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Long time hops & FG user

Hey Isabelle,

Wow ...ok do you mean do like I have been doing and when period ends act like it is day 8 of my cycle..Blush and continue as the chart says from that day.

OK then your period is shorter than I thought it was: just go to 3 PM on day 9, as it says on the chart:

About maca, I'm still wondering:
The estrogens are made from DHEA, but progesterone is not. That would mean you can just cycle maca with PM.

(13-08-2011, 15:14)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  Hey Isabelle,

Wow ...ok do you mean do like I have been doing and when period ends act like it is day 8 of my cycle..Blush and continue as the chart says from that day.

Sorry I missed that post, when I wrote the one above. Yesterday is day 1. So increase PM to three on day 9, which is August 20th.


(13-08-2011, 15:22)Isabelle Wrote:  About maca, I'm still wondering:
The estrogens are made from DHEA, but progesterone is not. That would mean you can just cycle maca with PM.

So should I reduce maca or take it out when I start FG and when I stop FG start maca or while taking FG just stay on 1-2 pills and then start upping maca at the end of when FG in going down (according to the chart)..I think maca may interfere some with upping estrogen..just a thought.. I hope that made senseWink

Ok I understand about the PM..go back to the begining of the chart of day one but I am staying on 2 a day until the 8th day 9th is 3 which is the it..whooooofff

Yes, you've got the PM Cool

About the maca, you may well be right: upping maca while going to 3 PM may give you headaches.

Other than that, I would just follow the PM chart with maca. 1 PM = 2,000 mg maca. 2 PM = 4,000 mg maca. To avoid headaches, up maca 6 hours after upping PM. By that time, you are low on DHEA.

Hello again..Big Grin

I read that bobybuilders will take maca to keep there testosterone high because they say exercising ups estrogen..I assume it is released from burning stored fat.. I dont know if this is just for males.. I think I read that if I take too much maca when estrogen is going up will it interfere with it ..from what you wrote upping maca with PM..I thinking lowering maca now while my estrogen is rising or will the maca help making more mentioned it being from DHEA which kind is that again..just post a link with the discussion..


Well it's just the bottom half of this drawing again.
When you take maca, it increases DHEA. That is dehydroepiandrosterone in the drawing.

There are two ways to make testosterone from DHEA. Just follow the arrows in the drawing. Then aromatase makes the estrogens.

So what the bodybuilders are saying is true: when they take maca, the immediate effect is more testosterone. If they use an aromatase blocker, it will stay. If they don't, the testosterone will become estrogens in the end.

If you increase PM, your ovaries will make more estrogens. Wahaika explained here how that works:
(Scroll down to "Homeostasis")

If your ovaries make more estrogens, you will run out of DHEA after a while, because estrogens are made out of DHEA (I guess that's what the ovaries make it from too). Then you take maca to make more DHEA available. That will become testosterone, and then estrogen. If you're worried about the testosterone becoming DHT and breaking you out, take an anti-androgen with maca.

The difference is males don't have ovaries. Wahaika's positive feedback loop will stimulate their testes to make more testosterone. They will also run out of DHEA, so the end result of taking more maca is the same as in females.

Hey Isabelle,

Wow you did it again (yes thought of that song by Brittany sp?)..very well done..SmileBig Grin I do get.. It sounds like maca was a great thing to add..

Ok..I just got up from a nap.. so back to non focus brain..

Hi Susan,

It may be hard for you to stay focused, but you think fast and mighty sharp. Maca was indeed an excellent idea, and I'm still grateful you started me on it exactly when I needed it.

We can use maca to feed the system, once it's tuned. Just get all the hormones to the levels where you want them. When all the symtomps are right, just start pumping maca Big Grin

It works for me: I'm still on 4,000 mg maca, but my nipples and areolas are sore. Not the sharp shoots I used to have. They are sore whenever I squeeze them. Three days already.

Yesterday night, I went overboard on ice cream. But I took 2 tsp of flax seed after it, and have no breakouts or too much libido. Flax increases SHBG, and I suppose that scooped up the extra testosterone from the ice cream.

Ever since this post
I've been wearing leggings at home. Sure looks different. Bubble butt, here I come Big Grin

I'm still uncertain about taking it myself. I'd sure like the bigger bum, but not so much the rest of it, I think.
Anyway in looking around yet again at what other people say about it, I came across this article which you might be interested in.

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