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Long time hops & FG user

yeah 8000mg phewww thats a lot. I'm only 110 pounds.. when I eat a lot LOL. Thanks, I'm going to start this one low and slow Tongue

Hi chiquitabella,

Hops increases HGH, so I don't intend to break for the winter Smile

Ha Susan,

I just put two large tablespoons in my evening porridge of milk, honey, raisins, hops, and cereals. The cereals were sweetened breakfast cereals, but today I started to use müsli and oat flakes. A new experiment: adding oats, for two weeks, until my next tape day.

O.. OK... I put about half that in my morning shake.. just sounded like alot.Big Grin cool.. hey I was going to buy some musli last week but I think the combo in it I had most of it so I decided no didnt make a mix of it yet.Rolleyes

Yes Susan, and miabella,

I hope your hops arrives. Once you start phyto-estrogens, you will be able to tolerate more turmeric without progesterone dominance symptoms. And when you increase turmeric, you will tolerate more hops. It's an upward spiral Cool

Yes Susan,

I still have to check the nutritional labels on my müsli and some others. See what it adds to flax and oats: probably not much Dodgy

No Isabelle..what I meant was the mix of cereal in the musli not nutrients.. doesnt it have a mix of oat, barly, this the same as mueslix..oh my herbs came ...woohoo..I just drank goats rue like 5 mins ago..I put 1 cup of water to a little more then a level tsp.. wait and long you think if I get any symptoms of swelling, about an hour..going to take hops and barley grass in my protein shake later..I hope I can put them in with protein..Rolleyes

Oh Susan,

I see Big Grin

My müsli is oats, barley, rye, wheat, and even a bit of soy. There is a bit of sunflower and coconut oil. For taste, mostly raisins, banana, cane sugar, and some nuts. My sweetened cereals were about the same, but with much more cane sugar, and even glucose syrup: bad carbs Dodgy

Goat's rue tea will cause swelling in about an hour, yes. If I'd NB, I'd make a pot.

Try some honey in the protein/hops/barley grass shake. Hops is really bitter.

Goodmorning Isabelle,

OK this is what happened after the goat's rue tea, within 5 mins I felt presure through out my body mostly left side base of head, faster heartbeat, jittery, tingling scalp, sweating then within 10 mins some swelling, all these effects went away after about 30 mins except the head thing then a little tired, then I drank about 1/2 cup of apple cider with my barley and within an 1/2 hr I felt really great, then about another 1/2 hour later ate the hops with rice and veggies etc, that was weird but good I wanted to go to bed but yet wasnt tired, it just made me feel like my whole body was in harmony with everything felt great the only glitch was I had a 1-2 sec delayed reaction time with thought to movement, but nothing annoying or bad...well slept good, feel like I am retaining water but not alot, but still feel good, just feels like if I could take my eyeballs out and slap them around to wake them up all is good, just feel like my eyes are tired but my mind and body feels for the titas they are slight swollen and a little sore, so doing good, oh my skin feels great smooth dont know why, joint a little swollen feeling but I think once I jump in the shower I will feel much better too, and the rainy day doesnt help eitherBig Grin oh did alot of sweating while sleeping and my body temp. is warmer. Ok not sure if I left anything out.. I took maca already today 2 of them, yesterday I took 3 so today I went down and if I need more I will take it, dont want to over do. this morn or some time today I will take the alfalfa and horsetail but very small amount..oh the GR tea I made last night came to only like a 1/2 cup, made it with 1 cup to level tsp put in the french press.. ok done for now until I wake up moreTongue you know me.

(15-11-2011, 19:37)Isabelle Wrote:  Hi Nila,

For me, goat's rue is the best prolactin upper, but I use almost twice as much goat's rue as fenugreek. Susan is doing quite well on fenugreek at the moment. Fennel is also a strong phyto-progestin. The other breast feeding herbs are:
black seed (nigella sativa)
caraway seed tea (carum carvi, wild cumin)
blessed thistle
and licorice does everything: phyto-estrogen, increases prolactin, anti-androgen, and phyto-progestin.

I drink licorice tea occasionally, but don't experience swelling because of the small quantities I drink. Black seed is on my list to try, because like goat's rue and fenugreek, it's a waist slimmer.

Turmeric is as strong as hops as a phyto-estrogen, but it's a very strong phyto-progestin:
In men, strong phyto-progestins are counter-productive. Gender clinics love progestins because they turn grizzly bears into ballerinas. But the ballerinas are disappointed with their small breasts. In women, it depends. For those who tend towards estrogen dominance, PCOS, underdeveloped breasts or progesterone deficiency, it may be worth a try.

Thanks for the info, Isabelle.
Licorice looks like something nice to try for the future.

You're welcome Nila Smile

Hi Susan,

Looks like you'll have to ramp up the goat's rue slowly. Are your eyelids red?

Botanically, hops is a little brother of weed. I still don't know which chemical in it activates the melatonin receptor. Last week, I read hops increases dopamine, like PM does. Be careful ramping up.

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