tantalizing little numbers, but I wonder how many really buy them. Every tranny I know owns a huge stash Dodgy

Very true, I think most of that stuff is either bought by trannys, as you say, or now knowing what I do and extrapolating from myself to include EVERYONE else, how much is bought by men for their wives/gf's but sub-conciously for themselves.
I'm 100% certain now that that is exactly what I used to do - a different way of exercising my female desires before I found herbs.

Haha, yes,

My ex was appalled when I came out as a tranny. She immediately grasped that all the stuff she wouldn't want to be found dead in, were things I secretly wanted for myself, without really knowing it.

My gfs ended up with similar things too. One exception: a lesbian. She gave me things.


I remember many years ago, my first wife ( who knew about my TV side and accepted if not condoned it) said on one occasion with a big sigh," I just wish you wouldn't wear such tarty clothes". Without thinking I just snapped back, " If you wore them, I wouldn't need to." At the time I remember being amazed at what I'd said and not knowing where that thought had emerged from so strongly. I've never forgotten it because somehow it seemed significant although I could never put my finger on why, but now finally I understand.Blush

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