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Long time hops & FG user


Haha Susan Big Grin

The way you write it: I can just see it happening! And yes, the heavy weightwork just gave me quads, too. That's why I want to start maca. But you seem to be getting somewhere. You've got the ankle weights, so you can try weighted donkey kicks. The maca sistahs do a lot of these, and squeezes, and bicycle rides:

I was looking for a pro doing heavy butt exercises without weights and found the "glute master". Look at how she does the lunges, and at how her hips look while doing them:
Some of her exercises are new to me (at the end of the clip):
She's got a website full of them:

Erm... forgive me for asking... who´s Haley?

(03-07-2011, 09:54)Isabelle Wrote:  Haha Susan Big Grin

The way you write it: I can just see it happening! And yes, the heavy weightwork just gave me quads, too. That's why I want to start maca. But you seem to be getting somewhere. You've got the ankle weights, so you can try weighted donkey kicks. The maca sistahs do a lot of these, and squeezes, and bicycle rides:

I was looking for a pro doing heavy butt exercises without weights and found the "glute master". Look at how she does the lunges, and at how her hips look while doing them:
Some of her exercises are new to me (at the end of the clip):
She's got a website full of them:

Erm... forgive me for asking... who´s Haley?

Wow she is beautiful..what a awesome body!!!!..yeap that is the butt I want and leggs..

Sorry I spelt her name wrong Halle Berry..she is beautiful too..just google her name..

Oh I found a really good but extremely hard exercise for the abs/hams/calf/butt/thigh this is just one exercise and I tried it and it gave me a charlie horse in both hams but it does hit the hams for sure and butt.. it is called glute ham are more exercises that are for hams and glute using weights but they target those muscles mostly..and he says if you have muscle atrophy (which I believe I have in those muscles) this is what he wrote: Once the injury has fully healed then it would be prudent to train the hamstrings every 48 hours using increasing resistance with linear progression for 3 sets of 8-12 reps to stimulate hypertrophy. After several weeks (3-4) of that you can really start to vary it up by using different exercises, heavier weights, maybe some deadlifts. At that time you might only be training your hamstrings once or twice a week, but with much more volume and intensity. He mentions in another reply that the hams have a certain kind of twitching..and they need to be hit differently..I believe they are the hardest muscle to work..
Read the replies that follow the exercises:

Heey thanks Susan,

I used to do a lot of glute ham raises, but forgot about them because I needed a gym buddy to do them regularly. After a year or so, the coach taught us to flip our butts into the air just before touching the floor, and sweep our noses towards our knees just above the floor, and then whip our backs up to the starting position... but that was quite a few years ago Dodgy Do you think it's safe to do the one in the video with my heels under some furniture?

Fast and slow muscle fibres... hm... that's another good idea. Squats and lunges do only the slow ones. I definitely need to add fast movements to my butt routine - thanks!

I tried!!! to do the ham glute raise and my hams couldnt take it so as you ask I think maybe we can find a way to do them dif. until we build up strenght..If you do try them be careful and yes u can use the bed just make sure it doesnt moveHuh and have your hands out front just in case you have to stop yourself from slam dunkin your face to the floor...The exercise you mentioned reminded me of this chick I just found the other day... she is beautiful tooo..and yes her boobs are implants..just to let you know but they look awesome but I believe mine with look just as good naturally..I will reach my 36C again I know it...anyway she has an awesome body too and she has really good workouts mostly combat type..I am trying to get a bunch of good exercise together and then sticking with them like glue..hehe..I want that body too.

Whoaa she's awesome! You'll get there, and with natural breasts too. I think your idea on fast muscles is the key. If she does combat, she trains the fast ones. With the yoga set on the home page, she targets the slow ones. So if you do both where you want the volume (breasts, butt), slow ones where you want posture (abs, back), and fast ones where you need muscletone (legs)? We'll just give it a try. I'll experiment with the glute ham raises too.

Pumping butts. Love it Big Grin

Yes that makes sense..haha to bad we didnt live close to each other we could be workout buddies...well we are cyber workout buddies..Big Grin Today I took a rest from exercise plus I have a headache good thing it workout that way...haha..hey I plan on posting pics of my girls and lower too and my complexion too..I took them about a month ago and then I will take current ...k..

Yes, Susan: cyber workout buddies Big Grin

Hope your headache is better today Huh You really listen to your body well. You so deserve getting it all sorted out: keep up the good work Smile

I'm also trying to take a look inside now. I ran out of Q10 a week ago, stopped glucosamine a few days ago, ran out of milk thistle yesterday, and will take my last ginkgo biloba tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is exactly a month after the first day of my break on milk thistle. Ginkgo is also a mild anti-androgen, so it might be wise to take my first teaspoon of hops flowers tomorrow, as planned. In the evening, of course, because hops, like so many NBE herbs as you noticed, is excellent for sleep Big Grin

But am I ready? I extensively studied Eve M's program Eve's program Cselestyna's thread "EveM's program"
I also read Wahaika's recommendations for hope again:
My diet is OK now. My supplements will be down to only the multivitamin after tomorrow morning.

I think I'm past the testosterone peak. Tranny folk lore has it that if you stop NBE, testosterone comes back with a vengeance! Had my pony tail (over a foot long!) cut, more than a week ago. Had my first pimple in ten years of NBE. It's healed now. My writing style is less blunt than a week ago. I look more male, but not much is changing any more now. I lost half of my breast size, and if I stop, they should be gone two months from now.

Emotionally, I feel different about it each day. Today a bit sad, yesterday relieved, a week ago hopeless. Would like to let my feelings level out a bit longer, but will they?

And the will, is it really there? Hops and fenugreek grow in a garden of pleasure. But deep discussions about PM on the male NBE forum are a warning sign: am I just postponing a decision?

The most prominent Dutch gender clinic have rounded up post op TSes many years after, and asked them about their health and well-being. They are wrecks. I don't want to go there. After all those years, I have found peace with being male. But it's such damned fun to walk on the wild side Tongue

(04-07-2011, 13:16)Isabelle Wrote:  Yes, Susan: cyber workout buddies Big Grin

Hope your headache is better today Huh You really listen to your body well. You so deserve getting it all sorted out: keep up the good work Smile

I'm also trying to take a look inside now. I ran out of Q10 a week ago, stopped glucosamine a few days ago, ran out of milk thistle yesterday, and will take my last ginkgo biloba tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is exactly a month after the first day of my break on milk thistle. Ginkgo is also a mild anti-androgen, so it might be wise to take my first teaspoon of hops flowers tomorrow, as planned. In the evening, of course, because hops, like so many NBE herbs as you noticed, is excellent for sleep Big Grin

But am I ready? I extensively studied Eve M's program Eve's program Cselestyna's thread "EveM's program"
I also read Wahaika's recommendations for hope again:
My diet is OK now. My supplements will be down to only the multivitamin after tomorrow morning.

I think I'm past the testosterone peak. Tranny folk lore has it that if you stop NBE, testosterone comes back with a vengeance! Had my pony tail (over a foot long!) cut, more than a week ago. Had my first pimple in ten years of NBE. It's healed now. My writing style is less blunt than a week ago. I look more male, but not much is changing any more now. I lost half of my breast size, and if I stop, they should be gone two months from now.

Emotionally, I feel different about it each day. Today a bit sad, yesterday relieved, a week ago hopeless. Would like to let my feelings level out a bit longer, but will they?

And the will, is it really there? Hops and fenugreek grow in a garden of pleasure. But deep discussions about PM on the male NBE forum are a warning sign: am I just postponing a decision?

The most prominent Dutch gender clinic have rounded up post op TSes many years after, and asked them about their health and well-being. They are wrecks. I don't want to go there. After all those years, I have found peace with being male. But it's such damned fun to walk on the wild side Tongue

Isabelle not sure what your want to stop the NBE...or are you gettind discouraged.. As I was reading this post I was thinking maybe you should think of taking PM and then you mentioned it but after that you sounded like you dont want to do anymore NBE..If so then it is what it have learned alot through the experience of your health and body so if you dont continue with NBE it isnt a loss if anything it is a total gain of experience in all, mind, spirit, soul and made you more in touch with yourself..Smile

Yes, really, thank you Susan,

I feel so free after reading your post! I certainly would stay on the forum, if only to know how you are doing. I don't know what I'll do tomorrow in the kitchen with a cup of milk and a teaspoon of hops flowers in my hands Huh

Being male in NBE sometimes brings up the question. What am I doing to myself? Is this really healthy? Anyway, you'll be the first to know tomorrow Smile

How did the pics go? Anxious to know, I'm really useless with cameras!

Yes keep in touch.. we need your knowledge around here so hang around to give some advise .. haha now you will have more time to research things for us..haha just kidding..

as for the pics I probably will do them tomorrow..

Oh I feel better today..did have some headache when I woke up but gone now.

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