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Long time hops & FG user

(24-01-2012, 21:42)lostacres6 Wrote:  Pansy-mae,
What would be a Hops alternative? I tried the elixir & it put me into a bad crying spell even if I only took it at night. There was no gram weight on the bottle - only to take 30-40 drops. I take about 2400 mg GR now. Taking 6 GM (caps) would put me in the poor house. How do you make GR tea? I take 1000 mg Ainterol PM (500 x 2) daily. Is that too much? I am menopausal so I take it continuously.
I also use Progesterone cream 21 days a month, 7 days off.

Hi, sorry its taken me so long to answer. I've started a new thread rather than hijack Isabelles, its at

Thank you Pansy-Mae,

The info on prolactin settles my doubt about the experiment for this week and next week: I'll just keep fenugreek low and goat's rue high.

And thank you Susan,

I didn't know eucalyptus was relaxing. And yes, those 19 year olds... each had one killer item in her outfit, maybe just to show me my limits as an old tranny Big Grin

Hi Lostacres,

Shatavari may be a good one for you: it's an antidepressant phyto-estrogen. But do your own research: I haven't found enough literature yet to convince me to try it myself, although it's in one of my ayurvedic teas, so I'm certainly not allergic to it.

Hi lled,

What really convinced me was a 10,000 mg goat's rue experiment:


I hate it when junk foods go healthy. Last week, I bought the cheapest bottom shelf raspberry lemonade and Reine Claude prune lemonade. It's just water, sugar, artificial sweeteners, citric acid, and aromas and colors. Out of all the options for improving the nutritional quality of this poison, they chose to decrease the amount of color additive.

Now the color additives are why I bought this in the first place, every spring since goth went out of fashion and emo hair colors didn't look good on me. Drinking enough of the right mix of the red and the green lemonade colored all my excrements deep brown, and my skin too. The green is a mixture of β-carotene yellow and E131 patent blue V, which together make a bright, fluorescent toxic green. The red only mentions raspberry aroma on the label, but the color looks like E122 carmoisine.

Mixing the two lemonades in different ratios gives me any skin color from exotic olive, over Jwoww tan and Snooki bronze, to First Nation red. It never looks Conan the Barbarian orange or Simpsons yellow, or like patch work spray tans or self tanner that looks like knit graffiti. Since I grew from 42AA to 42C in four and a half months, I'd figured I could look like Tura Satana in full body make-up by this summer, but now I will need to drink dangerous amounts of sweetener to get the color right. Well, I'll check a few other supermarkets for more intensely colored syrups first Dodgy

Hi Isabelle,
Well, I connected to your link you suggested lled34AA & read about the GR experiment & was shocked about the GABA finding. I've been taking GABA nightly for about a year since it was recommended for "older" women. Since I've had no success with NBE, do you think it's because of me taking the GABA?
What I'm taking: Ainterol PM 1000 mg. (500 x2), PM topical x 2, MSM 3000 mg, GR 2400 mg (will be upping it when I get the ingredients to make the tea), collagen, PG cream topically x2 for 21 days mixed with l arginine, oral l arginine 3600 mg, volufiline topical x2, CLA, & the usual vitamins, CA, Vit D, Vit E, etc.
I tried Shatarvi for 1 mo. back in Aug. - no change. Tried Hops - could not tolerate it. Tried FG/WY/SP, fennel for 5 mo. - nothing. Tried Zoft gum - zilch. I am 61.8 yrs old. Is it too late for me?

Oh no, lostacres6,

It's certainly not too late. You can try stopping GABA for two weeks and measure. I also have a feeling you might be using too much PC, but that is easy to check too.

I was in doubt myself, but eventually, I bought L-arginine instead of GABA. I don't have any experience with it yet, because I do one experiment at a time.

Two months ago, I decided to stop wearing out that mirror. That decision is coming back to haunt me now. I spend all my time in my head, and my body is making clear it needs a little attention. Since I refuse to spend my days in cute little Taylor Momsen outfits, I've been thinking about finally getting all the gear for massage, heating, pumping, and boobie play.

Wahaika listed detailed instructions on how to use the heating pad after breast massage:

The discussion on DIY breast pumps has come to the level of inventing improved versions, in this thread:

and Marcy has shortlisted four representative picks from the multitude of Chinese breast massage offers:

But with all this, my place will look like I've been watching Tell Sell. I'm still looking for combinations of the above. I've seen pictures of electrostimulation pump cups, but not for sale. And male pumpers use hot water instead of a heating pad. It's time for some creativity here. Before I spend two hours a day pumping, I figure a massaging, heating pump would save a lot of time.

Hello Isabelle,
I'm having pretty bad acne problems I believe due to hormonal imbalance and I sincerely need your help! ;_;
I've been taking PM in first 15 days of my cycle for two months now along with fenugreek, chasteberry in the last 15 days of cycle.
It seems like my acne becomes the worst during first two weeks when I'm taking PM.
I'm thinking up bringing in anti androgen to my program by adding either
Saw Palmetto, green tea or spearmint tea.
are they okay to be taken through out the cycle? also is there better anti androgen herb / supplements that can be taken with PM and Fenugreek combo?


(25-01-2012, 20:30)Isabelle Wrote:  Thank you Pansy-Mae,

The info on prolactin settles my doubt about the experiment for this week and next week: I'll just keep fenugreek low and goat's rue high.

Last night we had some Chinese food, first time for ages. I had Sweet & Sour Chicken, Egg fried rice and a few prawn crackers. Thoroughly enjoyed it and thought no more about it.

This morning I woke up at about 5-30am in a dry sweat with all 'growing pain' sensations absent and experiencing another early morning effect that I haven't had in ages Blush Nothing else changed in my routine yesterday. The dry sweat did however remind me that we have, in the past, occasionally experienced "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome" effects from this same take-away so I wondered what if any effects MSG might have on NBE. I haven't found anything definitive so far, but I did come across this:

In a recent book on the subject, Dr Russell Blaylock reported that MSG also causes severe disturbances in the endocrine system, affecting levels of hormones such as LH (Leutenising hormone), GH (growth hormone) and prolactin. (Excitotoxins by Russell L Blaylock MD, page 263)

It does appear to be an overview of other peoples research, rather than original. The book itself doesn't seem to be available on-line except by parting with cash(!) and I haven't so far found any actual papers dealing with anything other than rats.

Hi margareea,

SP during the first six months of your program should work. You can limit it to only the days when you use PM. If your SP is powdered dried berries in capsules, take 3,000 mg. If it's an extract, use 600 mg.

My list of anti-androgens is in the bottom half of this post:

Yes Pansy-Mae,

I'd stay away from MSG while doing NBE. There is an awful lot of recent literature on an interaction between estrogen receptors and glutamate receptors. Here is a review:

If you search on those keywords, you'll find a lot more.

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