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Long time hops & FG user

thanks isabelle, i went ahead and ordered some spearmint tea. Smile

have you came across anyone who's using fenugreek and getting bloating in the abdomen?

Not personally, but it's a commonly reported side effect:
The second link above suggests it's a matter of dosage. There are also reports that FG helps in case of bloating:

Gas is also a side effect. I can confirm that from my own experience. I just lowered my FG from 4,000 to 3,000 mg for other reasons, and it helped.

Hey guess what just read one of the links and it said FG help increase appeitte..see everything happens for a reasonBig Grin

Dam your lucky Isabelle, your taking that much FG and I am only taking about 680mgs a day and getting some gas...not alot..I was doing so good in that was silent for a while..but it isnt that bad, it may not even be from FG..

A note to bloating..just a thought..some people when they change there eating habits from bad to good or good to bad, or making some decent change (even stress) can give you bloating, it could be the body is detoxing too.. mine was bad a few weeks ago and now my tummy is flatter and no pain..also just adding a one food or one supp depends on what that food or supp is suppose to do to the body..example vitc if you taking too much you get diaherra sp? and it is considered to detox the body as is msm..that is why they say start out slow..well I guess that goes with alot of other things too..just a precaution..

Well Susan,

I ramped up the FG slowly.

And you're right: if you look at the above links about FG and bloating together, the answer is not too high dosage and slow ramp up.

Haha.. I just answered you question on my program thread but lets cont. here if you want..but go read it so I dont have to type it over or exit out of lol..yep lazy at the moment..Big Grin

thank you!

interesting how i never noticed anyone on the NBE forum complaining about being bloated while on fenugreek. i've been bloated the past 2 weeks and i think it might be due to the fenugreek.

Hi lled,

I'm not sure how many people track their symptoms as conscientiously as you do.

They'd better. I had a horrible night. Over the last two days, I increased maca from 4,000 mg to 5,000 mg and 6,000 mg. Just before that, I had decreased my FG from 4,000 to 3,000 mg. Just last night, I upped hops slightly.

Last night, I woke up every two hours. Headache in my neck, night sweats, foggy thinking, growing pains in my thighs, bloated, painful intestines, gas. Yesterday, I had a pimple behind my left armpit, and this morning another one behind my right armpit.

I wanted to decrease FG after my measuring day. I am determined to slim my waist, but it's going very fast, and the weight loss that goes with it seems to stop my NBE growth. Susan is positive that going back to 4,000 mg FG is one of the first things I should do to get out of what happened last night. The gas last night was after decreasing FG, so FG doesn't always cause gas.

Susan also found this list of symptoms of too much DHEA:
DHEA causes insulin resistance, so I'm going down to 4,000 mg maca immediately.

Going down in maca may stop the acne. If it doesn't, I need to up hops. But my 200 g of hops will run out around the 2nd week of September. That means I have been taking 3,000 mg, instead of 2,000 mg (I just measure 2 tablespoons). Because 3,000 mg is the stalling limit, I will only increase hops very slowly.

Last night's symptoms were very much about estrogen dominance. I hope increasing FG will produce just enough progesterone to help. If not, hops stays at 3,000 mg.

I don't want to go above 4,000 mg FG either. If I would do it slowly, it might work. But if FG increases progesterone too much, I will end this ramp up early in October with my ultimate target waist size, but with no breasts Dodgy

Susan came up with the idea of adding lecithin, bee pollen, or royal jelly:
The lecithin may help with the sleepiness and depression from hops. But I still have to check if I won't be getting too much choline.

I still need something for growth hormone and growth factors in November. Bee pollen or royal jelly sounds much more attractive than some synthetic chemical like GABA or 5-HTP. More reading to do Shy

oh no! sorry to hear about your bad experience. i don't know how you're able to tolerate that much maca. it breaks me out terribly.

maybe the gas/bloating is estrogen related and not specific to fenugreek?

does bee pollen have sugar in it? for HGH, i take L-glutamine post workout and sometimes before bed. i have no idea if it's contributing to my breast growth or not.

hope you feel better!

Thank you lled,

I'm feeling much better. The gas and bloating could be related to estrogen, but I just realised I did yet another stupid thing yesterday: steamed new potatoes. I should have boiled them in at least one change of water Rolleyes

I had no idea the balance in my program is so delicate either. Apparently, the anti-androgen in hops is just enough to prevent breakouts. And the FG increases progesterone just enough to prevent estrogen dominance. Until I up maca and decrease FG Dodgy

Yes, you're right: both bee pollen and royal jelly contain 10-15 % sugars. So they are out. L-glutamine or L-arginine is probably best, I agree. I'll just get one of those by November.

Hi Isabelle,

I was too tired to reply this morning.. I am sorry you had a bad night.. Glad your feeling better..Smile I see your torn between maca and FG dose..I say do what you are doing with the hops and FG and go down slow with the maca cause didnt the other 2 work good at a certain dose together before you added maca, so I would play around with maca and just figure what dose of FG, either go back to your dose before maca or keep it where you have it now and also add the hops slowly..hey wait I have a better idea.. really why dont you just start over like you new at this, well kind of like that..

as for the winter theory of growth slowing down, for some reason I grow bigger in the winter, I guess that is when I put weight on too.. so kind of looking forward to the cold weather but not really just love summer sooooooooooooo much..going to miss it.Sad sorry for rambling I hope you got what I was trying to get at with your regimen..Rolleyes

Quick ?..I want to take my flaxseed oil but it has lignans sp? how or what could I do to counter act it from interfering with Aromatase which will lead to high testoseterone..take more SP?

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