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Generic BO this time around

Thanks so much Ginie! but i thouhgt BO was good for teenagers? I htought BB worked better for teens..? would it be bad if i took that? I have 6 months before my boyfriend comes back from deployment and i was hopeing that i could buy BB or UB or do your plan and be atleast a cup size bigger.. ha I just dont know what to do now.. I want to order something..
I dont think my boobs are going to grow that big anytime soon.. because I am VERY athletic and I dont have much fat on me. Im built like a boy hah and Im constantly working out everyday weather i want to or not.. and I sweat my boob away.. so Im pretty sure ill end up not having any boobs eitherway.. I dont want to become infertil though.. what vitamins would you recommend? also is there a website i can find these massages on?
Im really considering buying UB or BB and NB soon.. but I was reading your posts and one of them said that you got curves aswell using something..? can i take that?
thanks for replying back! i have posted so many things all over the place and havent heard back from anyone and im so glad someone finally wrote back! thanks soo much for helping me im so lost on here! Big Grin ha

Hi Niki, hm, what you said about your workouts makes me think that it will be difficult to grow boobs wether you take any herbs/BO or not. What is your goal - loose weight or get curves or maintain what you have now? Loosing weight doesn't go very well with NBE usually. If you want to get curves and keep an athletic body then it's difficult but possible - you will have to reduce aerobics and do mainly weights plus eat protein plus people add Maca but I'm not sure it's OK at your age. The thing is that you're still developing and nobody really knows how these herbs will interfere it. You can read about Maca on this site or on blachairmedia, there's a lot of evidenca that Maca is great for booty if you wor out at the same time.

I do understand you, your desire to get the boobs "here and now" but I'm 36 and I can speak from experience - please put your health first. NBE is all about messing with your hormones and this can be dangerous for the reproductive system. So, if you decide to take any herbs use a low dose, as for BO - it is even less understood than herbs so it's all at your own risk. Nobody will tell you it's safe and if they do - don't believe them, they just don't know!

If you read previous answer you will be able to make a really good program which will not put your health at risk. If you want quick results then my advice is to order a Noogleberry. It's a great thing! Also I think it's OK to buy a lotion with PM, they say it doens't have a systemic effect (it means it will only effect your boobs). And massage! Just don't massage right after noogling, it reduces the sweling. Go to Noogleberry forum and just look at the great pictures! People achieved this without any supplements! Vitamins (EFA, C), MSM, collagen - al lthis is safe for you and great for boobs and skin. I'm sure you will have great results with it!

I just want to get boobs ha i dont care if I gain some weight.. I work out because I havet too(for sports), and I just want to have a realy high endurance n I lift weights on my legs because my legs are dynomite! Big Grin hahaa whats maca? and what PM moisturizer would ou suggest? I wasnt thinkin of doing herbs only because i hear it is all just water weight.. and BB claims it works best on teens though.. so I'm still kinda on the not sure if i should buy it or not.. Im definately going to get NB now but did you mean vitamns E, F, A, and C? or EFA, and C? can i get collagen at the store or should i order online? I take calcuim pills already but I'll defianately go buy the others aswell. :] sorry for all the qeustions.. your hte only person who actually is helping me make a wise decision. thanks so much it means a lot to fianly get some answers ha. so a defiante NO on UB n BB..? I think whever you think will get me the best results faster I'll doBig Grin

Sorry for all the misspellings I was on my phone..

Ginie, would you recommend St. Herb over Siriporn or vice versa? i've been doing St. Herb for about 2 months now and my boobs are finally "awakened" after a year of trying all methods of NBE. the thing is, St. Herb is very expensive as we all know. i've been giving Siriporn a try and it's only been almost a week. i don't know if i should halt St. Herb and give Siriporn a chance at the risk of stalling growth or worse, lose what little i've gained, or if i should stick to St. Herb since that's been working for me. curious to know which of the two brands you like better.

i was also thinking that perhaps it's not PM at all but noogling. i've been noogling for a year though and hasn't had any success with it until this past 2 months (incidentally around the time i started PM and goat's rue)... how long after you started noogling did you start to experience growth?

(27-07-2011, 13:40)Ginie Wrote:  Hi Melissa, no, not a stupid question at all. When my NB arrived and I opened it - I couldn't use it at all! There was no suction, whatsoever! So, I will try to explain. First of all a lot depends on the domes. I have new contoured domes, they are Ls. Really glad that I went for them and not the regular ones. So basically what happens is that there's not enough room on my chest for both of them to sit "correctly". When I use one at a time I don't move it to the center intentionally, I just put it on so that the center of the dome (where the tube is attached) is positioned exactly where the nipple is (vertically). When I do it I see that the edge of the dome is also covering a little bit of the area further than a center of my chest. I think that this was what did the trick with getting some meat on right there. If you put both domes on at the same time their edges will be touching each other leaving much more area uncovered. Hope I managed to explain Smile

Hi Ginie,
I just got my NB and I am so excited!!!
I tried doing what you did, placing the dome to postition exactly where the nipple is, but the edge of the dome does not reach the center of my chest Huh
I think I should have ordered the large, I ordered the medium. I am pretty sure that the large would have been perfect for what you did about the center of the chest. Lesson learned. Or maybe I have a wider chest, I don't know. I guess I will use the M's for a while and then I will buy the L's.I was able to place both domes at the same time. I first used a lotion and the domes would not stay on! So I did what you suggested, I used oil, olive oil, to be exact and it was perfect! I noogled for 30 minutes earlier. I am noogling again right now as I type, hopefully I will do an hour this time.

How're you doing? Smile

Hi again, I don't know if its proper for me to post this question here but I know ginie or anyone else from this thread can answer me somehow Smile I would like to know how many mg of pueraria did the japanese girl, chiyomilk , took when she was still growing her boobies. I'd also like to know how many B up drop did she take during her luteal phase. I am planning to buy same pm like hers but I think ill get the cheaper one, Thanks

Hi Lled34aa, I started with St.Herb but experienced most of the growth on Siriporn. It doesn't necessary mean that St.Herb is worse, maybe it took few months for PM to kick in? But when I switched to Siriporn I immediately felt something different. I was waking up literally with bigger breasts every night! Also I had delays when I was on Siriporn and that can mean that it is stronger. I'm running out of my supplies of PM and I will go for Siriporn. It's cheaper, yes. I'm brought up thinking that if somehting is more expensive then it has to be better Smile Not working like that!

St.Herb's capsules contain other herbs and nobody knows what they are. Siriporn - pure PM. Siriporn's lotion smells funny but for me it has been working better. The only thing I'm not sure about is their "serum" which is nothing like a serum at all, it's just oil and I use it for noogling,

As for noogling I definately think that without PM it wouldn't have given me those results. Or actually, maybe without noogling PM wouldn't have given those results?? Huh So confusing! All I can say is that those two are working in synergy. I started noogling 2 months before I got my PM and I didn't notice any significant change. After I added PM I saw the difference (dramatic!) during luteal phase. And! It didn't shrink back!

One more thing about Siriporn. I feel pains in my breasts when on it and before I never felt any pains, neither on BO nor on St.Herb (though I grew a bit on both BB and St.Herb). The pains are there almost throughout the cycle, even after the period I feel them though they are not that bad. Before period the boobs were really sore.

Hi Melissa, when I was ordering my NB I ordered both medium cups and new large ones. The mediums I couldn't use for hte same reason as you. The new contured L's I use and I think they're perfect for my chest. Yes, oil is definately better! And I also recommend noogling when you lay dawn, you get much better swelling. The best proven technique is 15 minetes pump and release, 30 minutes pump and hol and 15 minutes pump and release. You will also benefit if you either massage for 5-10 minues or use a heating pad before noogling.

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