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Long time hops & FG user

I increased oat flakes last Monday, November 14th. The cereals I used before are already 20 % oats, so my oats consumption was not zero before this experiment.

My 500 g bag of müsli is already gone. It's 22 % oats, so that's 110 g. The 500 g box of oat flakes is half full. That's another 250 g, together 360 g in 5 days, or 72 g daily. There's 0.33 mg of vitamin B6 in 100 g flakes, so that's 0.24 mg daily. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is 2 mg, so I'm not overdoing it.

Other things I want from oats are azelaic acid, silicic acid, folic acid, magnesium, and zinc. For none of those, I'm getting more than a quarter of RDA from 72 g oats. So I could eat half a box of oat flakes without any problem. That's more carbs than I eat in a day. So it's a good thing I have the multivitamins.

Since I'm always trying to replace supplements by dietary sources, it's good to know I can use four times more oats. Not in one go, of course, I'll start upping it gently.

For those interested, it's a skin lightener:


Good afternoon Susan,

I was networking for jobs at a recruiting agency. I really want to find an herbalist job where they can use an engineer Smile

I remember the shooting pain from my hops ramp up. That means you're in business Cool

Yes, you can put hops (1/2 tsp) in soymilk with honey, warm it a little, and drink it. That's very much like how I use it.

A hops tea is less estrogenic, but it still is. Taking the tea with a meal will make it more estrogenic, and less anti-androgenic.

Off to check your pics Smile

Hey..that would be great for you.. I was thinking maybe you should make a new topic (well have to talk to eve) with the most common questions everyone has..for example under that topic have subs of lets say one would be progesterone: herbs, supps, that effect good bad so on, what it does in the body for males and females and that way under each one question could be asked just on that..does that make sense..

I get most action from hops and a little from GR, the 2 together work best..

OK then going to take it with the milk, sometimes I get tired of the shakes..and I think the hops will effect me better just with the milk.. ok think I may take a nap.. keep putting off cleaning, but have to get it done, I get most energy in midmorning and after 5ish then again after 9 but I can go to bed without a problem falling asleep just takes a little while it is my way of relaxing my mind, with no tv putting me to sleep, but like to sleep on the couch with my man while watching tv, I am so content with him..ok ya time for my man time..miss him..Blush

Hi Susan,

I've been thinking about ways to structure it too. I'm still learning too fast to see a pattern in it though. Look at the phyto-progestins: we doubled the list in a week. As long as experiments and literature are changing truths every week, a journal works best: that's why I need this thread.

The most Frequently Asked Question is: "Hey I'm flat fanny. I've been trying to get over 90 lbs for a week now, and there is no other development than my areolas getting puffy. What's the program that certainly works for me?"

So I think there is a lot of value in the work Wahaika did: a standard list of stats, and a profile of the typical woman who does well on hops, on WY, etc.

The new thing in the past four months is a profile of the woman who does well on PM. She is typically on a hefty bc, likes noogling, and hates changing her program. So a program starts from the woman who's going to use it. The structure Eve set up is already helpful: an herb forum, a PM forum, an ED/PCOS forum, massage, NB, etc.

In the "Information for newcomers" section, we may need a text directing people to the right forum. I've been thinking about sets of texts on each hormone, each herb, and each profile too, but I feel that would do better in a book.

Anyway, You got it: hops/GR is the jack pot. Just a little FG to prevent ED, and some maca for mood. That's it. The rest is just experiments to keep it interesting.

Take a week to ramp up GR, and you can fuel your cleaning energy with prolactin. It will be sooo much easier Big Grin

Have fun with your man. I have a long day tomorrow, so won't be around much longer.

Hey girl..

I went to the section on herbs and there isnt anything there, so why not put herbs that effect such and such hormone and list the hormone or list them main herbs and what they effect and then other herbs can be added under that hormone or hormones..even Wahaika's list isnt very clear or complete.

The newcomers idea sounds good.

I have energy just not for cleaningBig Grin No not seeing my man yet hoping soon though, but its all good, in time..

Hops and GR..ok..nice... one last question and I maybe good for a while, does GR do like FG kept the growth permanent sp?.

Hello Isabelle,
I'm very new to NBE and have just started trying out Brava system.
I'm trying to follow all the threads that was made under your program post but ended of just confusing my self.. :S
I wanted to ask.. what is hop and FG ?
also could you please let me know what program has worked for you the best so far? (as in herbs.. diet.. etc). If you've already covered this topic, please let me know where to access it.
I really appreciate any help.



Goodmorning Isabelle,

Just a quick question for now..the first day taking hops it made me sleepy..since I upped it and not sleepy at a matter of fact been anxious but not alot..feeling very level, thinking I have too much prog. and testos., the first time I eat it with rice , the other times I had it with a shake and the soymilk, but then my hormones change every day and probably getting close to 0 progest. and estro... thinking lower my maca to 1, I was taking 2x FG to GR, hops, meaning FG was 2000mg, the other 2 were 1000mgs each..not going to take barley grass or alfalfa, just those 3 and see how that works..I took 1 maca already..I think since I am not going anywhere today I may take hops earlier and with water only, unless you have to have something with it to digest.. do you think I should do 1500mg hops, 1000mg GR, 1000mg, FG

Hi Susan,

I think the growth from goat's rue becomes permanent like the growth from NB: tissue grows if it's stretched.

You may have too much progesterone, yes: I take almost twice as much GR as FG. The anxiety could be from maca.

Hi margareea,

The program that works best for me is herbs.

Hops is an herb that is used for flavoring beer. FG is fenugreek, an herb that is used to bring on the milk in new mothers.

Thank you so much for responding Big Grin!

I think everything starts to make more sense heh heh.

thank you,

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