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Long time hops & FG user

Thank you Isabelle,

I guess hops is the key to more estrogen, other then foods. I have another question. My herbs come in plastic bags, is it a good idea to get the canning jars (they are glass with the rubber thingys) to store all them in. Oh I found a place to buy chicken feet...woohoo.. going to make my soybean hummus soon.. Oh and today I took my FG and didnt get craving or not that tired.. I wonder if my body adjusted, I wonder the bigger the belly the bigger the cravings.. I think my body adjusted to it though..I took 2 before eating and one after, I ate a protein/carb meal maybe that helped too..eggs with english muffin and butter..still not cravings..Big Grin

That's great, Susan Smile

I just had two strawberry ice cream cornets Blush

The canning jars are OK, but you need to keep them in a dark kitchen cabinet. Well, come to think of it, my fenugreek is in a glass jar between the kitchen herbs in the light too. But dark is better.

Hey Isabelle,

yummmy ice cream:Tongue Hey guess what I made a lotion/oil massage with FG.. I put the FG in a coffee filter boiled it, when done dumped the boiled powder in the water stired, but in blender, no grittiness, I added well alot of stuff:
castor oil
codliver oil
flaxseed oil
neocollagen I&III powder
cayenne pepper powder
cinnamon powder
witch hazel
hyaluronic acid serum
vit e/coconut oil (blend my dad had)
the above ingredients I used not much like teaspoon amount or less
borage oil caps melted in water for more collagen (about 5 caps)
I think that was was bugging me that I could make FG without gritty feeling and it think the more it sits the better cause I used some and when it disolved, which it went in fast there was some FG but not gritty and very very little..will see how it works.. I am going to use my left over for a butt lotion with maca..or make a maca tea and use that with FG mixed in..

Whoaa Susan,

That looks like a really strong recipe. Don't boil the fenugreek for too long: I don't know how long diosgenin can stand high temperature.

Let me know how it works Smile

Goodmorning Isabelle,

Big GrinI boiled it for 15 mins. Well so far not sure how it is working, wondering if it just sitting in that mix as time goes by will it become more effective.. I have a slight headache not sure if I want to take any herbs today. I am thinking of stopping them for 1 day or so. I also was wondering if I should start over when my other herbs come, meaning take one at a time, and if I do that should I keep maca going no matter what but maybe just 1 a day, as of now I only take 2. not sure what to do.. do you think just keep it going the same way as I am now and then and the others one at a time, which one should I start with (just btw hops and GR I am talking about) I am also thinking I may keep GR higher then FG what do you think, I dont have much swelling these days.Blush

Good morning Susan,

I would ease the new herbs into what you are doing now. If you get more headaches, increase fenugreek or decrease the phyto-estrogens (flax, soy, hops).

When you ease in hops, you may feel depressed. Then maca is too low or hops is too high.

My goat's rue is almost twice as high as fenugreek. That's just for maximum swelling without adding more progesterone than necessary to keep the balance with estrogens.

I normally keep hops the same, at 2,500 mg. Most of the time, fenugreek too, at 2,300 mg. I adjust maca to my mood, and goat's rue for swelling.

The flax experiment is doing something to my brain. I worry a lot. I took 30 g flax seed for 10 days. Maybe it's increasing SHBG already. A little increase in SHBG can bind all the free testosterone. If there is no free testosterone to make DHT or estrogens, I feel neither upbeat nor mellow. Would that make me worry a lot?

I'll finish the flax seed. It's for four more days or so. Then measure and decide what to do with flax.

(10-11-2011, 15:09)Isabelle Wrote:  Good morning Susan,

I would ease the new herbs into what you are doing now. If you get more headaches, increase fenugreek or decrease the phyto-estrogens (flax, soy, hops).

Hi Isabelle,
Ok..sounds good. for the headache I did take maca and tumeric, but I felt I need food..especially cause I was really hungry..

When you ease in hops, you may feel depressed. Then maca is too low or hops is too high.

All I can say I cant wait to start hops now, rememeber I was very iffy.. the only thing that I am iffy about is breakouts cause beer made me break out but beer is fermented so that may be the reason too, but a few months back you got skin problem from hops, but anyway hops seems to be the key and I like that if I make a tea I could tackle the anti-androgens, does eating it have anti-androgens too..I know you said the tea is good for just breakouts and/or chin hairs.

My goat's rue is almost twice as high as fenugreek. That's just for maximum swelling without adding more progesterone than necessary to keep the balance with estrogens. confused again..ok FG is for progesterone so GR is for what..I know it isnt for estrogen..and if you say progestin or prolactin..what the heck is the dif..that is so confusing to me..I figure the prolactin is for milk..anyway good to know this so I can get swelling

I normally keep hops the same, at 2,500 mg. Most of the time, fenugreek too, at 2,300 mg. I adjust maca to my mood, and goat's rue for swelling. know I am going to follow your lead with the main herbs: hops, GR, FG, maca...but adjust to me.

The flax experiment is doing something to my brain. I worry a lot. I took 30 g flax seed for 10 days. Maybe it's increasing SHBG already. A little increase in SHBG can bind all the free testosterone. If there is no free testosterone to make DHT or estrogens, I feel neither upbeat nor mellow. Would that make me worry a lot?

I dont know if your thinking out loud or asking me...but if I remember correct from what you wrote about DHT that it is important for the probably is making you the dose effecting your swelling and such with the titas.

I'll finish the flax seed. It's for four more days or so. Then measure and decide what to do with flax.

maybe continue taking it but slowly reduce the dose and if you continue feeling that worry feeling the try and stop taking for maybe for a couple of days, if improvement then just lower the dose and if your gaining from it, just keep the low dose...hope that makes sense.


Hi Susan,

The hops tea is best for breakouts and chin hair, but eating hops will help too.

Goat's rue is for prolactin. Prolactin causes swelling because it stimulates milk production. Progesterone and progestins round the breasts out in a different way, by developing glandular and alveolar tissue.

Good thinking on DHT. It's DHT that brings the androgen signal to the brain, so too little of it will affect how I think. Makes me think of Mel Gibson in "What women want": he noticed women worry a lot more than men. I can use this as a symptom to adjust flax, if I keep it in my program. Thank you.

I've been reading on what in hops binds to the melatonin receptors, and makes me sleepy. Found that beer contains tryptamins. That's the class of chemicals melatonin is in. I'll check if hops contains tryptamins. Digestion or fermentation may change them, but not make them. There is also 2-phenylethylamine in hops:
It may help some in ADD, if you take it often in small doses:

Hey Isabelle,

Sorry for getting back so late, my headache was kind bad so took 2 aleeve, didnt want it to last all day and it just about did, I fell asleep and woke up with it better but just slightly there, now it is gone.. I think it is muscle and toxin relatedDodgy anyway.. I like what you posted above good info, thank you... I was thinking about the hops and was thinking maybe the beer broke me out cause of fermentation, cause fermentation is a kind of sugar or you can say the yeast, I would break out from other fermented foods, now I dont..I was reading about hops and it said if taking too much it can cause dermatitis..go to then end where it says toxicity

Hi Susan,

Good to know you're feeling better. Don't worry about dermatitis: people get it from harvesting just about anything manually, even mowing a lawn. But taking it in NBE doses, no.

The breakouts were probably from the sugar in the beer. There is way more sugar than hops in beer, too much for a low carb diet.

One thing to be careful with: I use dried hops raw, and it is grown in open air. So in principle, it can have infections. I started out with tea, and switched to porridge when my body got used to hops.

I'll be out of town for two days, not sure if I'll be on line.

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