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Long time hops & FG user

(17-11-2011, 16:49)Isabelle Wrote:  Oh no Susan,

I was just suggesting to be careful with hops and maca after day 25. Hops because it might trigger estrogen dominance, and maca because it might trigger either estrogen dominance or androgen dominance.

Hi again Isabelle,

Ok..that is what I thought you meant but just wanted to make sure.. Today I am making like I just started NBE well sort of as for supps I am not changing them cause my acne is doing really great and skin feels nice too..wondering if it is the codliver oil cause I used this last time I was on this same regimen.. ok so far I only took 1 maca and right now I just started drinking GR.. I want to see how I feel with this combo then in a few hours take only 2 FG I was taking 4 but for some reason I reduced it to 2, I guess it felt right to do this with the GR didnt want too much of 1 cause as you say at the bottom about Wahaika he wrote to do hops, FG, GR 1-1-1 equal amounts.. well so far my FG is higher then the 2 of course just starting them I want to leave out alfalfa and see what happens down the line when I add it back in.. wondering the same with barley grass, for some reason that helps with the weird effects from GR but I wonder if it infers with the swelling so that is why I am taking the GR now and nothing else for at least 2 hours. Later I do want to try my horsetail, not sure it will effect my hormones.. right now the GR is making feel gross..I think after I brew it I will dilute it cause it maybe too strong, would that ruin the effects I would think not.

I steer with goat's rue and maca means these are the first I change, yes. I decrease maca if I start to lose hair. I increase it if I want more libido. I increase goat's rue if I want more swelling, and decrease it if my libido goes down.

OK...I guess I have to find my base amounts a go from there..Do you get weird symptoms from drinking GR.. right now I feel drugged, presure mostly neck up not really bad slight light headed and throbbing on the right side of base of skull (isnt that were the glands are to stimulate hormones), I feel anixous too, this all happens while I am drinking it then subsides mostly except for the almost headache..haha not that bad cause if my man wanted to get busy it would stand in the wayBig Grin yes he is on the mind and just talked on the phone with him...ahh he is so sexy to me..haha sorry feeling horny and girly at the same time..Tongue boy I lost track of that whole how do you feel while drinking it...oh I know what I was getting too.. when I take the barley grass it makes these symptoms go away.. but not sure if it is the barley or what I drink it with apple cider so I will drink the AP alone if the symptoms are still there.

I steered hops and fenugreek by the symptoms to where they are now: 2,500 and 2,300 mg. That is very much in line with Wahaika's recommendations. I fixed them both at this dose.

I don't know what symptoms you can use to decide on alfalfa.

haha I was going to answer each paragraph but already did aboveBlush


Hi Susan,

My first days on GR were not funny either. I decreased FG for the first week or so. After that, I could go up to normal FG and 4,000 mg of GR. I watched my libido while ramping up GR. When my libido was gone, I knew I was going too fast: too much prolactin decreases libido in men.

Judging by the thoughts about your man, you're doing fine Big Grin

The feelings immediately after drinking GR are hard to describe. Not quite allergy, not quite the edgy, irritable feeling from progesterone, more like electricity was running over my skin. My head felt more like I drank too much water. Sounds familiar?


(17-11-2011, 19:01)Isabelle Wrote:  Hi Susan,

My first days on GR were not funny either. I decreased FG for the first week or so. After that, I could go up to normal FG and 4,000 mg of GR. I watched my libido while ramping up GR. When my libido was gone, I knew I was going too fast: too much prolactin decreases libido in men.

Haha..Big Grin for some reason the libido really doesnt change much it may go down some at certain parts of cycle which is normal cause they say you become more horny just before I think you reducing FG was a good idea, what you mentioned in another post a few days ago stuck in my head about balancing those 3

Judging by the thoughts about your man, you're doing fine Big Grin

yes just talking and touching him makes me feel so content..being around him..he is so good to me and a good person..but he acts all macho..hehe..I like that though

The feelings immediately after drinking GR are hard to describe. Not quite allergy, not quite the edgy, irritable feeling from progesterone, more like electricity was running over my skin. My head felt more like I drank too much water. Sounds familiar?

Ahhhhhhhh yep...boy you discribed that so awesome, and they go in phases, glad the irritable one isnt that bad and doesnt last that this happens every time you take it too not just an adjusting to the body thing only...if that is the case then I will down the tea with in 5 mins to get it over withBig Grin Oh remember I though the hops gave me the eyeball thing, nope it is feels like I want to lay down and nap but go clean the houseBig Grin If it does subside in a few hours going to do the apple cider and if that doesnt help the it was barley grass..will let you know.


Hi Susan,

Sleepiness and heavy eyelids is hops. Just take a nap: it's over after 30 minutes.

Cleaning house is from prolactin. It's the hormone that increases tenfold in the beginning of pregnancy. It makes you want to clean house or lock your man in the baby room until it's done. Just to get things ready in time for the baby. If you start cleaning things that are already clean, you're drinking too much goat's rue tea Big Grin

(17-11-2011, 20:55)Isabelle Wrote:  Hi Susan,

Sleepiness and heavy eyelids is hops. Just take a nap: it's over after 30 minutes.

hummmm Isabelle, I didnt have hops yet today, I felt that way after goat's rue (every time I drink it, hops doesnt bother me that much like that it just makes me feel very relaxed not heavy in the eyelids) along with wanting to get busy in more ways then and you know(getting busyBig Grin) but at the same time I wanted to take a is slowly going away, still have that weird feeling in the face but not bad..not sure if I am getting swelling in the titasBlush I think so..some tinges..and after an hour took 1 FG and feel a little more action, now wanting some cookiesBig Grin

Cleaning house is from prolactin. It's the hormone that increases tenfold in the beginning of pregnancy. It makes you want to clean house or lock your man in the baby room until it's done. Just to get things ready in time for the baby. If you start cleaning things that are already clean, you're drinking too much goat's rue tea Big Grin

HAHAHA toooooo funnyBig Grin I have done that too, rewashed stuff or reorganized..makes ya think of OCB..You know I get way more going in the titas with hops, why? Also it has been bugging me Estriol E3 estrogen..what and how is the importance in this I know it comes from Esteriol, right? it sounds like it can be effected from DHEA and progesterone.. are there any symptoms or is that part of estrogen, IMO no..and what vitamins and herbs make it worse or better.


Ha Susan,

There are three estrogens: estradiol, estrone (post-menopausal), and estriol (pregnancy). Hops, flax and soy just digest to estradiol. The miroestrol in PM mimics estrone. In the liver, miroestrol becomes the more powerful deoxymiroestrol. Estriol is in panax ginseng. I have a whole root here, but haven't touched it.

Estrone is a weak estrogen. Estriol is as strong as estradiol, and it is the cause of big titas in pregnant women. But as a supplement, it has the disadvantage that the body metabolizes it in 1-4 hours. Estradiol stays for 24 hours. So people use estriol as cream and reapply often, or drink panax ginseng tea all day.

Ok? so do I need to do anything different or the hops, flax and soy will do fine.. I was reading about WY that it blocks estriol, I keep wondering if I should add WY...but do I need estriol or getting it from the hops, flax and soy will do fine.. and what about what PM delivers is that need in the equation sp? Bottomline question do you think the herbs and supps that I am taking well do just fine.. I am thinking maca my help in the Estriol part... I dont I need to add or substract anything to get or do what your doing to have all the ducks in a row and covering all the hormones and everything that regulates them. Have a great nights sleep and dont let the hops bite you in the ass, well maybe yes if you dont want to sleep, it would wake your ass up..ok thinking too much..see how hops helps me, turns me off at nightBig Grin blah blah blah..doneTongue

Hi Susan,

You're right: maca makes all three estrogens. So you have everything. Maybe go easy on the turmeric: it contains a lot of phyto-progestin.

G'night... zzzz

Ok..thank you and today I didnt take any turmeric, funny you mentioned that... it was effecting my ears..

Haha hops is kicking in..night girl. sweet dreams.

Goodday Isabelle,

How are you feeling you have been quite.. Tired or sad or busy..

Last night my hops shake didnt make me tired (only put 1/2 tsp) at all didnt sleep that good but ok.. I did get a sharp shooting pain in my left tita while waiting to fall asleep.. Today I took maca, alfalfa, horsetail, FG, and a hops shake (1/2 tsp) so far, just finished the shake now starting my GR tea.. later on tonight going to take barley grass, more GR and hops shake or just drink it, and that is where my question comes in..can I put hops (1/2 tsp) in soymilk with honey warm it a little and drink it. So far getting some pain and zings..did you see my picture updates, would like your opinion cause you see things sometimes others and I dont, Thank more thing if I make a tea of hops is it still estrogen effective or just anti-andrognic.

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