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Generic BO this time around

Goodmorning Ginie,

You mentioned the breast cream..I went to the site not sure if it was the right it called Ro-bust (the cream) maybe it is a good strength that is why it smells funny.. but my question is how do you think it is working..have you used other PM creams.. I have another question..they say 120/100mgs (then you get 60caps free with order) they say this amount is will last a premenopausal women 4 could that pills are 500mgs 100 in a bottle and if taken 2 a day I believe that is 2 months the brand your taking that strong you take least mgs..

Hi Nikki, bovarian ovary lowers FSH, a very VERY important hormone for women. FSH is getting higher and higher when a woman is reaching menopause. So do you think it is safe for a very young girl to take BO? I don't think so. I'm not a doctor but I can figure out that what is good for a menopausal woman is not going to be very good for a girl who is still developing. Just stick to my advices and you will grow wonderfully! Because they are not just my advices, I/ve been doing NBE on and off for years and trust me - these are the things that really worked for many women.

Yes, you can buy collagen (better in powder) in health shops or online. I take multivitamins and EFA. If you are're going to add msm then take it with vitC and take vit C separately from Ca.

For massage you can use oils or a lotion (though they absorb faster) - choose any but stay away from those packed with harmful chemicals, parabens, so on. I'm sure you will find plenty of good stuff in your nearest health shop.

Did you visit NB forum? You will find tons of examples and advices there, girls and guys grow just on NB alone! Smile If you mess with your hormones (BO or herbs) you may destroy your hormonal balance and that doesn't only mean getting overweight or infertile, for example. Use a non-risky healthy method (NB, vitamins, msm, collagen, massage) and you will remain healthy with a terrific figure! Good luck!

Hi Isabelle, I'm doing alright. I'm going through a very stressful time because we are moving to another country soon and so many things needs to be arranged. So this is why I started taking herbs with calming effect - valeriana root, melissa, hops, they come in one pill and I already notice a relaxing effect. I once lost all the growth from Fengshui's program when I went through a huge stress and I've learned my lesson - stress kills breast growth. Maybe this was the reason I didn't develop breasts in puberty because I was pretty neurotic then.

I don't take PM pills this month, decided to use the lotion only just because I'm not sure I want to grow further. Still getting used to having breastsSmile I do take other supplements though because I like what they do for skin and hair.

Hi Shyfly, as far as I can remember she was taking around 300mg a day. 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. B-Up Drop is the same, 2 a day. Japanese packs a re very convinient - use always get a monthly supply in one pack.

Hi Beachbumpythe sea, exactly that - their pills are pure PM, besides they claim it is farmed, not wild, this is why you need a lower dose. 1 pill in the morning and 2 in the evening. Let's say you take them 14 days a month, in this case it will last you long. Menopuasal women I believe should take just 1 a day without breaks. I don't have the bottle with me, can't check what it says on the package.

I used St.Herb lotion and pills before trying Siriporn. Maybe it was the time for PM to start working seriously or maybe siriporn is just better, I don't know but the results on siriporn are definately better for me.

Thank you Ginie...I may switch to that brand also because you can regulate the dose better..I figured it was a better for that matter the price is pretty good..did it take long for I know when to order them..

Sorry to hear your stressed and congrats on your growth..I am planning on getting the NB soon..the NB wouldnt make my titas sag will it? Could you go to my pics and see what my titas look like and let me know if I am a good canidate sp? for using it..Thank you

What about the cream you are using is it the do you think it is working..

Smile No, it will not make your titas sag! Just take a look at NB forum's pictures - amasing results on women with sagging breasts, on tubular breasts, on any type of breasts, so don't worry, you are a good candidate. I remember it was Anastasia who converted me into NB fan and I still believe it is the best thing I've ever done for NBE.

I used pills, lotion and "serum" from Siriporn. The "serum" is just oil, it doesn't get absorbed well, so I use it for noogling. Robust lotion smells not that pleasant. Delivery was fast even though I live in Europe, in the US I believe it is even faster. Be prepared for the smell of their lotion! Smile

Actually, after siriporn I wanted to try Ainterol but so far I think I will stick to SIriporn for a while. Maybe later I will switch to Ainterol. I decided to try different brands just because there was so much crap on this forum where many people were trying to push their products by making other brands look bad that in the end I didn't trust anyone's opinion - I decided to pick 2-3 brands and find out for myself what works for me better. I still think St.Herb works too, it's just my opinion that Siriporn worked better for me.

Ok..good..Thank you soooo much for taking the time to answer my quesitons..

I have one more and I will let you be..

I think it was you today on another thread mentioning do you know if your levels are good without blood work..any this what helps ovulation and I noticed on the chart Wahaika has on his site for the womens cycle that most everything is at its peak between days 9-15 and progest. is on its own..hehe awh..

(09-08-2011, 13:49)Ginie Wrote:  Hi Shyfly, as far as I can remember she was taking around 300mg a day. 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. B-Up Drop is the same, 2 a day. Japanese packs a re very convinient - use always get a monthly supply in one pack.

thank you so much Smile

(09-08-2011, 13:19)Ginie Wrote:  Hi Melissa, when I was ordering my NB I ordered both medium cups and new large ones. The mediums I couldn't use for hte same reason as you. The new contured L's I use and I think they're perfect for my chest. Yes, oil is definately better! And I also recommend noogling when you lay dawn, you get much better swelling. The best proven technique is 15 minetes pump and release, 30 minutes pump and hol and 15 minutes pump and release. You will also benefit if you either massage for 5-10 minues or use a heating pad before noogling.

Hi Ginie.
Gosh, you are so helpful!!!
I can honestly say that I have learned a lot from you. I think I can speak for all of us, when I say... thank you so much for replying to each and every one of us. You are motivating us and very inspiring to us!
I will order the large contoured soon! I am almost filling my M cups.

I am just curious...
Since you pumped one breast at a time, what did you use to cut off the air to the other tube? Did you use a clamp, airlock or something else?

If I do switch over to PM, I want to try Siriporn. How many bottles of Siriporn PM pills and Ro-bust lotion do you reccommed I should buy?

Thank you so much!!!!

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