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Long time hops & FG user

Hey Isabelle,

I have been lurking on and off but havent posted anything cause reading about other things and job hunting..have an interview tomorrow and may be staying with my man this weekend.. anyway I havent taken any herbs for a while except today I took 1 wy and yesterday I used the cream 2 x cause I got my period but I am having some pain and it is there but not all the is acting I am not sure if I am low in progest and estrogen cause just been feeling tired, not that hungry, low energy more then tired..I want to do things but my energy sucks, so I am not sure if I should take a PM or maca other neither..since I took the wy it seems like it kick my period in..been slacking on vitamins that may be way I have no energy and been waking up at 5 am to go to this program m-f..part of me is wanting to take a maca but wy suppose to help Dhea too ..right? and I feel that is what I need more for my skin and hair they are doing better mostly the skin is..the other reason I wanted to take the wy and or PM is for the DHT just remembered that I should drink spearmint tea during period to help that too..oh the chin hairs are doing better too..anyway any in put would be great...oh as for your question about the dressing up..dont understand a the life of a tranny..are you saying you want to dress up but embarrassed sp? to do so..are you saying you love how you look but not sure you want to show everyone what you haveBig Grin lets say what you have achieved and loving it.. way not show off all your hard work and effort..Smile like I said dont know about the life of a tranny so I hope I didnt say something wrong..actually from what you have wrote that in your country they look down at a tranny's life...right? Go figure women can wear pants and dress very much like men and nobody looks at that differently.Huh they call it a tomboyHuh IMO some women are more manly and some men are more femine so does that make a women less of a women or a man less of a man.. I rarely wear a dress ever, since I meet my man he makes me feel more femine..Blush if I understand tranny and being gay are not the same...correct? and if so so be is what it is..if I am wrong then you know how lost I am with the tranny lifeWink all I know I enjoy talking with you and you seem me to be a wonderful person.. Ok done rambling..

Hi Susan,

Thank you for the update. Hope the interview went well, and have fun Big Grin

(16-02-2012, 23:46)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  anyway I haven't taken any herbs for a while except today I took 1 wy and yesterday I used the cream 2 x cause I got my period but I am having some pain and it is there but not all the is acting I am not sure if I am low in progest and estrogen cause just been feeling tired, not that hungry, low energy more then tired..I want to do things but my energy sucks, so I am not sure if I should take a PM or maca other neither..

You don't really need PM or maca: looks like you've got enough estrogens. But since your period started, why not start a PM ramp?

(16-02-2012, 23:46)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  since I took the wy it seems like it kick my period in..

Some women use vitex for this. WY could work too, yes, or maybe turmeric. When the period kicks in, you can stop WY.

(16-02-2012, 23:46)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  been slacking on vitamins that may be why I have no energy and been waking up at 5 am to go to this program m-f..part of me is wanting to take a maca but wy suppose to help Dhea too ..right? and I feel that is what I need more of..

People used to think it helps DHEA, and now they think it doesn't. Free DHEA is so low it's difficult to measure, so nobody really knows.

(16-02-2012, 23:46)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  as for my skin and hair they are doing better mostly the skin is..the other reason I wanted to take the wy and or PM is for the DHT just remembered that I should drink spearmint tea during period to help that too..oh the chin hairs are doing better too..anyway any in put would be great...

The low energy means you've probably got enough estrogens and not too high DHT. The skin and hair and chin hair too. So I wouldn't take anything extra to lower DHT. It all sounds very good actually, just make sure you get enough sleep. You can start PM again, since your period started.

(16-02-2012, 23:46)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  oh as for your question about the dressing up..dont understand the life of a tranny..are you saying you want to dress up but embarrassed to do so..

Sort of. I want to start going to a few parties again, to see some people I shouldn't have left behind, but I can't seem to look good in what I have kept from four years ago. Not sure buying a lot of new things will really help. Maybe it's just a wardrobe crisis.

(16-02-2012, 23:46)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  are you saying you love how you look but not sure you want to show everyone what you haveBig Grin

Yes, this is what I was thinking: do I really want to show the amount of skin that I used to? Porn star looks are sooo 2006.

(16-02-2012, 23:46)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  lets say what you have achieved and loving it.. why not show off all your hard work and effort..Smile

Thank you: this is the right approach! There must be a way to show clear skin, bigger titas, slimmed waist and a bigger butt without going half naked.

(16-02-2012, 23:46)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  like I said dont know about the life of a tranny so I hope I didnt say something wrong..

You certainly didn't. Wanting to show off the results of the hard work to people I value is what really drives me now Blush

(16-02-2012, 23:46)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  actually from what you have wrote that in your country they look down at a tranny's life...right?

True. But a woman who really dresses up doesn't have an easy life here either.

(16-02-2012, 23:46)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  Go figure women can wear pants and dress very much like men and nobody looks at that differently.Huh they call it a tomboyHuh

Tomboys do well here, in corporate life, universities, and the like.

(16-02-2012, 23:46)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  IMO some women are more manly and some men are more femine so does that make a women less of a women or a man less of a man.. I rarely wear a dress ever, since I meet my man he makes me feel more femine..Blush

That's very much at the core of it, isn't it? The proof is who we're with.

(16-02-2012, 23:46)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  if I understand tranny and being gay are not the same...correct?

True. Most trannies are straight. The ones that aren't are usually drag queens.

(16-02-2012, 23:46)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  and if so so be is what it is..if I am wrong then you know how lost I am with the tranny lifeWink all I know I enjoy talking with you and you seem me to be a wonderful person..

Well, you helped me quite a lot already. Thank you!

There's a pimple on my chin. Nothing bad, and I know how it got there: the day before yesterday, it was too late at night to make my hops porridge, and I just took four capsules of my old hops formula. But that's two years old by now, and because hops can only be preserved for one, up to a maximum of two years, I can just as well throw it away. It's half a box, about € 40 worth of capsules, but the hops I take now is less than a tenth of that price, so who cares Dodgy

(16-02-2012, 22:57)Isabelle Wrote:  Meanwhile, I'm in a pretty serious tranny identity crisis. Susan was right again: the other half of me is in love. The past six months have shown real NBE progress. I should have a sexy body by summer. And then what?

Because of all the theoretical discussions about People in the Middle on the male forum, I have settled on dressing in women's clothes, but stayed away from really feminine looks. That's what makes me feel most comfortable. But I want to stop wearing out that mirror. So what am I going to do when the need to cross dress pops up occasionally? Shake what my program gave me. But where? Parties again? The beach? I'm 51, for Priscilla's sake Dodgy

Hi Isabelle,
Sorry I missed this bit when you posted it at the end of last week.

I understand EXACTLY where you are with this, and the answer I found is to do what you want when you want to. When your head learns that it can do actually what it wants, the confusion goes awaySmile .

As I've said before, I dress to suit the occasion. Yesterday I had to do a load of work in the garden, so, bra, checked blouse, ladies jeans, big androgynous roll neck sweater and trainers - just what any woman would wear for that activity. Today I'm working from home so I'm planning on pleated skirt and heels I may or may not do the wig and make-up, I'll see how I feel when I get that far. Tomorrow I have to go to the the office so it will be male attire, but that doesn't bother me because I am comfortable that the following day I'm home again and can wear what I like. Who/what we are, isn't about what we wear, now that we are on the phyto-hormones.Smile Its about being ourselves and we don't have to be in high drag as a substitute to prove the point. I don't have to be in drag and scream at everyone to look at me, to be 'me'.

Thank you, Pansy-Mae!

Five years ago, my then wife asked me not to skip a single week-end on heels, because I was nicer to her and the kids. You are right: the itch has gone away now.

I still feel the need to show off what a good program can do, but Susan already answered that one Big Grin

(20-02-2012, 11:08)Isabelle Wrote:  I still feel the need to show off what a good program can do, but Susan already answered that one Big Grin

I can understand that as well! Mine are nowhere near as big as yours are but I'd love to show them off a bit. Blush However that more takes the form of thinking, "I wish I'd had these 25 years ago when I was going out" rather than wanting to go out now. OTOH, there may be an age factor in there as well, 12 years or so ago when I was your age I did still go out dressed occasionally, now I seem to have lost the need to go out generally not just when dressed.

As for your other comment about showing skin, a figure hugging outfit, perhaps with low V or a scooped neckline would probably be just as effective at showing off your new improved figure, possibly more so.Wink

Personally, I still just want to grow my boobs big enough to wear a bikini on holiday in June, but the weeks seem to be slipping by with nothing happening Sad . OTOH, my weight is still going down slowly, as of this morning I'm lighter than I have been for over a year, at 153lbs. Smile

Hey Isabelle,

Weird how you suggested to start PM .. I did start it and stopped WY..I started the PM Sunday which was my 4th day of my period..well dont know if it was the PM, stomach virus, or just sore feeling from being busy with my man (we didnt start gettin busy til Sunday and lets just say Sunday and Monday we made up for Friday and SatSmile) may be a combo but my stomach was feeling pain Sun, more so yesterday, and way better now but my neck, back, low back, hips and stomach are achy well tummy on the left side near ovaries hurt(those are the ones still there..the right side was removed) but not as much as Sunday and yesterday..not sure if it was gas pains cause was feeling that ..probably the PM and my hormones is mostly achy like I have a flu minus the fever..still a little tired but not as bad as the other day and yesterday..I am also wondering if it is my green mix..I had some yesterdat none Sunday this is why I think it may be the drink along with the PM adjusting cause the drink can cause GI problems adjusting to the body also..going to drink some in little while just to see if it is the drink..if I dont feel worse then I will take my PM later on today and see how that makes me feel..I did reduce the amount of scoops in my drink today so will see if that was the problem then my body cant handle too much green mix drink cause it can cause a detox effect but not sure...I dont feel I am allergic..I think my body cant handle to much of it..anyway..the main reason I wanted to start PM again is for what effects I was seeing before..I was getting great skin, hair, less shedding and growing faster (I thought it was msm doing that but I dont think it was, i think it was the PM) also the PM makes me feel more femine is that suppose to know I am female (others may not and reply with a different answer) does PM effect other females and how about the males too in making them feel more femine..I mentioned above that my body ached..I would feel my hip and butt area ache last time taking PM so I am thinking my aches are from the PM making adjustments in my for the other body aches I think I may have a bug or just over worked my muscle with my manTongue so going to do alot of sleeping and resting today..well going to drink my green drink..we will see how it makes me feel..I will keep you posted..Oh also I am only going to take 1 PM daily no more and may or may not stop for a few days of weeks going to go by symptoms and will not take more then 1 day I believe it is too much for my body and it gave me a opposite reaction taking too much..I read that PM supposely doesnt raise estrogen that it ups it if your levels are low kind of sounds like the way maca reacts..I may also just take PM evey other day if I feel it is too much...I have read that 100 - 600 daily is suppose to be safe with not messing up period and they did a study it didnt interfere with a womens menustruation , it may shorten is some or delay it alittle but nothing crazy off but that would depend on the women..Ok really done with ramblingBig Grin..later

OK Isabelle..update from above I wrote.. I took my PM around 4pm and about 15 mins later made a tea of FG and spearmint..the reason I added FG and good choice I far it is helping me alot..the reason I added is I was reading possible side effects of PM or what it said was if you have: diabetes 2, lupus, some other things I thought well most are immune related and my immune system is wacked and always has been so I figured I maybe boreline of diabetes and was told it a point in my life I may have lupus or RA that is when I had my rash really really bad!!!! my immune tests (forgot what they are called) came back wacked at that time and so did my white count..anyway also they say if you have pcos which it may have had or have that metaformin helped with DHT in I know FG is good for that so I thought if PM will disturbe my immune system that way I will counter act with the FG which also helps IMO with your immune system..I dont think I have a problem with FG if I use a small amount or use it slowly if going to add more do it in slow incriments sp? also as for GR not sure how that would far FG is working nice..I will see how tomorrow I feel..I dont feel as sore and not as tired..I think the PM is making me feel more alive and the FG keeps in balance.. Also FG is good for adrenals just remember reading thatRolleyes so I just answered my question yes good for the immune system..ok done..Rolleyes

Thank you Pansy-Mae,

The neckline: that's it!

Yes Susan,

PM and FG is probably the smartest choice right now. I was a bit worried about PM when you have a headache, but FG will restore the estrogen/progesterone balance.

I forgot to write an entry on my tape day the day before yesterday. I did measure:

Weight is down to 82.5 kg. Breasts haven't grown, well maybe 1/2 cm (1/4 "), but Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) is back up to 0.86.

Just don't understand what the big difference is between December and now. I'll double maca. The other options are fenugreek, oats, and maybe flax.

Height: 178.5 cm = 5 * 30.48 + 10 * 2.54 = 5' 10"
Weight: 82.5 kg * 2.2046 lbs/kg = 182 lbs
Body Mass Index (BMI): 82.5/1.785/1.785 = 25.9
Breast: 114 cm = 45 "
Under: 96 cm = 38" Difference Breast - Under = 114 - 96 = 18 cm = 7 ", US bra size 42C
Waist: 88 cm = 35"
Hip: 102 cm = 40" (actually the widest part around my butt)
Waist to hip ratio (WHR): 88/102 = 0.86

Day 11/7 26/7 08/8 22/8 05/9 19/9 3/10 17/10 31/10 14/11 28/11 12/12 27/12 09/1 23/1 06/2 20/2
BMI: 26.5 26.4 26.2 25.7 25.3 26.0 25.70 25.70 25.70 25.60 26.00 25.90 25.90 25.7 26.7 26.4 25.9
B-U: 8.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.0 10.00 13.00 11.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 17.0 18.0 18.0 18.0
WHR 0.95 .945 0.94 0.92 0.92 0.96 0.930 0.940 0.910 0.880 0.880 0.880 0.870 0.84 0.86 0.84 0.86
B-U = Breast - Under in cm

With double maca, I'll have to watch my diet, since it puts on weight.

(22-02-2012, 11:33)Isabelle Wrote:  Weight is down to 82.5 kg. Breasts haven't grown, well maybe 1/2 cm (1/4 "), but Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) is back up to 0.86.

Just don't understand what the big difference is between December and now.

I wonder if you and I have broadly the same problem...losing weight! If you lose weight you can't stipulate where you lose it from and since the chest area is not genetically programmed to hold fat ( for us), I have a feeling that it may lose disproprotionately more first?

Hi Pansy-Mae,

It's actually the hormones that determine where fat is stored. In the second month of my program, on FG but before maca, my weight and waist were doing great, because the kids were with my ex for three weeks. The recent problem is birthday cake, and walking a lot less. So in my case it could be all life style. I took up walking again yesterday.

The three waist slimmers are fenugreek, goat's rue, and black seed. So far, my experience with FG is better than with GR. I'm in a PM discussion about black seed.

I hope I get the 1 cm on my butt back from maca, but that will put on weight too. My breasts are still growing, but a lot slower. That's why my next trial after maca will be doubling FG again. It's the one herb that worked great for my WHR.

In the beginning of this month, I was wearing correction underwear and high waist jeans. I'll take that up again too.

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