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Long time hops & FG user

Merry Christmas, Susan,

I think you're right about taking a little break. And about the wild yam too. Chasteberry, I simply don't know: it's a strong phyto-progestin, so I haven't used it for many years.

When LH goes up, estrogens go up, yes. And progesterone, testosterone, and DHT too. But it's the anterior pituitary gland's job to lower LH then, to prevent a flood of sex hormones. This is the stalling effect. So when hops is too high, LH will decrease, and with it all the natural sex hormones.

Since you have a symptom of estrogen dominance, WY may be a good choice. Like FG, it contains diosgenin, so it increases progesterone and prolactin. WY contains β-Sitosterol too, the same anti-androgen as in PM, and that worked for your skin before.

(24-12-2011, 18:22)Isabelle Wrote:  Merry Christmas, Susan,

I think you're right about taking a little break. And about the wild yam too. Chasteberry, I simply don't know: it's a strong phyto-progestin, so I haven't used it for many years.

Hi Isabelle,

If Chasteberry's a strong phyto-progestin then isnt turmeric the same effect I thought..if so I will stay with turmeric which is very helpful for skin too..and other for a break I may just go with some detox teas and liver cleansing herbs dad has milk thistle and something else called a liver blend sp-13 which has dandelion, milk thistle, burdock, artichoke, kelp, and peppermint..IMO it seems like an odd blend..Blush I am thinking if I use detox herbs I may keep the titas and booty still growing or goingTongue and maybe boost the hormones some how in a good way..also keep eating light too..I did buy soy milk today to add to my morning blend which will be fruit mix of banana, grapefruit, blueberries, gala apples, some raisins, greek yogurt, protein powder, flaxseed meal, wheat germ..not sure what else I may add to that meal..Big Grin

When LH goes up, estrogens go up, yes. And progesterone, testosterone, and DHT too. But it's the anterior pituitary gland's job to lower LH then, to prevent a flood of sex hormones. This is the stalling effect. So when hops is too high, LH will decrease, and with it all the natural sex hormones.

So not sure what to do here, take more hops or less..thinking more..duh..but not sure cause hops is estrogenic but if I do a tea in hops that would not work..huh..Huh and if I do hops should I wait til after my period..wait a min. I think I will wait on the hops and do the teas and detox herbs first and see what happens..yes a little confused of when to take these herbs as for hops too..I know I will def. do licorice tea that I have on hand..or not..gheesh..

Since you have a symptom of estrogen dominance, WY may be a good choice. Like FG, it contains diosgenin, so it increases progesterone and prolactin. WY contains β-Sitosterol too, the same anti-androgen as in PM, and that worked for your skin before.

Now I was reading prolactin levels can mess things up too..well barley grass I think effects that and they say breastfeeding if I am using the NB isnt that messing with prolactin levels..ok time to regroup my thoughts and plans..ok I need to go back and read your other posts and do more homework..I do plan on ordering WY since my age I feel I may need it..ok..done for now..thank you for your reply ..your knowledge is a gift from you to me and others on here..If your not back on today have a great dinner..unless that is for tomorrowTongue..oh one more thing would it be ok to order WY extract then add it to a lotion or buy a lotion/cream and yes I will be ordering herb in powder too..

OK Isabelle the above I posted earlier now I am editing to add this 3 hours later...I took a small amount of hops with a small amount of FG and barley grass...I have decided no more hops and possiblily barley grass.. I am getting really ill feeling after taking hops for sure...I feel sinus presure sp?, runny nose, skin rash (ezcema), hives, acne, joint pain especially in the neck, itchy, swelling...I know it is not maca cause I was doing fine with maca until I added hops and barley grass..not sure if FG but I think FG is ok with me..the reason I strongly believe it is hops is cause 2 reason I get these same symptoms with beer, not so much with wine, and when I stop hops my symptoms start to go away...I know it isnt estrogen dom..cause I never feel like this and never get hives maybe the rash but havent had this rash problem in years like I will keep you posted on how it goes..I am going to drink some turmeric tea now to see if it helps it seems to do the trick cause it helps with skin and inflammation..oh yeah I get nuaeous sp? every time I take hops..I am annoyed about this cause I like what hops was doing for the titas unless it is the FG more and now I need another estrogen..I have flax and soy..thinking of PM again but PM seemed like it didnt give me the swelling and feeling..I think I am going to take the PM again but low dose and use my prolactin herbs too.. ok done..sorry feeling annoyed and frustratedDodgy especially with this itching rash on my hands driving me crazy and it is very painful like an infection which feels like I have an infection through out my whole body...if feels so much like when I drank beer..maybe that is why I drank mixed drinks instead...I havent drank beer in years..I did have wine Thanksgiving like 1/2 glass but didnt feel like this but didnt feel good either...anyway see you in the morning k..night..:

Good Christmas morning Susan,

I feel really sorry it's hitting you that hard. The high estrogens must be suppressing cortisol. Cortisol should take all the inflammation away. Since cortisol is made from progesterone, fenugreek could be a good bet, yes. Turmeric too.

Merry Christmas to you to Isabelle,

Well I took no hops today and plan on not taking no more, maybe once in a while like around estrogen time one or 2 cups of tea or small amount.. so far today I took maca and a PM.. feeling alot better today..most symptoms are gone..just feeling a little down or you can say out of that time you said you felt anxious and depressed at the same my feelings dont know which way to go..kinda like numb but not really..but not bad..I think more of just, rest the thoughts and not think of anything just be in the moment and not to worry about anything today just enjoy what I to do that for me is not to let me go either way in my weird anxious/depressed feeling sort of.Blush thing.. what I want most is to have a really good nights sleep so thinking of what to take to help that..anyway..not really in the mood to type or think maybe later tonight but not later or tomorrow..

Good morning, Susan,

I think I know the feeling, yes. PM can help you live in the moment, but the maca can cause anxiety. The hops will really make you sleep, but you are right to stay away from it for as long as you feel depressed. Fenugreek may help you fall asleep.

Two days ago, I finished a container of hops, and there was a lot of orange lupulin dust at the bottom. I put it all in my porridge, and did I have vivid dreams. I've been reading a lot about the history of art and architecture lately, and the dream played in a really nice classical setting, like madame du Barry's pavillion de musique:

I linked literature about the what hops does to sleep and to the brain here:
I really want to try hops oil. Maybe I'll dream that I am madame du Barry, or madame de Pompadour Blush

Suddenly the party was at my place yesterday. So I'm one day late with tape day.

After maca and goat's rue tea, my weight is 82.5 kg. Body Mass Index (BMI) is the same as two weeks ago at 25.9. The difference between bust and underbust is also the same, at 16 cm, maybe half a centimeter more.

Waist Hip Ratio (WHR) has gone down to 0.87! Finally some progress in waist slimming Smile

I bought a bag of soy meal, 500 g for € 1.50, and I want to start 1,000 mg a day.

Height: 178.5 cm = 5 * 30.48 + 10 * 2.54 = 5' 10"
Weight: 82.5 kg * 2.2046 lbs/kg = 182 lbs
Body Mass Index (BMI): 82.5/1.785/1.785 = 25.9
Breast: 112 cm = 44"
Under: 96 cm = 38" Difference Breast - Under = 112 - 96 = 16 cm = 6"
Waist: 88 cm = 35"
Hip: 101 cm = 40" (actually the widest part around my butt)
Waist to hip ratio (WHR): 88/101 = 0.87

Day 11/7 26/7 08/8 22/8 05/9 19/9 3/10 17/10 31/10 14/11 28/11 12/12 27/12 2014 2016
BMI: 26.5 26.4 26.2 25.7 25.3 26.0 25.7 25.70 25.70 25.60 26.00 25.90 25.90 23.0 23.0
B-U: 8.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.0 10.0 13.00 11.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 15.0 20.0
WHR 0.95 .945 0.94 0.92 0.92 0.96 0.93 0.940 0.910 0.880 0.880 0.880 0.870 0.80 0.70
B-U = Breast - Under in cm

Goodmorning Isabelle,

No wonder why you havent been around yesterday..having a good ol time..drinking beer instead of hopsBig Grin or both..Tongue admit it your a stoner girlTongue

I have a question..melatonin is it not good for NBE..having a hard time falling asleep and staying asleepDodgy

Another question: HGH..I was reading again about this and was thinking that FG and even GR are HGH..because it mentions the (let me see if I write this correct) IGF-1 if I read this correct is related to insullin levels or regulates it and this is what FG and GR does and probably some other herbs I think barley grass too..

Hi Susan,

I don't know if melatonin is good or bad for NBE. The 2-methyl-3-butene-2-ol in hops binds to the melatonin receptor, which is why hops makes you sleepy, but I don't know if activating the receptor helps or slows NBE.

A lot of herbs increase HGH, hops too. That is because high HGH is a consequence of high estrogens or testosterone. Whenever sex hormones decide something's gotta grow, they will increases HGH. In turn, high IGF-1 is a consequence of high HGH. IGF-1 is short for Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1. That means it is like insulin in some way, but I don't know if that means that high insulin is either good or bad for growth.

Hey Isabelle,

Wow it can get maybe I should just try some melatonin or should I try GABA not talking about HGH just to help sleep..

I read the WY and will answer hear.. I read the link within it and just realized that chart you made me has me taking PM only at this time of my cycle..well dumb ass mind keep saying take FG and GR but now I think it is interfering with it cause now I am getting titas sensations but when I add the others later a goes away some.. so come my next cycle I keep some PM well according to the chart and then use the other herbs accordingly meaning FG, GR, barley grass, and when I get it WY but all in small amounts possibly equal amounts..anyway I think though I may keep my PM dose lower this time..where you have me doing 3 do 2 and I will stop for a few days then pick back up for a few then stop a few days before period..kinda like BelaBrasil and GeorousBlonde and some others are far my period is going good..not really heavy bleeding and hardly any cramps..ok well having to just take the pm now makes life so much easierBig Grin for me.. oh should I continue the maca the whole time through both cycles..I only take 500mgs each day in the morning right now..I forgot what you told me about maca dose while on PM ..sorry..I think you said keep maca low when PM is high..Blush

Hi Susan,

Maca just accelerates the phyto-estrogen effects of PM or hops, so take it only on the days when you take PM. But when PM is high, on days 9-11, maca plus PM may make you estrogen dominant, so keeping the maca low is safer, yes.

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