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Long time hops & FG user

Feeling OK, but no shoots yet.

I'm not worried about that, because they are filling out on the outsides, I can feel it. And I haven't had my walk yet. No exercise, no shoots Big Grin

The discussion with shortcake is here:

Had a sneak preview at the scale: below 83 kg. That's going the right way, but I don't want to loose weight too fast either.

Hi hear ya..trying not to go crazy with the too feeling full and I have been massaging more from the nipples out towards the center and towards the shoulders to see if I can make them lift and and come closer for cleavage..funny though looking down at them they look dif..but looking in the mirror they dont..dont about you do you feel that way, of how they feel and look..from the mirror to just looking and feeling without mirror just looking down at them..mine feel wider too as yours for the butt.. feels dif.. I wish I could get rid of the cellulite..but (no pun) my man will be the true titay and booty meter...Big Grin

I also want to add since massaging more in those areas I have been gettings shoots there, before havent had much going on there before.. also I read a post of Anastasia of explaining growing sensations...she mention something that I noticed a week ago of so that my veins in my titas are more of them or you can say they are showing and they are blue..she said blue veins is a sign of growing ..thought that was interesting and made me feel better..was sure if it was a good thing..then I thought back when my titas were bigger and you could see alot of blue veins..

I read a post by Ginie and she said that SP may also have some anti-estrogen effect..

Hi Susan,

I too feel more difference than I see. And certainly measuring every day is only discouraging: even a very decent growth of an inch per month is only the width of a toothpick each day...

Mine are conical, because I like the teenage look and avoid phyto-progestins. I see them protruding further away from my chest. I also see the top filling out. That's what you see looking down.

A week ago, they felt like volcanoes: I could push the areolas in very easily. The edge of the areolas, like the edges of the volcano crater, were very sharp. Now the edges are more rounded.

The butt is similar: suddenly I have muffin tops. There is also more on top and more at the bottom. But the tape measure doesn't see that. It's a good thing you involve your man. Evolution has given men an eye and a feel for such things Big Grin

I don't know what helps with cellulite. And I've seen Ginie's comment, but haven't looked into it yet. Very few people on the forum are doing well on SP. Pansy Mae is, but that's with up to six PM a day. She can afford to take a little of an anti-estrogen herb with it Smile

Hi Isabelle..
Are you seem your writing lately..did the boys leave, cause you said you had them for the weekend
Wow inch per month is only the width of a toothpick each day: ahhh but it is somethingBig Grin

Not sure if mine are like how you explain, today I laid out in the sun nakedTongue and when I sat up I was like wow them titas flowing over the sides and they look higher up you said about looking down at them especially in a shirt they stick out..I havent seen mine like that in about 4 yrs..I have this one bra I picked to use as a gauge more so then the tape.. and as of now it is really tight, it never fit me this way..the back and the cups are thightBig Grin

A week ago was that the way they always looked or did they change looking like volcanoes, funny how we see low changes in the titas and butt..that I will cont. next

I was almost getting that too the muffin top, but I dont know what was lasted like 3 days..I think I am loosing more weight ...but then it looks like the weight is going in dif. places...for example my looks more of a bubble and the sides look smaller..but (no pun) there is the look at yourself in the mirror, then looking down and touching yourself.. Plus I took 2 maca before walking to the store..well when I came home..your going to laugh and yes I showed, I wasnt sweating, clean and dry in that area of the edge of the butt crack, right along the crack and out to the cheeks some..Big Grin ok get of the floor and stop holding yourself from laughing so hard and catch your breath from hyperventilatingTongueBig Grin I wonder if taking more at once the moving around gets it moving into the system bettr.

I know I posted a cellulite ?..not much to help..its not that bad especially the more I work out, I put lotion on it, and started using an exfoliating cloth for stimulation... So not sure if SP is a little of an anti-estrogen.

Thank you for cheering me up, Susan,

but you're right: the kids are gone now. The youngest two for three weeks. Miss them Sad

Another thing that changed is my program is settled now. No daily adjustments any more, but much less excitement of discovery too. Just ride it out until early October, and evaluate then.

My breasts were always conical, but it looks like the volcano is higher now. See what happens in two months. I use the tape instead of a measuring bra, but I promised myself to give this program at least one three month ramp up. After that I collect all the measurements, plot a graph and decide if my next three months will be on the same program. The tape works well over three months.

I'm losing weight faster too. Need a big burger. I know women don't like muffin tops, but for a tranny, they're an achievement! I see more bubble too, the tape should pick up on that in a week.

I always take all my maca in the morning (wear loose jeans Big Grin). Feel it in my stomach after an hour, but it doesn't really hurt. I want to keep the maca in the morning because I need a kick.

Maybe it's worth scooping up some literature on what exactly SP does to estrogen.

How many Maca are you taking and do you take all of them in the morning?

Wow sounds like your plan of herbs and such are working out good.. I here ya about the excitement of what is going to happen now you are set not much guessing..I am kind of there just waiting each day of how this chart is far good.. Well you have to log in everyday and check on you studentsBig Grin we need your can do all the research starting with SP..Big Grin hey it would be great practice for you if you decide to go back to college..

brain a little slow to go have my coffee and cigTongueBig Grin

Hi Melissa,

I take all my maca powder (4,000 mg) in water first thing in the morning. It's like a cup of coffee. It tastes a little like beetroot, but not strong.

Thank you Susan,

I'll check on you and the other girls every day, yes Smile we need new social media: titabook and bra-fwitter...

And I'll do some research on SP. Studying, yes Smile

I don't know about antiestrogenic activity of SP. Everybody cites the same old publication:

But if the US pharmacopeia still says today that an antiestrogenic activity is also possibly involved but less well demonstrated, then who am I?

(11-08-2011, 18:19)Isabelle Wrote:  ...Very few people on the forum are doing well on SP. Pansy Mae is, but that's with up to six PM a day. She can afford to take a little of an anti-estrogen herb with it Smile

Actually, I've eased off a bit now now. As of about 4 weeks ago I got some Ainterol cream to try because I kept reading about how the cream goes straight into the blood stream, rather than when it is digested and goes via the liver which removes a lot of the active components before they get a chance to do anything.

Sooo, to start with I had been worrying about stalling because the shooting/stabbing pains had stopped and most of the time I couldn't really feel anything much, so I went up and down on PM capsule dose: 2 a day, 4 a day, 6 a day, 1 a day, 4 a day, 2 a day...etc! trying to find the right level again.
For the last week or so I have settled on 1x 500mg PM morning and evening, plus rubbing in three spots of cream each side morning and evening ( the recommended dose on the packet), although I make the left spots slightly larger than the right, because I'm a bit smaller on the left than the right.

My logic on the dosing is that 1 x 500mg seems to be a maintenance dose for sfem, so call that a base level equivalent to natural production in GG. After I stopped a few months back and then started again, I found that 2 x 500mg per day was enough to start the tenderness again, so at that level my body is responding slightly.
So if the cream is absorbed more effectively, adding that on top should give maximum absorption and allow me to evaluate the effect. At the same time I've reduced the SP to 1 x450mg SP morning and evening, as well.

I've found that my boobs are firmer again now and I'm fairly sure they are slowly getting bigger ( and my wife agrees) and noticeably conical. Although they are very tender and a bit sore sometimes, I don't get any shooting pains now but I can't say I'm sorry about that, now that I'm sure I haven't stalled.

There are a couple of reasons why I've reduced the SP. Partly because I'm fairly sure that I was getting an allergic reaction, fairly similar to hayfever... sneezing a lot and stuffed up nose, particularly overnight. It took me a while to work out what was doing it, but I'm pretty sure it's SP.
The other thing is that both Chrissie and sfem managed to get their impressive growth without regular SP, I think both of them just took some now and again, and if it worked for both of them with basically just PM on its own, maybe I don't need it either.

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