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Long time hops & FG user



have you looked into Paleo diet? i don't follow it myself, but researching on carbs/grains and insulin resistance shed a whole new light on what i chose to eat. ever since i cut down on grains/sugar/glucose/fructose, the noticed that the fat around my belly is going away. some mornings, i wake up with completely flat belly, which has never happened since highschool.

wether you chose to continue with NBE or not, it's important to be healthy. i too sometimes wonder if it's wise for me to be taking all these herbs attempting NBE. i'm counter balancing the hormonal push and pulls i'm doing to my body by eating healthy and exercising. i'm excited to check out all the exercise links you and susan have been sharing.

oh and i forgot to mention earlier, the MSM brand i'm taking is Now foods in powder form.

happy fourth of july!

Happy 4th of July too, lled,

And thanks for bringing up the Paleo diet: I don't know it, but I'll definitely look into it. I also felt the need to cut not only sugar, white flour, bread, and white rice, but fruit too, so it strikes me you mention fructose. I also found this morning there's no abdominal fat left to grab when I'm standing or lying down, only when I sit.

I think it helped I stopped glucosamine, too. And I'll make a goat's rue batter. Just found out about another herb that may help there:

I'm also trying to balance health, cutting on supplements, and starting NBE, in that order. Don't know yet what I will do tomorrow evening with the first teaspoon of hops. About exercise, I remember what the physiotherapist said 22 years ago when I first joined a commercial gym and explained my goals. He said exercise was not going to take away abdominal fat and put it elsewhere, because fat distribution is determined by hormones. Now, for the first time since that comment, I have a feeling I can effectively divide my goals for shaping my body between exercise and herbs/diet. I have come to believe that hormonal push and pull is not necessarily a bad thing. It can really help health.

Interesting that you have these great effects with Now MSM. My favorite herb shop carry the same MSM, only the caption they wrote above it is confusing, so I didn't notice it before:
The price is really good. Thanks for getting back to me on this!

This morning, I woke up feeling boobie greed. This means I unconsciously had already decided to commit to another three month ramp. I took the first tablespoon (1000 mg) of dried hops flowers an hour ago, and I'm already sleepy. It tasted as bitter as fifteen beers in one glass of milk!

Hops is a safe herb to start with, because it has no progestogenic or androgenic activity:

At a high dose (> 4000 mg), it also increases serum GH, but it decreases serum IGF-1 levels:
So I will ramp to 3000 mg in three days, and hold for a day.
#44 beers and milk..your too funny.. It just dawned on me ...I couldn't have hop either..every time I drink beer I break out and feel so tired the next day...I believe because of the fermentation..not sure..but I wouldnt chance it..yeap I am miss sensitative to eating and taking things.. anyway..I was kind of sad you wouldn't be on the NBE journey with us but whoo hoo welcome back!!!!!!! I was talking to this girl at the store and while I was talking to her I thought to myself I want to get back my 36c/d and more..I want to be big and get greedy too..why not we are going through so much just to get at least 1 cup if it is going good full force ..then hey keep it coming..Big Grin I also was thinking (when you do alot of walking the thinking factor kicks in..hehe) that it is a total must to keep your mind totally positive and can do attitude..

Hey Isabelle doesnt your signature say trust you instinct...well do what you wrote..little chick a deeBig Grin

Yess, thank you, Susan,

Feels great to be back again. When I close my eyes, I see myself massaging my F's and filling out size 34 jeans Big Grin

I just needed to ask myself: is that really where I want to go? So the answer is yes. Don't know why, but it is Blush

Had my 8 hours, but still sleepy. Have to get used to the hops again.

I was taking hops extract just to boost my results (greenbush kit of liquid extracts) and I thought it was weird that my daughter let me sleep through the night and I was still tired! LOL I guess when this bottle runs out I won't get anymore. Now I need a nap!
Whatever path you choose, to continue or not, I wish you happiness!

Thank you Chiquitabella,

I was just about to take two tablespoons in a glass of milk. Give it an hour or so. Then I'll be falling asleep right here on the forum Smile

I do hope I build some tolerance for the hops. I was planning to ramp up fenugreek after hops, and then maca. But I can't bring on the maca if the hops still makes me so sleepy. Any junk would know a cocktail of uppers and downers is a bad idea Dodgy

Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker. It was actually Friedrich Nietzsche who wrote that Big Grin

What does not kill me, make me stronger. Love that line...Here's to us NBErs, that we won't harm ourselves with all these stuff we're putting in our bodies. Husband is terrified at the amount of supplements I'm taking, and was serious when he told me if I can put labels on my bottles, just in case I ended up having a reaction to these powders. Coming from someone who hates taking any kind of medications, and even opted for no meds with my 4 babies.

So happy that you decided to continue with your NBE pro...I so learn so much from your posts.

Hi Soonenough, thank you, and you're welcome

Give it time: his opinion may change when your health is becoming better than his Smile My ex is asking for advice nowadays, gave her FG and nigella sativa this weekend Wink

Just ate my two tablespoons of dried hops flowers in milk, microwaved, with added breakfast cereals including oats and broken flaxseed, and sweetened with honey and raisins, OK - carbs - I know, but I hardly tasted the hops this time. I don't even like beer Sad

I still wonder how Eve stayed awake. There is some work on how hops promotes sleep. The sleep-inducing-effects of hops extract are possibly mediated through activation of melatonin receptors:
The competitive melatonin receptor antagonist luzindole helps, but I'm not going to add some creepy chemical to my program.

Hops is related to hemp, but it's clean:

So I looked deeper into melatonin receptors. Many NBE herbs actually contain melatonin, even though the dose is small when compared to the dose in OTC sleeping pills:
Melatonin in plants.
Table 1 Melatonin contents in some plants organs
Common name... Scientific name...................... Organ Melatonin (ng/g)
Fenugreek........ Trigonella foenum-graecum (L.). Seeds 43
Fennel............. Foeniculum vulgare (Gilib.)........ Seeds 28
Alfalfa............. Medicago Sativum (L.)............. Seeds 16
Flax................ Linum usitatissimum (L.)........... Seeds 12
Anise.............. Pimpinella anisum (L.)............... Seeds 7
Corn............... Zea mays (L.)......................... Seeds 2
Milk Thistle...... Silybum Marianum..................... Seeds 2
Oat................ Avena Sativa (L.)..................... Seeds 2
Barley............. Hordeum vulgare (L.)................ Seeds 0.4
The full table is also accessible:

Melatonin sets the clock to night time. Maybe there's something in Eve's program that sets it back to daytime, using serotonin. The only ingredient in Eve M's program that could help serotonin is soy:
These findings suggest that genistein up-regulates the activity of neuronal monoamine transporters, noradrenaline transporter and serotonin transporter:

I thought soy was only in Eve M's program as a source of protein. I'll try soy milk, and maybe even the powder too. I know Wahaika is not a fan of soy in NBE, because it slows the thyroid. So I may have to supplement for that - kelp and L-tyrosine. But I want to check the obvious ones first: just started by checking my toothpaste. It contains fluoride, so I need a fluoride free one while I'm experimenting with soy.

Fortunately, there is good literature on the interactions between hops, soy, and flax Smile

Why not take GABA I thought that was the same effect as melatonin..just take it at night..[/align]they even sell melatonin pills..I have some but dont take them.. Can anyone tell me what HGH is and how to get it or use it..

Wake up Isabelle...

Thank you

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