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MissMadScientist’s Flaxseed & Soy method: How I went from 32B to 32F in 3 months


Hi Ellen, 

What a success method you have! I have been following your method since 3 days ago.. I have pm u regarding the flour.

Hi, I really love how simple your program is and also the health benefits attached to it! I can't consume dairy, but I'm doing the flax and soy flour. I was wondering if you have any before and after pics you could share.

hey Ellen im really happy for you this is amazing my goal is to be F cup

is it okay if i massage them ?
and to be clear 25 gram is one and half table spoon and 30 gram is two table spoon? correct me if im wrong please
and i dont take birth control hope thats okay
thank you for sharing your awesome method hope it'll work out for me Blush

i have whole flaxseed and there is woman on YouTube who made a video about turning it into ground !
can i do it her way or should i buy from the market

(24-01-2017, 23:11)Coleworld Wrote:  I tried it out and I’m here to give my feedback as promised. Let’s get straight to the point, my breast size hasn’t increased, however I haven’t been as consistent as I was supposed to be, nor did I follow the routine as outlined. The first week I forgot to mix the soy with full fat milk, so I was mixing it with water instead. The times I took the mixtures varied, because a lot of days I would be finished with work at around 7-8PM and when I finally reached home at 8-9PM I would sink into the seat for a few hours. I did it for about two weeks this way, basically inconsistent with the time and without the milk. After the two weeks passed and I didn’t grow, I got discouraged and stopped the routine for a week. I restarted it a week later and halfway through my herbs ran out and I didn’t have the opportunity to purchase more. Now did I notice some changes that could have possibly led to growth? I actually did. I felt the discomfort Ellen had been talking about, at-least I think it’s the same. It wasn’t quite painful, consistent or even on a daily base, but I could feel that something was going on around the boob area. On my second week I felt slight lumps only with my right breast, but I’m a little bit on the fence about this. I’ll be restarting this program in the upcoming week and I’ll try to make a few adjustments. First of all, I’ll order a supply for at-least a month, secondly, I’ll try to increase my water intake, third, I’ll try to stick to taking it around the same time at night between 8-10pm, as for the morning, I’ll try to take it as soon as I wake up on an empty stomach and lastly, I’ll make sure that my milk is full fat, but lactose free ofcourse. I’ll give this routine another fair chance and I’ll report back.  Wish me luck!

Yes that feeling, I know what you mean! Smile
Hard to write it down, it was only like sometimes, like you said, not everyday. I also had lumps, they dissapeared after a while no worries Smile
You can massage/squeeze them a little to help it go away faster.

Being consistant really helps. Think about it this way, you are growing new cells, they need the energy to grow, once they started and you take away the energy (phytoestrogens/estrogen), then they die quite fast. Keep being consistent and be disciplined.
I wish you all my luck I can give you Smile
Especially since you also described the same feeling I believe, I think you would do well.
Don't give up! You got it!!

love, Ellen

(25-01-2017, 22:32)Jessica2017 Wrote:  Hello Ellen,

Your last avatar looks great!!! That was my goal!

Well, i hope the infection was a good thing like you said, but still not sure about it,......

By the way, do i have to drink the flax seed water in a empty stomach in the morning or not?

I have got my noogleberry pumy today, so will try it as well.

Good luck!X



Hey guuurl! hehe

I don't really think it matters if you take it on an empty stomach or not. As long as you take it around the same time everyday, that is more important Smile
You can also drink it with someting else that water possibly, I just did the water since I am still losing weight. But you like to drink it with lemonade or milk or tea whatever, you should do that Smile
let me know how it goes alright?

Love, Ellen

(27-01-2017, 06:42)Koko Wrote:  Hi again Ellen!

I've been doing part of your method for almost two weeks now.  I'm still waiting for soy flour to come in the mail bcoz its not readily available in stores where i live, so Im only doing the ground flaxseed part and whole milk whenever I can. 

Im taking 30-45 grams flaxseed daily since Im a small person (petite Asian) and I noticed that my breasts have been slightly achy.  Not the luteal swelling type becasue Ive been having this nagging-achy feeling almost everyday after just a few days of taking only flax daily and whole milk some days.  I believe this mus tbe signs that my boobies are growing.  Im so excited!

How often did you measure and how soon did you see growth when you were doing this?

Hi dear Koko!

OMG I measured everyday haha xD
I am a little crazy, I was just super super excited, I couldn't believe it really.
30-45 grams a day is fine Smile
actually 40 grams of grounded flax seed a day is what my government advices maximum, due to the cyanide risk. I am also working up to go down o 40 grams a day. I am on 50 grams a day now, and my breasts have not decreased in size. I am doing massage (deer & chi) to let them stay the same. I is working I guess.
Keep it up ok!
I think you would do well, since you are asian and you probably have the perfect bacteria in your digestive system.

Love, Ellen

(28-01-2017, 02:31)Sybiann Wrote:  Your success is crazy! Good for you!!
I really want to try this, I think the full fat milk is a very vital part to the combination, I'm very torn with that part.. I eat mostly vegan, avoiding dairy to keep my skin clear. I don't want the milk to cause me breakouts.

There is one study that found that there was a positive link between teens who drank 1% or 2℅ and increased acne, but the study found no link at all between teens that drank 3℅ milk and acne. I wonder if the study is perhaps a bit flawed, because I can't imagine that many teenagers drink whole fat milk. I couldn't find the study itself, only many article reverberating the findings.

I am already taking flaxseed for general health and nutrition, maybe I will add the milk into my diet before the soy. It'll cause me problems pretty instantly, within days, if it is going to. 

I'll report back on this in a bit. I have some almond milk to finish before I can go get some dairy milk..

Good luck on your continued growing to reach your goal!

Hi Sybiann!

Oh I am so glad you wrote here. I was kind of hoping there would be a vegan person coming with this question.
I would encourage you to try out this program, with the grounded flaxseed and full fat toasted soy flour, but then skip the whole milk and replace it with almond or rice milk. I am really curious how much that would make a difference.
Since the flaxseed and soy are all phytoestrogens, and BCP I took has ethinylestradiol in it, it is only the whole milk that has estrogen in it. Because sometimes when you have too much of a certain hormone, your body adapts to this by making less of this certain hormone. So I was wondering if this would also be the case of estrogen. Since the other forms are not actually estrogen.
I would really support you to do my program and don´t take the whole fat milk, 1) I am curious about how this would work for people who are vegan and don't drink cows milk. 2) because it is your diet and beliefs, and I wouldn't want you to change that, it is part of who you are. 3) since you might get acne from it, I wouldn't want to be the one who gives you acne haha Smile

Really let me know how it goes, if you take it or not, I really don't want to stop you from either choises, it is all up to you. Since you have a vegan diet, you have a high chance of having the right bacteria in your digestive system (vegetarians/vegans and asian people do). So I would expect you having growth pretty soon.
Best of booby luck!! <3



(28-01-2017, 17:45)kkat98 Wrote:  Will this method affect birth control pill?I'm so worried about it.

Hi Kat!

I assume you mean you would get pregnant?
From everything that I have read about it online, I remember that people who are on a high phytoestrogen diet, have trouble getting pregnant. Once they stopped the high phytoestogen diet, these women inmediately go back to normal fertility chances. I don't have the time now to search more on this topic, but I can say I have seen it come by several times.
You can try to google this yourself, if you come by a scientific article that isn't up for free, message me or post it here, and I will open it and post it for you for free (as a scientist I have free access to most scientific papers).

Love, Ellen

(29-01-2017, 12:39)Shiso Wrote:  Hi Ellen, I'm new to this site and am interested in this method based on your results and affordability of the items required. Thanks for sharing. I have a question - is flax meal ok to use instead of ground flax? Are they the same, different?

Hi dear Shiso,

You can read more about this in my third post on 'questions often asked', and also on first post, below the header ''mistakes often made''.

Normal whole flaxseed will do absolutely nothing for NBE sorry Smile
Your body can not open these seeds by themselves.
Also, buy grounded flaxseeds, instead of grinding them yourself. I have read that by grinding them yourself, you most likely will grind it too much, and increasing your risk of increasing the cyanide in your body to not so much good levels. You can google more about this yourself if you want to.

Love, Ellen

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