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Long time hops & FG user

what is the follicular and luteal phase?
Which hormone is more dominant during each phase?

I think that each phase last 14 days, right? I think follicular is the growing phase and lutral is the finishing phase, follicular start and luteal end. Lutral phase happen during the 28 days and follicular happen during the 1 days 'AF', i don't know how to say this but all I know this that they both share cycle equally. SO this would mean that the breast do most growing a week before AF.

During the follicular phase dose everything else grow or only the breast
growth? Does these two phase affect the whole body or only the breast?

Hi 32A-35D,

I'd say it's 31 days. Maybe 30 and a half.

For the correct terms, read this:

So am i not going to get it in February cuz I seem to miss some month for time to time but these past 3 month it been coming every second week.

thanks for the link it very helpful right now.

Every time I calculate a dose for another phyto-estrogen from my hops dose, I end up with an impossibly low dose. I use Table 2 on the left:

But I keep forgetting that the amount of 8-prenylnaringenin in hops is very low. The amount of xanthohumol is up to ten times higher, and digestion makes more 8-prenylnaringenin from the xanthohumol. Only, this extra 8-prenylnaringenin is probably not included in the above table, because xanthohumol itself is only a very weak phyto-estrogen.

I'll keep this in mind when I evaluate my flax dose.

Lilmissprettytits has come up with a new way to use hops. She describes it here:
and here:

The result is instant gratification. I just thought I'd make a note of it here. This is definitely one to follow up on.

I started looking into shatavari (asparagus racemosus) because of noni's program:

This article suggests a high dose: about 15 g.
There is an estrogenic effect, but shatavari also grew the glands, which we normally attribute to progesterone. The article concludes with a discussion of "Therapeutic use of A.R., in human as feminine tonic to promote the development of secondary sex characters in young female." "A.R." is the shatavari root extract.

What makes shatavari a very interesting herb for NBE is its antidepressant effect:
Even more interesting: the antidepressant effect was demonstrated without an effect on the dopaminergic system.

Of course, if enough people start experimenting with it, some disadvantages may show up as well, but so far, this looks good.

L-arginine capsules are half price at

I bought 100 capsules of 500 mg, so that's 50 g, for € 10. It's enough for a ramp up to 9 g in 9 days, and then I have 5 capsules left to try topical use.

I linked a publication in idreamofD's program thread, about a serum Human Growth Hormone (HGH) increase from oral L-arginine:

Like MydreamisGcup, idreamofD grew 4" in four months on PM, a multivitamin, and 10 g L-arginine. The latest success is Alyssa's mixing two capsules in progesterone cream. She gained 2 1/2 " in four months from this topical alone:

I'm anxious to try it, but I first want to finish my current experiment on increasing the goat's rue dose back to 4,500 mg.

(17-01-2012, 14:36)Isabelle Wrote:  I'm anxious to try it, but I first want to finish my current experiment on increasing the goat's rue dose back to 4,500 mg.

Is there any top limit for any reason on how much GR to take? The reason I ask is that following your programme as I had intended went by the wayside when I found I couldn't stand to ingest hops Sad . However I also found that I seemed to be able to take the 4500mg/day easily and because of the size of my little scoop I was actually getting 2000mg in, so I've been taking 6000mg for the past 4 days. No noticeable growth and no noticeable side effects of any kind. Huh

(17-01-2012, 14:36)Isabelle Wrote:  L-arginine capsules are half price at

I bought 100 capsules of 500 mg, so that's 50 g, for € 10. It's enough for a ramp up to 9 g in 9 days, and then I have 5 capsules left to try topical use.

If anyone is interested, Holland & Barrett in the UK have L-Arginine at £5.55 for 50 x 500mg...but they are also running an in-store promotion of "Buy one, get one for 1 penny" which makes it 100 x500mg for £5.56!

Thank you Pansy-Mae,

We need more people trying L-arginine, before we can really make a valid statement about its effectiveness.

Male symptoms of hyperprolactinemia are hypogonadism (low testosterone), infertility, and erectile dysfunction. At 4,500 mg of goat's rue tea, I have no erectile dysfunction. I have to disarm an uprising every morning.

PM suppresses prolactin, so you may need more goat's rue to offset the effect of PM, before you have swelling like me.

I'll run out of goat's rue tonight. I used 100 g in 16+17=33 days, that's 3,000 mg a day on average. This includes two weeks at a third of my normal dose, so the number is as expected.


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