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Long time hops & FG user

Thank you Isabelle yes feeling much better sister will be staying over tonight..anyway..thank you ..good to know about the tea first..will do..

Hey have a good time unless it is business, hey if it is still have a good soon..good night to you..sweet dreams

Hi Isabelle!

I envy how good dedication you have to gain bigger breasts!

Do you have any pictures here of your breasts? Have you gained any sustaining results?

Thanks for answering me. Smile

Hi Isabelle,

I just wanted to say I am so glad I changed my regimen, whatever I am taking has helped my skin/hair/nails, I am feeling more going on in the titas now I believe FG is starting to work for me, could you imagine what the other herbs I am waiting on is going to do especially the hops and goats rue.. also I read that barley grass stimulates growth hormone and lactation.. here is where I read it, go to the last line at the end of the paragraph just before the nutrient break down: I also read this in other places.. cant wait to start my other herbs and see how much swelling I will getBig Grin I have a question, can I make the GR tea in big batchs or will that effect the potency, and if I can is it best to freeze it. If I want to make 4 cups of tea would that be 1 tsp to each cup..I will first start out with making the tea one cup at a time to see what amount I need, meaning if I use 1 tsp that equates to 3mgs or more? anyway, feeling really good so far, even my mood is great..I will have to say PM was ok..for me I think I need more of a balance with these herbs plus these herbs we know help other things like the liver and other organs, as for PM dont know much about you said that PM blocks prolactin and I believe that was not good for me..I feel stronger too and my body feels more fem..Big Grin ok done for nowTongue

Thank you Sunshine,

I have no pics. I have no digital camera.

I don't expect my recent growth to be sustainable. Eve M stopped her maintenance dose after 18 months.

Thank you Susan,

I didn't know barley grass increases HGH and prolactin. All I knew was it contains an anti-androgen. Still have 300 g here I haven't touched.

You can make the goat's rue tea in a teapot, and keep it in the fridge for a few days. The french press will work as well. I take 4,000 mg a day, and it's fluffy dried leaves, so 4,000 mg is a tablespoon. You will probably need two teaspoons a cup.

Hey Isabelle,

this was a double post go to next post cause didnt know how to delete this oneBig GrinRolleyes

Hey Isabelle,

How was your 2 days away from computerRolleyes your post above sounds like you were tired..glad your backBig Grin missed ya.

I plan on taking the barley grass at night and alfalfa in the morning cause the alfalfa is suppose to increase estrogen if your low in it but if your high it will lower it, so my logic is taking maca, turmeric, soon GR before noon so hopefully alfalfa will give me estrogen boost if I am low, I guess in order to know this if I get some effects of tingling and such if I dont then us it midday and if the same happens then maybe rotate it cause I want the health benefits from alfalfa too not just for NBE but want to use it hope for both benefits, but not too interfer with NBE either, as for the barley grass at night would be good cause hops will give me the estrogen, so far FG is not giving me any problem that I will take midday and early evening, if anything it is doing very good things for me..thanks to you Isabelle, if it wasnt for you posting your progress and info about all these herbs and kept me thinking about it over and over, I wouldnt have changed my PM to this and glad I did cause PM was also giving me alot of stomach pains, like I was going to get my period in midcycle and my skin is even better without, go figure..ok I am rambling...oh one more thing got some chicken feet finally. Ok doneBig Grin

You're welcome Susan,

Missed you too. On Friday, I was a happy and proud father when my elder daughter showed the work of her first ten weeks at university in a symposium for parents.

On Saturday, I was a sad son, moving art and furniture out of my parents' house, together with one of my brothers. The dining table had not left that room since 1964. Now I know the value of Burgundian dinners and good food. I just wish my parents would have lived to see it Sad

It's good to see your program is coming together. I have alfalfa seed here. Keep us posted on how it goes. Alfalfa would be a nice experiment to try.

Good to read the fenugreek is going down well. It's a legume, so you can expect some gas. And because it's hypoglycemic, you have to make sure your blood sugar is high enough before taking fenugreek.

You're right: once you learn how to work with the side effects of herbs, they are much less trouble than PM. Watch out for the hops, though. That's not a simple one either.

After maca, the multivitamin, and jasmine and goat's rue teas, Body Mass Index (BMI) is 25.6, a small improvement. The difference between bust and underbust has increased to 14 cm. Since early September, I grew over 1" a month! I kept the Waist Hip Ratio (WHR) of 0.88 from the Frankfurter sausages, and the 40" butt.

I used my last flax seed yesterday. But I want to buy more. The Frankfurter sausages, I don't know. Maybe have some hot dogs when the kids are back from school Smile

Height: 178.5 cm = 5 * 30.48 + 10 * 2.54 = 5' 10"
Weight: 81.5 kg * 2.2046 lbs/kg = 180 lbs
Body Mass Index (BMI): 81.5/1.785/1.785 = 25.6
Breast: 110 cm = 43"
Under: 96 cm = 38"
Waist: 89 cm = 35"
Hip: 101 cm = 40" (actually the widest part around my butt)
Waist to hip ratio (WHR): 89/101 = 0.88

Day 11/7 26/7 08/8 22/8 05/9 19/9 3/10 7/10 17/10 31/10 3/11 4/11 14/11 2014 2016
BMI: 26.5 26.4 26.2 25.7 25.3 26.0 25.7 25.3 25.70 25.70 25.7 25.7 25.60 23.0 23.0
B-U: 8.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.0 10.0 10.0 13.00 11.00 13.0 13.0 14.00 15.0 20.0
WHR 0.95 .945 0.94 0.92 0.92 0.96 0.93 0.92 0.940 0.910 0.91 0.88 0.880 0.80 0.70
B-U = Breast - Under in cm

Hi Isabelle,

Wow furniture from 1964, that is when I was born..Tongue Sorry for the sadnessSad

I was just going to ask you how much you have and inch a month, count me in girl.Big Grin I hope I get the same results with these herbs and I have a feeling I will, cause I also get some kind of twinge, not alot but aleast I feel something, with the PM only the first 2 weeks on it and maybe maybe once or twice a month, mostly if I added mace, SP, FG etc.. I am thinking maybe I was prolactin, progestin, progesteron def...anywho..had an interview today, probably wont know til tonight or tomorrow how it went... k.. going to chill for a little while til something else pops in my head to reaserchTongueBig Grin

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