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Generic BO this time around


Well if I were you right now, I would just order the mediums as well and go ahead and have the L's sent. That way you'll have them when you are ready to move up to them. I'm not sure how quickly others moved up in dome sizes but I waited until I could fill the domes within the first 2 min of pumping before moving on to the next size. I have overpumped a few times, not often and I never did it hard enough to cause severe damage, just got the red dots haha, they go away after a couple days though. I never used any type of rings or padding on my domes until I got to the XL's, I used campers tape on the XL's at first for the first couple months, now I don't use it at all. I have a high tolerance to pain and maybe I'm more fleshy on the ribs than others, but the domes don't really hurt me much. The reason why I had to use the padding with the XL's is because at first they were so massive that they were the only ones that dug into my ribs and without the padding I added they pinched nerves causing pain to shoot down my arm! I wish they had the size in between the L and the XL back then haha.

As far as dairy making you bigger, it may be true for some, not so much for me lol. I tried that when I was 15 or so. Like a male friend of mine at the time wasn't overweight really, he wasn't rail skinny either, but he had boobs bigger than mine! He was like a small C cup and I asked him what he thought happened. He said he drinks alot of homogenized milk and he thinks it happened from that, he started working out intensely and they went away for him, that wouldn't happen as easily for women wanting to reduce their size, males can do it easier because of their testosterone. Women body builders lose their breasts fast if they take steroids. But anyway, so I started drinking a quart of milk per day, homogenized and all, did that for a good year, NOTHING, not jack lol. But like you I was under alot of stress during my teens and if I started to gain any weight, my mom hounded me so much to not become fat that I wouldn't eat much until I lost again. My mom meant well, I'm adopted and my biological mom is morbidly obese, which is what I struggle with now, the slow metabolism I mean. So I definitely think a poor diet and stress during teens effects breast growth. My stress came from MANY things, I had a very rough child hood, moved out at 15 cause I couldn't take it anymore. Room-mated with an older friend that had her own apartment, she let me stay for free as long as I cleaned the place and took care of her baby while she worked, like after the daycare hours. Then I got a part time job and eventually started supporting myself, have done so ever since. So yea, HIGH stress for me during my teens. But if you can learn to manage your stress, take NBE easy, you'll do fine.

I meditate alot, take nice long hot baths and sip herbal teas, that's how I deal with any stress, and trust me life happens, you can't stop stuff from happening that's going to stress you, what you can do is manage that stress better. Also working out helps. I workout every morning, I do at least yoga if nothing else. Any time of exercise daily helps stress levels. It doesn't have to be intense workouts, it can be just walking. Walk through the park when it's nice, stop to smell the flowers as they say. Just take time where nothing else matters. Like when I workout or take my hot baths, I imagine there is no stress in my life and for that moment nothing else matters but the feelings I'm feeling from the warmth of the water surrounding me, to the burn of the workout or the relaxation the yoga moves will have on my muscles. I know I sound crazy but it works. And believe me I have many things I should be stressed about even right now... but look at it this way, those things are going to be there whether you are stressed or not. You will have to resolve whatever it is, stressed or not, why not do it not stressed?

I started this way of thinking when I was about... 19? Maybe 18 going on 19, around that time. I was in an abusive relationship with my son's father from when I was 15 until I left him at about 19, he wasn't abusive at first, he became that way while I was pregnant at 16/17. He was more emotionally and mentally abusive then anything else and he used the hell out of me, I was too blind to see it at first. When I was 18/19 I woke the hell up and seen him for what he was, didn't like what I saw at all! So I decided enough was enough and I left him, best thing I ever did. I then moved in with his mother as she offered me a place to stay, didn't ask for money but I gave her around $200 a week just because that's how I am. After a few short weeks she went crazy on me so I left, went to stay with my mom, my mom lived in government housing at the time, and I wasn't suppose to be there. Once they found out I was, they said I had to be out in 3 days or she would be kicked out. OMG My mom stressed sooo bad, but this was around the time I came to my realization about stress. She was freaking out and I said to her "there is no need to freak out and chain smoke like you are doing, it will not help the situation, it will only ruin your health in the process, everything will be fine" she yelled at me claiming how do I know it will, I said, "I don't know how I know, I just know it will". Now I should also say that before my son was ever thought of I was homeless for a few weeks, it was when the girl I was room-mating with got in hard times and I was kicked out, I was living on the streets for a couple of weeks until I found another place to stay. So the situation when I was 18 or so didn't scare me as much as it may others because of that. Yes, I had a child to think of though, but I still didn't stress. And since I didn't stress guess what happened? I only had $400 to my name, not near enough to pay for an apartment to stay. When they told my mom I had 3 days to be out, we went looking for me somewhere to stay, I found a place where a lady knew me and she allowed me to pay only the $250 deposit and I would pay first and 2nd months rent the following month. So I got a place within 1 day, didn't even need the 3. I did have a job at the time so was able to afford it. So moral of this story, stop stressing, when you stress it only makes things worse, when you don't and think logically, things work out.

I'm not sharing any of this for sympathy, I'm the type that hates people to feel sorry for me. I just wanted to illustrate for you a better understanding of how you can deal with stress. Hold your head up high girl, it's never THAT bad. LOL sorry for the really long post and me being long winded, I get carried away sometimes Tongue

Thank you so much, Anastasia! I was reading your reply over and over. You've been through a lot. And yet this only made you want to help others. With advice, with few kind words. Thank you. No relatioship is perfect, I guess I must keep repeating it..

Your way of thinking is buddist-like Smile "things will happen whether you stress over them or not"!Smile

I get hurt so easily. I know it must be my childhood when I didn't feel love or attention (we were poor and my mom was struggling to raise me). I also have low self esteem. My husband's ex-girlfriend is very well-endowed and I was driving myself crazy because I was comparing myself to her. Why was I doing that I have no idea. Maybe I was scared that he will leave me and go back to her? Thank God I found this forum Smile and when I saw my breasts getting bigger I kinda started feeling better about myself! I know, it shouldn't be like that because the way I feel about myself must not depend on the size of my breasts! Isn't it ridiculous? I (otherwise very reasonable person) become crazy and stupid when it comes to self esteem Sad I guess it is something irrational. How to fight it I have no idea. I just recently started understanding that the size of the breasts is not that important to men. There are even those who prefer women with small breasts! Smile

Did your self-esteem change after you gained 2 cup sizes? I still can't imagine what it feels like. And actually this might be one of the problems too - I must BELIEVE that I CAN have bigger breasts! I have read in the other thread (about hypnosys) that it is important to have the right image of yourself in your head! Your body kinda lives up to that picture! I don't quite understand it myself how it works. So I just keep trying to picture myself with a perfect body! Smile I wish I could order a CD with that hypnosis thing but English is not my native language and I'm not sure it will work for me if the track is in English.

OK, about my measurements. After the period my boobs looked a little bit deflated but just for a day or two. Very quickly they started getting fuller again and now on day 6 of my cycle look almost like before the period! Smile

I must continue with massage. I also decided to stop Omega 3-6-9 (every tme I start with it I get little pimples because Omega 6 can also promote inflamation). I shall buy just fish oil instead.

To be honest with you, the things I shared here are mild compared to some other things I have been through, I could write a book haha. But like I said, I hate sharing some things because instantly it makes people sad, it makes them feel sorry for me, and that's the last thing I want. I have a survivor type mentality not a victim one, I never consider myself a victim. And haha yea plenty of my ways of thinking and philosophies are Buddhist-like. But I an not Buddhist though I believe Buddha was a very wise person, I do not follow an organized religion view. But if I had to closely match my personal beliefs to an organized religion it would be between Paganism and Buddhism.

I grew up in poverty to, trust me I understand. I grew up in a "ghetto" where there were drug addicts, drug dealers, prostitutes, you name it. Drive bys happened and I often dodged bullets. My mom tried her best but often we didn't have money to eat and we got food from a church (my mom is Christian), often our utilities were cut off. Sometimes I had to go without baths because of it, got made fun of at school for smelling and not having nice clothes. But my thought is, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Don't let your past rule you, don't dwell on it. Think of it like this... you are not in that situation now, you are a strong person and you can appreciate things more than other people. I see so many take for granted things that they should be praising that they have. I'm sure you see it to.

I grew 4 cup sizes since starting my NBE journey years ago. And I wouldn't say I had low self esteem. But once I got to a certain size it was nice to be able to look the same size in a normal non-padded bra as I did when I had to wear extremely padded ones and stuff to look like I had something. I mainly wanted the size I was while pregnant and I have achieved that. It feels nice to be able to wear a normal bra or bikini top that isn't padded and still feel sexy. Before if I didn't wear padded ones I felt like a boy. I still thought I looked good as I was in shape, fit, toned, have a nice ass if I may say so lol, etc. It's just nice to have the one thing that I didn't particular like changed to where I am happy. If NBE never worked for me though, I would be just as happy. For me going into it, I was like if it works great, if not, oh well I have a hubby that loves me either way!

As far as subliminal tracks or hypnosis, I think you speak very good English for it not being your native tongue so maybe it will work just fine for you. I use to listen to a subliminal NBE CD every night while going to sleep or meditating. They have a silent track so it's easy to put it on that and sleep or do other things. I usually did it with headphones on so that hubby or anyone near me didn't start growing boobies Tongue haha

Ginie, you are not alone in feeling like this! I, too, struggle with low self-esteem; and I would frequently drive myself crazy because of it. I was a 34AAAAA, so completely flat. I'd wonder if my husband was checking out other women while we were out shopping; if he secretly felt "deprived" when we were intimate. It made me miserable. I still have to drink a few glasses of wine to relax my inhibitions so I feel comfortable enough to be undressed in front of my husband. Isn't that pathetic??? But it is getting easier, now that I'm *all the way up to* a 34AA. I'd give anything to be the size you started with! The turning point for me, too, was finding this forum. It has literally been a Godsend to me. I finally found myself among other wonderful ladies who would like to increase their bust as well; I didn't feel totally alone anymore. Confidence and self-acceptance does not come easy for me, obviously, lol; but being here, among people I consider to be "friends," I feel so much better about myself. And I've come to realize that breasts come in all shapes and sizes; and I'm starting to appreciate my own chest a little bit more. The quote I use in my signature was profoundly inspirational to me; and it's true. Nobody else was making me miserable except me. Hang in there, girl! Being on this NBE journey will make you realize so much more about yourself than you ever knew before; like what a great person you are. Smile

Thank you, Twister_mama, for your support! Smile

After finding this forum and becoming a member of this society I know that I am definately not alone! And I know that there's hope! I see so many people growing, read so many true life successful stories that step by step I start believeing in myself too! Especially since I see my own breasts growing! Of course I want a miracle and i want them to grow to a D cup overnight Smile don't we all?

I spent years thinking why my breasts didn't develop, why it is such a painful subject for me, why I feel insecure and so on. And the strange thing is that no matter how many men told me that my breasts are beautiful, it didn't matter. The more I think about it the more I understand that the key is in psychology. The way we think about things is the way they are. We make our reality and you couldn't be more right about us making ourselves miserable. If we can make ourselves feel miserable, we can do the opposite! I mean, negative thoughts or attitude leads to negative things happening. Positive thinking will lead us to success. I have recently seen the movie Secret. Have you seen it? Pretty interesting thought behind it!

My head is spinning Smile Have been reading all evening about:
Rodial Boob Job
Aumenti Bust Augmentation and Firming Lotion


Hm.. I'm tempted to order Aumenti. The price for Rodial is just crazy. But Aumenti has Bio-Bustyl which tightens the breast (potentially can make them smaller) while Boob Job's main ingredient is Volufiline.

Here's what started all this Smile

I'm been considering a cream with these ingredients also, but I'm leaning more toward Breast Success cream, it has both in it, no herbs, and I found it pretty cheap on ebay. I can't find Aumenti on there anymore though.

I took a look at it but couldn't find what is the percentage of Volufiline in this cream. For example this expensive Japanese product contains 10% of Volufiline which is believed to be very good.
I also contains PM though so I can't take it.

I wanted to email Foreveryoung (they make Aumenti) asking them about the percentage but there's no email! Dodgy Also it is a little bit strange but Volufiline is not listed in the ingredients! Dodgy
A little strange, right?

Cycle 3 day 20. Throughout the cycle I wasn't seeing any growth, it's only now that I have "growth spurt" again. I only take BO, MSM and vitamins. Still waiting for my NB.

I only have BO for the next cycle and then.. and then I don't know yet what I will be doing. I'm on prescription and supposed to take blood tests (hormonal status) next cycle: estrogen in the beginning and around ovulation, prolactin and progesterone in the second half of the cycle. My estrogen and progesterone were a little lower, let's see what BO has done to that. I feel that BO helped me: I don't get night sweats few days before my period (that was due to the drop in estogen), my breasts are fuller/bigger. Other changes are: I started feeling my ovulation, not a pain really, but sort of. My period wasn't painful at all for the last 2 months (maybe it's thanks to BO?). I get small pimples around ovulation and before the period (didn't happen before).

Oh well.. I hope I will get BO prescribed again. But I have started searching for other options if I don't get BO prescribed. One of them is PM. I read and I read and I read about it. It is so frustrating that there's absolutely NO quality information out there Angry All the "information" is from those who sell PM! Can I trust it? Dodgy I actually think that if scientific society put some effort into studying NBE (at least the effects of BO and PM) we wouldn't have to search in the dark like helpless kittens! Angry Why isn't anyone interested in making this syudy? Why does our medical society overlooks such a problem?

I tried to read what we have about PM on this forum but only got disappointed. Girls/guys there are trying to figure at least something out but there's this certain user - she treats people like sh*t, I mean really, like all the people are imbesiles! People are tying to ask her because she obviously has some knowledge but all she does is calling people names! Angry Horrible experience. I don't think I will ever ask anything over there. If I can't get any more BO I will just have to order PM and start a new routine by myself. I have read on NB forum that there's a user who grew into E cup using PM and NB! Isn't that inspiring? Smile

You must be referring to carlaa, the one that is rude that frequents the PM section? Yea she's a pest. She sometimes comes to the other parts of the forum when she isn't getting enough attention and starts fights with people. I really wish people like her could just be permanently banned from the forum. But don't be discouraged hun, there has to be some here that know about PM.

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