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Long time hops & FG user

Yes, it's kinda yucky, compared to boob science.

I wonder how much oral sex is a good daily dose of estrogens...


(20-01-2012, 16:13)Isabelle Wrote:  I wonder how much oral sex is a good daily dose of estrogens...

Hmmm... your libido getting out of hand again????Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin ( pun intended!)

Yes, worse than ever. Hops is supposed to kill libido, but I'm beginning to suspect it does nothing about eunuch fantasies Big Grin

I just want to make a note here about two discussions on NBE controversies in other threads, so I can find them back later:

One about diosgenin increasing progesterone and prolactin or not:

And one about maca being an adaptogen or not:

Hi Isabelle,

I am back from my mansBig GrinSad Well I got my period yesterday and the 2 weeks I was at my mans my body was wacked.. I was feeling like I had the flu and hot flashes (haha still had energy to stay busy with my man..heheTongue) it changed each day..some days I felt fine then bam I felt like my immune system was weak... I was taking small amounts of fennel, GR, FG, termuric..a little one day so on..but stopped maca (about 3 weeks ago) and everything a few days before period even some vits...anyway I was thinking estrogen and progesterone is low just before when I got home I took 1 WY (400mg) and 1 maca (500mg) and I did small amount of PC.. well it did help with my hot flash feeling pretty good still have them but not as I didnt take WY or maca but took 1/2 cap of PM soo I guess 250mgs..after what I took last night I actually slept pretty good I am wondering should I take WY, PM, and maca.. I wonder if I should take WY, PC and maca through the whole cycle or until the symptoms get better..I am thinking my estrogen and progesterone is naturally low before a period (well suppose to be) but I think I was extra low in both but probably most likely do you think I should take the WY and PC , maca, PM now or leave out the WY and PC confused..I will try the WY and maca now and see how it goes..I will keep you posted..please jump in with opinions..oh and my hair is better and chin hairs are better..oh yeah I wonder if my vits may be making these symptoms cause I also started them 2 weeks ago..Blush oh I guess having PM and WY my DHT will be good..keeping maca in I think will keep it not too low..

Hey Isabelle,

Can I take GR through the whole cycle and is prolactin only good for the 2nd cycle if so then I would say GR only 2nd cycle..but if I take PM I would think GR would be ok the whole cycle..another thing, I was watching Dr.Oz and for Growth hormone he mentioned 3 things..FG, L-agrinine and sleep...I was surprised about the FG ...Blush

I am back from my mans Well I got my period yesterday and the 2 weeks I was at my mans my body was wacked..

I knew you were Big Grin Was your period on time? You've been wacked before when it was late.

I was feeling like I had the flu and hot flashes (haha still had energy to stay busy with my man..hehe) it changed each day..

Looks like pre-menopause is kicking in. All hormones go high and low by the day, but you have energy to spare Big Grin

some days I felt fine then bam I felt like my immune system was weak...

Strange... maybe that was because of stopping vits?

I was taking small amounts of fennel, GR, FG, termuric..a little one day so on..

That sounds good for the 2nd half of the cycle.

but stopped maca (about 3 weeks ago) and everything a few days before period even some vits...

That's good too: natural hormones drop a few days before period too.

anyway I was thinking estrogen and progesterone is low just before when I got home I took 1 WY (400mg) and 1 maca (500mg) and I did small amount of PC.. well it did help with my hot flash feeling pretty good still have them but not as much..

I have to read about hot flashes. What works best? Some women use black cohosh.

today I didnt take WY or maca but took 1/2 cap of PM soo I guess 250mgs..

That should be fine now: up it the day your period stops.

after what I took last night I actually slept pretty good I am wondering should I take WY, PM, and maca..

That's great: you could have had insomnia from too much progesterone, but it worked well. WY, PM, and maca are good now: you can up all three after your period, but don't wait a day after your period stops, up them immediately. Things like headaches and messed up cycles often start on that first day after the period.

I wonder if I should take WY, PC and maca through the whole cycle or until the symptoms get better..

I'd stop maca on day 12 and start PC on day 16. WY can be used all month.

I am thinking my estrogen and progesterone is naturally low before a period (well suppose to be) but I think I was extra low in both but probably most likely progesterone...

Progesterone really drops to zero, and sometimes it drops one day earlier than the estrogens too. That causes the worst PMS.

so do you think I should take the WY and PC , maca, PM now or leave out the WY and PC confused..

I'd really stop the PC until day 16. The WY, maybe, not sure. PM and maca are really the ones to take now.

I will try the WY and maca now and see how it goes..I will keep you posted..please jump in with opinions..

You're doing fine, I'd even say great Smile

oh and my hair is better and chin hairs are better..oh yeah I wonder if my vits may be making these symptoms cause I also started them 2 weeks ago..

My hair loss stopped too after your tip on the vitamins. Thank you.

oh I guess having PM and WY my DHT will be good..keeping maca in I think will keep it not too low..

Well the β-sitosterol in the WY and PM will keep DHT low. You can always decrease maca when your skin gets oily.

Can I take GR through the whole cycle and is prolactin only good for the 2nd cycle if so then I would say GR only 2nd cycle..

I think you can use GR all month. The only time when I'm not sure is during ovulation.

but if I take PM I would think GR would be ok the whole cycle..

Yes, PM suppresses prolactin, so as long as you use PM, GR can't go wrong.

another thing, I was watching Dr.Oz and for Growth hormone he mentioned 3 things..FG, L-agrinine and sleep...I was surprised about the FG

Didn't know that about FG either. I knew hops increases HGH, but FG? I've been on low doses of FG lately, maybe I should increase that in my next experiment.

Good you're back

Hey Girl,

My period came on the 19th last month it came on the 24th Nov. it came on 19th and ended on Thanksgiving (I think it ended the day before and didnt have it on Thanksgiving).. hardly any PMS this time ..barely any cramps, no headache just my right side of my neck has a kink in much time with my man..heheTongue oooo that doesnt sound goodTongue I am a little tired but not like the past periods..actually feel pretty good.. I think the wacked out feeling the past week may have been adding the vits.. and dropping the herbs and maybe too fast too..and my body was probably like wtf is going on cause vits can effect hormones adding that and changing herbs..and yes I think menopause is kicking in..I have been getting hot flashes on and off the past year but not like this past few weeks..I took the WY and maca and feel ok..tomorrow I am going to take maca in the morning and see how I feel and if I feel hot flashy then I will add WY and see which one is helping..I really think it was very low progesterone cause I got the really bad hot flashes just before my period and as my period continues it has gotten better but is this from the maca and WY ..oh I only used the PC yesterday I was thinking the same as you too..wait till 2nd cycle..ok going to give my man a call..thank you for the reply and glad to help with the hairloss for ya..Big Grin I think having the vits it helped me too plus I take extra folic acid and tomorrow..Blush

Good morning Susan,

I'd really have to read up on hot flashes. My ex successfully used red clover, so I think WY will work too. Not so sure about maca. I read most people try phyto-estrogens, but some claim success with phyto-progestins as well.

I won't be on line much today. My elder daughter is giving her birthday party here. That'll be 30 or 40 hot 19 year olds around here...

I've been thinking about rubysoho's experiment with lotus seeds:
I assume she means the Indian, pink one. I also assume the one that has been famous as a narcotic since Homer's Odyssey is the Egyptian, white one. But the Indian one is known as a legal high too:
I know hops is full of surprises too, but Indian lotus is one herb I wouldn't want to use every day for as long as it takes to grow breasts on it Dodgy

hi isabelle,

i have yet ANOTHER question! when you lower your GR dosage, or go off of it altogether, does the swelling go away completely? i'm taking GR because i've read that it's been known to stimulate glandular tissue growth in cows. while the swelling is great to have, i'm hoping it does more than just temporary swelling.

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